891 days ago
This will, in years to come be seen as a case study in the invisible hand and creative destruction, that is to say capitalism at work. In times gone by when all the sort of poltroons who believe in Modern Monetary Theory also predicted that the bitcoin price would keep on soaring ad infinitum, there was a rush to build new mining plants in places where there was stacks of spare land and good hook-ups to readily available power, i.e. Texas.
1171 days ago
For reasons nobody can establish, our electricity bill is quite enormous: easily larger than our gas and electricity bill back here in Wales, even though the Greek house is smaller than the Welsh hovel and only in use for less than three months a year. But dutifully I pay it off. I reckon Greece needs the cash more than me. Imagine my horror to discover that even though I was paying all bills on time some bastard had cut me off.