
2784 days ago

Photo Article: Olives are not the only Fruit

I have mentioned elsewhere that there are oranges growing everywhere here in Greece. The trees do need watering every day so we could not, for instance, have them at the Greek Hovel as we are not there all summer. But there are so many other trees that you can just pick your own as you walk along the street. The tree below is just along the side street where the Pharae Palace hotel in Kalamata is situated and where I am staying. 


3604 days ago

Value Investing and Chinese Stocks – Asian Citrus, a sell even though shares trade at a discount to stated net cash

Asian Citrus (ACHL) appears to be one of the better Chinese stocks on the AIM Casino but although it now trades at a steep discount to stated net cash and a vast discount to net assets it just cannot qualify as a value investment and you’d be mad to touch its shares with a bargepole. In fact its a sell.  Here’s why.

First a little reminder of the history of this producer of Oranges and to a lesser extent bananas. It listed in AIM in 2005 at 112p a share. Now let’s wind forward to December 2013 when someone purporting to be a value investor a Mr Marcel Springorum wrote:
