
606 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: getting my head around Atlantic Lithium, placing ahoy for sure but what of the £234m valuation?

I start remembering a career moment of shame involving Colin Bird and that brings me to Xtract Resources (XTR) where for all Bird’s dissembling surely a placing is underway? I look at the joke company eEnergy (EAAS) and the disgraceful antics of Justin the Clown.  I cover nanosynth (NNN) which I expect to go bust by New Year’s Day and Argo Blockchain (ARB) which I think is already bust. I explain how it can avoid paying its bills for a while.  Then I look at “wonder stock” Atlantic Lithium (ALL), its £1 billion NPV and how robust that is, its management, the various red flags and the inevitability of a near term placing. There are bull points here as well as bear.


3063 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: EU deal with Turkey: sordid, disgusting and bad news - you must now vote for Brexit

Turkey's record on human rights, free speech on committing genocide against the Kurds on backing ISIS is disgraceful. Ignoring all that, the EU (with Britain involved) is doing a deal with the Turks on the migrants which will still see Europe having to take in millions and will cost us a packet and will see millions of Turks also now heading for Northern Europe. It is an awful deal at every level and Call Me Dave Cameron is at its centre. This should make every waverer decide today to vote for Brexit - the UK cannot afford to be part of the EU Club any longer.
