
1117 days ago

Video - the decade of the Greater depression

Some folks talk of how this will be an inflation-fuelled roaring twenties as if inflation is a good thing. But, as I explained in Bearcast yesterday, history shows how it rips society apart. The poverty it causes for many is an evil.  Doug Casey, the libertarian author and speculator, follows this theme in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital. He may be more eloquent than I, certainly he delivers fewer “ers”.


2987 days ago

Stocks to get whacked, silver is where it is at

Daniel Ameduri of Future Money Trends says we are now in unprecedented times, and that the US is in a structural depression. That will see stocks get whacked.


3192 days ago

Thrashing away hacking back the frigana, I am reminded of a short story from the depression

I once read a short story but for the life of me cannot remember its title or author but it comes to mind as I toil in the fields at the Greek Hovel, slashing away with my frigana cutter below.


3319 days ago

Do not stigmatise mental health open letter to Cairn Financial re Afriag

My Yusuf Kajee of Afriag (AFRI) is aware that my mother killed herself. That has encouraged him on a number of occassions to question my sanity and smear me in a variety of ways on twitter while refusing to answer basic questions about his business activities. He has today stooped to a new low which is truly beneath contempt. This prompts a letter to his Nomad, Cairn Financial. We do live in a civilised 21st century do we not?


3768 days ago

The deaths of my mother and aunt

The nature of my mother’s death has been raised by certain “admirers” of mine on Bulletin Boards, the circumstances of my Aunt’s death I have mentioned en passant here before. There are no secrets in the era of the interweb. Both deaths were mentioned in an article by their brother, my Uncle Chris (Booker) in the Daily Mail last week. Slowly I read it early on Saturday morning as it brought a number of thoughts to the surface. Matters not suppressed just forgotten or not reflected upon for a long while.  My mother killed herself. My aunt was murdered. There you have it. A shocking couple of sentences.

My mother died when I was eight and my sisters seven and five. She had become terribly depressed in that amazing sun drenched year of 1976 and – as I discovered only later – first tried to end her life at the height of summer while the rest of us were out walking. My father found her, revived her but thereafter she was confined to various hospitals in Northamptonshire, Banbury and finally in Oxford, the City where she had studied, met my father and where I was born. I saw her once that autumn at the Trout at Godstow and she seemed happy. She clearly was not and within weeks she had hanged herself. I remember being taken out of class by a lovely teacher who was almost in tears as she told me that my mother was dead. I cannot remember how I felt or what happened next. I did not find out how she died until I was fourteen.

Not having a mother was a little unusual in those days
