
931 days ago

No Stephen Glover, Lord Melyvn Bragg does not hide his bias on the BBC, it is in his DNA

 In today’s Daily Mail Stephen Glover has penned an excellent piece on the flagrant bias of BBC Radio 4’s flagship Today show. I cannot argue with a word he says on that matter. Glover is prompted by Labour luvvie Lord Melvyn Bragg saying that more or less everything is wonderful about the State Funded fake news channel.  Glover says that Bragg himself producs excellent objective material on his “In Our Time” programme. Funnily enough I listened to its Christmas show on Scrooge.


2778 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: you vote should I sack Gary Newman & Steve Moore on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day

In this podcast I revisit the vexed subject of Xtract Resources (XTR) which begs the question of when exactly I should sack Gary Newman and Steve Moore. Having seen a Christmas Carol last night I am inspired by my hero Scrooge, that is to say before he got all soppy, Guardian reading and pathetic in his old age. I also comment on Management Consulting (MMC) before returning at length to Cloudtag (CTAG). This time I play the ghost of Christmases yet to come with a warning for hapless Nomad Cairn. I also comment on Sula (SULA) with whom I met up yesterday.


2778 days ago

The Mrs would not allow me to call our son Ebenezer as Scrooge gets an awful press

I thought it was a good name. Unusual and reminiscent of an era when Britain made things, was a truly prosperous nation and before we all demanded shelter from cradle to grave in the safe space underneath the great Money Tree. But the Mrs disagreed. And so our son is called Joshua not Ebenezer.

I saw a production of the Christmas Carol last week and poor old Scrooge got a really hard time. In the first party of the tale he is a hero, a wealth creator, a provider of employment, the sort of man we can all admire. Then those pesky ghosts arrive and in the space of a night they turn him into a Guardian reading liberal with a spine made of Jelly. The play ends with him giving Bob Cratchit a huge pay rise.
