
2010 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - Swimming Pool now ready for our first swim, it was wonderful

The pool filled up a bit more overnight although the water pressure in the pipes coming up the mountain is still low. But the water which does come out has been heated in metal pipes for three miles and is lovely and warm. My lodger here back in 2014 when we had just one habitable room and used to shower under a hosepipe rigged up on a trellis, used to say that the experience of that water was “better than sex”.


2396 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - how we workmen keep going in the 36 degree heat

Okay my labouring in the snake fields is not a fraction as hard as the work the chaps rebuilding the Greek Hovel do but they are used to it and I am not so I reckon our suffering is equal. And here is how we keep going.


3169 days ago

It is one of those times when I actually want a cigarette

I've been nicotine clean now for three months and three weeks exactly and the urge to have "just one" cigarette is now really pretty rare. But I must admit to having such an urge just now.


3190 days ago

That is not a snake that is the best shower in the whole wide world

After three days of manual labour at the Greek hovel I was conscious that I did not exactly smell like a male model doused in perfume and thus it was time to rig up the shower as you can see below.


3858 days ago

Picture Report from the Greek Hovel Number 13 – The Best Shower I have ever had

I have some great showers in my time. It would be indiscreet to go into details but today’s shower, my first at the Greek hovel was right up there with the best. Not that I was accompanied by anyone it was just great to feel clean again.

It is not a luxury power shower. I merely linked up a hosepipe I bought to one Foti had left and loped it through the trellis for the vine on the snake patio and turned the water on. The water is fresh and clean and felt a lot warmer than that in my early morning sea dip a couple of days ago. It was a joy for my body to meet soap again and to emerge with clean hair. Afterwards I just sat in the sun to dry off.
