
191 days ago

Is this peak Guardian lunacy? Going to the gym will make you more likely to vote for Farage

I think the author of this piece, Zoe Williams, is a pal, or used to be, of my public sector working, lefty little sister N. But at least N is not this mad. Zoe reckons if you start working out at the gym you will become more right wing. No, this is not a parody, folks really do pay to read this nonsense.


1427 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Colin Bird, Rio Ferdinand & Toxic Dave Sefton: 2 bad guys and a hero but would you want any on the board?

I start with yesterday’s Albanian lecture in honour of my late father. Then it is onto Colin Bird and Jubilee Metals (JLP), Rio Ferdinand and the Gym Group (GYM) and Toxic Dave Sefton and Iconic (ICON) in the wake of Nigel’s bombshell from earlier. One of the three is a bit of a hero and, to give you a clue neither Bird or toxic Dave ever played for West Ham.  But would you want any of the three on the board of a company in which you are invested. I discuss all three situations in detail.


2257 days ago

Fitness Regime derailed by Coach Brian Basham but basically on track

You may remember that my coach for my Woodlarks walk was 75 year old Fleet Street legend Brian Basham who himself completed the London marathon last year. My coach was in town yesterday and we met up for lunch. Uh Oh!


2274 days ago

Update on fitness campaign at gym – daughter sneers as expected

One week down and my every other day visits to the gym continue. Joshua loves it and asks to go every day as kind Perry, the stalwart of the local Tories and the gym manager, allows him to watch Thomas The Tank Engine on the screens while I slog away at the treadmill.


3002 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - how should I spend that 24p & Graham must be fired for being too nice to FastJet

So the London Stock Exchange (LSE) has just sent me 24p. Fear not, I shall not spend it all at once but on what do listeners think I should splash out? Meanwhile Graham Neary is just too nice to FastJet (FJET) today and unless he can start to act a bit more like a complete and utter bastard I fear that I shall have to fire him as he just won't fit in at ShareProphets. I explain why Fastjet is toast. I look at Charaat Gold (CGH) and also at how sometimes we get carried away by short term events and ignore the bigger picture - I refer in this case to Nighthawk (HAWK). I also ask why after 18 days African Potash (AFPO) has not sued me for libel for pointing out that it is a fraud? Go on you mothers I want to see you bitchez in Court.  The gym I refer to is HERE.


3006 days ago

Going back to the gym after er... a long break

I have had an on off battle with my weight for forty years. 2016 has not been my best year. The scores on the doors as we head through September are Fat 8 TW 1. Giving up smoking on February 15th was a great thing to do but I put on a few pounds in the Spring. In May and June I worked hard in the fields at the Greek hovel and managed to shed much of the post smoking gain. Since then, comfort eating, and the odd cider, with a bereaved father and with a pregnant wife has been bad news indeed. But enough is enough. The fight back is underway.
