
1510 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: let's hear it for a despised & reviled minority who are the true Coronavirus heroes

I refer, of course, to smokers. Before Malcolm gets on his high horse, hear me out. What I say is logical if a bit crazy. In that vein I also discuss the mad idea of buying the ten worst stocks on AIM and ask for your nominations. I start with Catenae Innovation (CTEA), Tern (TERN), Clear Leisure (CLP) and Attis Oil & Gas (AOGL). I also discuss the crazy idea of buying FinnCap (FCAP) shares. I look at the Powerhouse Energy (PHE) ramp and at the curious case of Anexo (ANX) placing today as directors dump shares. The Woodlarks walk appeal is now at 34% please, as I start another training walk this afternoon, donate HERE.


2229 days ago

I could not put him off, Lucian to join me on 19 mile training walk Saturday

Though he is an on-off smoker and a man not averse to a bottle or three of wine at lunchtime, my friend the bear raider Lucian Miers, the Bard of the Boleyn, is becoming a bit of a health freak these days. “I can’t file Friday as I am on a three day walk across the downs”. That is his catchphrase these days. And to think that it used to be “get another bottle in, I’m just nipping outside for a fag.”


3054 days ago

5 minutes to kill as a non smoker at Temple Meads, I don't need the Government to help me

As ever the, normally, excellent V cars warns me that booking a cab at 4.20 AM for a 4.47 train is "at my own risk" as I really need to allow 45 minutes to get to Temple Meads from my home in Bristol. As ever I ignore them. The cab is early and we depart at 4.19 AM. By 4.25 AM I am standing outside the station. We got lucky with the lights. Sometimes it takes almost nine minutes.

In the old days this allowed me time for one leisurely fag before the station doors are opened up and I could wander in to buy a ticket and head to platform 3. Or sometimes, as today, platform 7. But as a non smoker of five and a bit weeks this is not a option.

I know what I am thinking about and also know that I should not be thinking of such wicked pleasures. It is not that I actually crave
