pear tree

42 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Jaya and I inspect the pear tree chopping

Before our Christmas Carol party my friend C took his chainsaws to the pear tree felled by storm Darragh. I had a play with smaller saw and have now bought myself one on Amazon allowing me to start work tomorrow on creating logs to dry for next winter.


49 days ago

Photo Article: Storm Darragh claims a victim at the Welsh Hovel but every cloud has a silver lining

I had thought that we had escaped unscathed but daybreak revealed otherwise. The old and very large pear tree at the centre of my vegetable garden had toppled.


1581 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Making Pear Jam Part 1

There is an enormous pear tree in the middle of the area once known as the jungle but now preparing to be a vegetable patch and which is half the size of a football pitch. The ground around it is littered with small pears that have dropped and there are still some in the tree. Too many are sadly rotten but there are still hundreds fit for use, each about two inches long. So, after using two pears for pear gin, it is on to pear jam, something where there are just three ingredients.

