right wing

189 days ago

Is this peak Guardian lunacy? Going to the gym will make you more likely to vote for Farage

I think the author of this piece, Zoe Williams, is a pal, or used to be, of my public sector working, lefty little sister N. But at least N is not this mad. Zoe reckons if you start working out at the gym you will become more right wing. No, this is not a parody, folks really do pay to read this nonsense.


1277 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a big scare on the Greek front

I start with a big but false Greek holiday scare and a triumph on the nettle brewing front here at the Welsh hovel, followed by a snake scare at the same place. Then I look at takeovers and why the rabid right-wing press is so wrong to oppose them with an accompanying trip down memory lane with George Orwell and Jim Slater.


1499 days ago

A video message from Presidential Candidate Joe Biden

Andrew Lawrence is that true rarity, a right wing comedian. That is why he is a) quite funny and b) not always appearing on (always unfunny) Radio 4 comedy programmes. Today he brings you a message from Joe Biden. Enjoy


2459 days ago

Jeremy Corbyn will be horrified by his defenders over Russia

What do the following have in common: right wing Sunday Times polemicist Rod Liddle, Conservative Sunday Telegraph columnist Chris Booker, right wing blogger Tom Winnifrith and his (closet) reactionary father of the same name and Right wing polemicist Peter Hitchens of the Mail on Sunday? When it comes to Jeremy Corbyn quite a lot...


2837 days ago

My father is now reading the book which is a thick tome with a picture of our Greatest ever PM on the cover. He worries that the greedy doctors will not treat him if they see this reading matter but I tell him to blame it on his ghastly right wing son.

The real bonus is that, when he gets home the book will sit on the table next to where he sits all day together with
books written by TJ Winnifrith, the half finished ( it soon will be) bottle of red and semi read Guardians. Tomorrow one of my uber PC sisters is due to pitch up and will be horriffied by this new reading material. God Bless Lady Thatcher! 60p well spent." target="_new">Buying my father a book at Warwick Hospital, 60p well spent to annoy my sisters, God Bless Lady Thatcher

We are waiting at Warwick Hospital for a scan and to help pay the bloated wages of the greedy doctors there is a mini second hand bookstore - buy any volume for just 50p. I spot Margaret Thatcher, the Downing Street Years and hand over three 20p pieces saying "keep the change". Bargain and double bargain.


3328 days ago

Amid Poppy fascism, Jeremy Corbyn is right to say WW1 was pointless

Comrade Corbyn is in trouble again for stating that World war One was pointless. In doing so he shows no disrespect to anyone and is, as it happns, factually correct. Yet unthinking right wingers score cheap points. Other right wingers such as shock jock Jon Gaunt engage in Poppy fascism. Did the war of 1939-45 give us the right to wear what we want?


3736 days ago

If you think I am right wing meet Robin Woodbine Parish – El Oro Annual Results

Investment Company El Oro Ltd (ELX) was set up by the war hero Major Woodbine Parish. He used to use his results statements to berate the IC for rating his company’s shares as a sell in 1953, noting their outperformance each year in the 40 years that followed, to plug his war memoirs and to launch a phenomenally right wing rant. El Oro is now run by his son “young Robin” who takes after his old man with a storming results statement today. This man makes me look like a Guardian reading, Islington mad lefty.  I can’t say I agree with him on everything but he is unique, a true character... Read on…
