Winchester Cathedral

393 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: This is my last walk for Woodlarks and the last time I shall ask all Shareprophets readers to donate a tenner – PLEASE ADD TODAY to the £16,000 now raised

We have three new volunteers for June 17th and the 34 mile walk from Winchester Cathedral to the amazing Woodlarks camp in Surrey so 12 of us will be there on the day and we have now raised more than £16,000. I shall set off at 4.15 AM and aim to arrive by 8 PM having spent 16 hours at the back with my great friend Jonathan being lectured by him, for the whole walk, on why I was so wrong, stupid and Xenophobic to vote for Brexit. Think of my suffering but read on to find out what a great cause this is and consider why each of you yet to donate should give a tenner today HERE.


909 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - Damson vodka crumble

As I am on the Lucian Miers diet I cannot drink anything from the two bottles of damson vodka I decanted the other day. But I had a brief break in the diet, as I plan to step up the excercise part of it next week, as you can see below.
