Songs of Praise

1429 days ago

A celebrated composer explains to BBC Songs of Praise Boss Cat Lewis why her words on Rule Britainnia are grossly offensive and factually incoherent

I explained in a long podcast HERE why Rule Britannia was not racist, imperialist, or a reference to the slave trade and why the BBC has it so wrong. Songs of Praise producer, Cat Lewis, is one BBC staffer on a bloated stipend who is still battling in a way which is both offensive and ignorant as I flagged up HERE. My work has prompted celebrated composer, Graham Lack, to offer me his thoughts which I am delighted, at his request, to publish below.  I wonder if Cat or anyone at the woeful BBC might be able to respond to what follows. Somehow I doubt it.


1431 days ago

Songs of Praise boss Cat Lewis - another rich guilty white liberal who the BBC should sack at once

Cat Lewis is the producer of the BBC’s Songs of Praise and has leapt into the debate on Rule Britannia in spectacular style. If the state broadcaster had any sense, it would fire her at once for stupidity, ignorance and for insulting 99% of those whose taxes pay her bloated salary. 


2867 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Crashing with China, Krispy Kreme and the trainwreck CV of Lyin' Chris

In today's podcast, recorded before my father in law hogs the TV room to watch Songs of Praise, I look at what the Krispy Kreme IPO in Londron means, at signs of the mother of all crashes in China and what the CV of destruction from lyin' Chris of African Potash (AFPO) exposed HERE earlier - means. Am I a hypocrite on this matter.
