
2568 days ago

In defence of the queen of the remoaners - Gina Miller

Please do not get me wrong. Gina Miller is a loathsome creep but I write today in defence of the Queen of the Remoaners.
As a martyr to the cause of Euro-lunacy Gina complains that she is always being attacked. Some of the attacks are fair. She is a patronising Metropolitan elitist who views those of us who voted for independence with undisguised contempt. We did not understand the issues and we are just not as clever as her. She also keeps changing her arguments about what she is seeking to achieve - she talks incoherent nonsense. and she is married to a man with a face like a baboon's arse. All of these are fair criticisms.


3348 days ago

April 18, Westminster, The Investor show of the year 80% sold out – book your seats today!

The final gold tickets went last week. There are now fewer than 500 of the 2000 £12 investor class seats left for the show of the year and at current rates they will be gone within weeks so book your seats TODAY for UK Investor Show 2015 and here are 5 reasons why – you can book HERE.

1. The main stage line up is awesome. Starting at 9 AM with Sajid Javid MP it moves on to take in 45 speakers including: Mark Slater, Luke Johnson, Paul Scott, Ed Croft, Evil Knievil, Chris Bailey, Paul Kavanagh, Lucian Miers, Kevin Ashton, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith (me), Dave Lenigas, Nigel Wray, Nigel Somerville, Ben Turney, Amanda Van Dyke, Thierry Laduguie, Paul Jourdan, Richard Poulden, Clem Chambers, Charlotte Argylle, Dominic Frisby, Lorne Daniel, etc ending up with Ben Edelman to close the show.

2. More than
