159 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video ShareShow No 34 - Ed McDermott of Seed Innovations and a lot of macro musings from myself

I am back with these bonus video shows, this is number 34. In this show I interview one CEO: Ed McDermott of Seed Innovations (SEED) where I am a loyal shareholder with no intention of selling. There are also a stack of macro musings. I hope that you enjoy the show.


261 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: bloody rotten day, Frisby wants me to kill my cats and Bill Gates fecks up a video as I buy more shares

In today’s podcast I discuss forthcoming videos and look at Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Amaroq (AMRQ), Seed Innovations (SEED), John Lewis, Regtech Open Platform (RTOP), Online Blockchain (OBC), ADVFN (AFN), and THG (THG) run by that prick Matt Moulding which is surely still a short even at 70p.


384 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Optibiotix is a BUY & Thames Water makes me sound like a Guardian reading commie

I start with the scandal and it is a scandal at Thames Water even if the greedy trougher of an ex CEO was a bird. Sure diversity blah, blah, blah. Then it is onto a reader request on Gemfields (GEM), Predator Oil & Gas (PRD), Seed Innovations (SEED) – its own worst enemy – and finally Optibiotix (OPTI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX). At least listen to what I have to say before abusing me!


536 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: feeling a bit fragile today for reasons you can guess & is there any way back for disgraced pot stocks?

I am sure you can guess the sport related reasons for the fragility. Blame my pal C who you may have met at ShareStock last year. It is all his fault. I start with that and a milestone this website reached on Friday. Then onto pot/CBD stocks including Seed Innovations (SEED), Chill Brands (CHLL), Oxford Cannabinoid (OCTP), Love Hemp (LIFE) and Cellular Goods (CBX) and “investment expert” Clem Chambers of ADVFN (AFN) infamy. No sniggering at the back please


585 days ago

Seed Innovations – Ed McDermott Bullish but am I losing faith?

Seed Innovations (SEED) was my exposure to cannabis and a jolly disastrous investment it has been. At 2.6p I am almost 80% out of the money. My feeling is that the cannabis bubble has burst and yesterday’s comment on CBD HERE has to be bad news. I cant bring myself to cut the loss although maybe I should.  But of the NAV is 8p as Ed Claims maybe I should hang on? A couple of weeks ago I exchanged emails with Seed boss Ed McDermott asking him if he was alright?


838 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the bursting of a bubble, cannabis and CBD

I explain why the podcast is late. Apologies. Then I look at a bubble which is clearly bursting, what caused it and what happens next.  I mention a number of companies including: Cellular Goods (CBX), Seed Innovations (SEED), Eden Pharma and Chill Brands (CHLL)


1011 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How do you know when an AIM CEO is lying?

In today’s podcast, I consider the video interview I’m doing later on the FCA, Ben’s Creek (BEN) and how its inevitable failure will come to haunt the AIM sewer, Vast Resources (VAST), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Seed Ventures (SEED), Eden Research (EDEN) and the dual list on OTC con, and Predator Oil & Gas (PRD


1020 days ago

Tom Winnifrth Bearcast: Crispin Odey is right, I am not so sure about Ed McDermott

I start with the big oilers and I am sure Odey is right and the woke ESG obsessed fund management mainstream is wrong. Then onto Ed McdDermott and Seed Ventures (SEED) where I am a loyal shareholder but argue for a plan B


1097 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: For a change talking my own book

First up, would you rather listen to Joshua on Dinosaurs than to me on shares tomorrow? He thinks he is the world’s greatest expert but perhaps we should see how he fares on the Sunday quiz if Darren yields to his demands and has some dinosaur questions in it first? In today’s podcast, I look at the FCA’s new business plan, at ADVFN (AFN) and why Yair Tauman need to put up or shut up, at Online Blockchain (OBC), Supply@ME Capital, Seed Ventures (SEED – in detail – and en passant the fraud Zoetic (ZOE) and Orcadian (ORCA) which I backed pre IPO and which Peter Brailey writes up HERE.
