grouse shoot

1330 days ago

New poll: Boris & Princess Nut Nuts blow up the red wall - get ready for your P45 in Wrexham Sarah Atherton

There is a new poll out today which shows that the red wall is collapsing. A year ago in traditionally Labour seats like Wrexham, where I live, the Tories were on 48% with Labour on 39%. Now Labour leads by 47% to 41%. Of course, there are four years to the next election but MPs such as the ghastly Sarah Atherton, in these parts, should see that the writing is on the wall. Like so many folks here in Wrexham handed P45s thanks to insane lockdown policies – supported by silly Sarah –, folks like Ms Atherton will themselves be encountering a P45 in due course.


1331 days ago

BREAKING: Tories announce that rich people cannot spread Covid

Quarantine the plebs, lock up the oiks, for the Tories know that it is only filthy common people who can spread Covid. The dirty dogs. Not the sort of folks you want on your 30 person grouse shoot. Unless they are a beater, of course.
