The Mirror

655 days ago

Shamefully the West and its media cheers on every Russian death and we are horrified when Russians do not!

I can never understand when folks cheer on the untimely death of their fellow man. But day after day we are treated by the Western media to videos of Russian tanks being blown up and articles delighting in how many Russian dead now lie on the fields of Ukraine. I am in no doubt that some of those soldiers dying horrible deaths were bad men who did very bad things. But many, probably the vast majority, were just young men fighting what they were told (wrongly) was a just war and fighting by Geneva rules. Why should we celebrate their deaths?


1421 days ago

Dawn Butler MP - does Labour really not want a free press?

Eco terrorists from Extinction Rebellion last night blockaded roads leading to the presses where The Times, The Sun and The Daily Telegraph are printed. So many folks cannot, today, waste their cash on buying those papers. I am no fan of the deadwood press but I do believe in a free press. However, it seems that at least one MP does not and is celebrating this action. Is this not rather disturbing? I imagine that Dawn Butler would not be cheering if The Mirror & The Guardian had been prevented from distributing their rags.
