
1072 days ago

The average GP now earns more than £100,000 + massive pension perks and the greedy and idle bastards still want more

Thank heavens we gave salaried GPs – those not really coining it in from running their own practices – a pay rise of 3% this year. Okay, these days only 56% of appointments are face to face. The rest are over the phone or online and the number of missed diagnoses for cancer and other life threatening ailments is, as a result, soaring.  The average GP works well under the maximum 48 hours per week and yet, after four years of inflation busting pay rises the data is shocking but the greedy bastards want more.


2094 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: resolving the Barclays affair & a day of spoofing

I start with the final part of my story of battles with the bastards at Barclays (BARC). Then I cover Wishbone (WSBN), shares we own, Online Blockchain (OBC), shares I'd rather eat my own toes than own, MySquar (FRAUD), Conroy Gold (CGNR), I3 Energy (I3E), Catenae (CTEA) and Oilex (OEX).


2097 days ago

Tom Winnifrith (more bad language) Bearcast: Update on the bastards at Barclays and hard questions for SP Angel and my old pal Jim Mellon

Warning there is plenty of bad language in the podcast - perhaps do not play it in front of the kids. I start with an update on those bastards at Barclays (BARC) who I discussed yesterday. I then look at Victoria (VCP), Jim Mellon's Port Erin (PEBI), two SP Angel dogs MySquar (FRAUD) and BjueJay Mining (JAY) and have new and serious questions for the shamed Nomad to consider. I look at Frontera (FRR) and its looming bailout placing, at Ascent Resources (AST) and at Rainbow Rare Earths (RBW). I also discuss the market sell off commending a reader who notes both my genius and my modesty on this matter.


2290 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The challenging tale of Star Rectum, humourless lawyer b*stards and much more

I start with a discussion of my drinking problem. My problem being that I just cant take it anymore even though this is the week when I am plied with booze. I then move onto humourless bastard lawyers, specifically at Pinsent Masons. Then I discuss AIQ (AIQ) - its share price is madness and I'm out. Its been a hoot fellas and will pay for my holiday in Sweden next week.  Then Gattaca (GTCA), IDOX (IDOX), Magnolia Petroleum (DOG), Amur Minerals (AMC) and finally Challenger (CHAL) and its problem with a company I have renamed Star Rectum. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 - THIS SATURDAY - one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITHORDER NOW and we cannt post but will email you a ticket tonight.


2352 days ago

Photo article: The Czech is in the post

If you are my age then you look at the photo below and are forced to admit that it is a jolly good joke about Jeremy Corbyn given recent revelations. If you are a snowflake you probably have no idea just how vile the Eastern block was how they oppressed and murdered their own folk and how evil their spies were. You were not born then. For the same reason, you probably also have no idea what bastards the IRA were and how they brought carnage to the streets not only of Northern Ireland but of Britain too. And so you still think that Comrade Corbyn is a nice old man. More fool you.


2939 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I am terribly sorry Mr Moron but it will not be different this time

Thanks for the messages about the family issues - hence the lack of bearcast yesterday. There will be other days like that in the next few weeks. I start with a look at Vislink (VLK) where I imagine no-one has any sympathy for the greedy bastards in charge. Then I try to explain why it is never "different this time" as I look at three bubbles bursting: tech, commercial and residential property and I discuss Cloudtag (CTAG) in the midst of that.


3021 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 April: Dancing on the graves of Ruspetro & Gulf Keystone

Lucian will be here soon so I thought Id better record ahead of our trip to the Conservative Club with its tempting cheap beer. On the agenda I fail to mention that Finncap are complete and utter bastards but they are. I do, however, cover Ruspetro (RPO), Gulf Keystone (GKP), SeaEnergy (SEA), Rose Petroleum (ROSE), Sierra Rutile (SRX), Burberry (BRBY), Mothercare (MTC), a couple of Paul Scott jokes - please do not tell me he has any friends in the Mothercare management community that he thinks I may be offending - as well as a word or two on Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL) 


3186 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 November - sticking it to the bastards at Canaccord

On Guy Fawkes night I reflect on the horrors of this day. Then news from ECR Minerals (ECR) and W Resources (WRES) prompts me to look at the mining sector in general. Then it is onto Amec Foster Wheeler (AMFW) and my thoughts on oil, oil shares, the oil price and oil services companies. Then to the dismal numbers from Canaccord Genuity (CF.) - what it says about the whole sector but also its company specific issues. Finally I take a swipe at Range Resurces (RRL)


3216 days ago

SeaEnergy news today – you make me so angry you crony capitalist bastards

When the great libertarian revolution comes the board of SeaEnergy (SEA) will be among the first of the crony capitalists to be rounded up by the newly privatised police force and put up against the wall – a release today just fills me with utter disgust.


3237 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 September - All My Christmases at once

Jeremy Corbyn was right not to sing the Natonal Anthem and its a poor song anyway - that was my earlier podcast today which you can hear HERE. In terms of the markets it is all my Christmases at once - a chance to comment on friends including the greedy bastards who run Vislink (VLK), fraudster Rob Terry, Daniel Stewart (DAN), Imaginitik (IMTK), ValiRx (VAL), Motive TV (MTV) and also on SeaEnergy (SEA) and Avanti Communications (AVN). Then there is comment on the bad AGM result at Hotel Corp (HCP) - victory for the crony capitalist bastards on the board - all that is wrong about AIM. And I start with words of praise for my pal Jim Mellon noting events at Copper Development (CDC) and also at Glencore (GLEN) - is this a Burmah Castrol moment?


3428 days ago

Europcar are bastards, total bastards and should be avoided at all costs

I used to use AutoUnion at Athens airport but for some reason switched to Europcar a couple of years ago. It is very cheap and they pick you up at the airport and take you to a compound in the middle of nowhere. And they let you drive away however hammered you may be so all in all it seems like a fair deal. The drawback? The compound is in the middle of nowhere so when you try to return the car you have to allow an hour for getting lost.

Natch when I picked the car up on my last trip to the Greek hovel it had a few scratches but I did not care. It was 4.15 AM and I wanted to get through Athens and off to the Mani before rush hour. Anyhow it was snowing and I was not going to hang around freezing my nuts off arguing about the odd scratch.

Wind forward 12 days and I returned the car and having duly spent an hour getting lost was getting a little flustered about checking in.  The man looked at the car and detected some small new scratches in four places. Driving up to the Greek hovel you go through bushes and other fauna and so I imagined he’d get a spray can and fill in the small scratches.

That will be an extra 400 Euro said the man. I should charge you 480 Euro, 120 Euro to respray each panel but I can offer you a bulk discount. WTF!

