
176 days ago

Photo Article: Exciting deliveries at the Welsh Hovel today

First up are the trees, another five apple trees: a late fruiting variety. These should be harvested, in a few years time, in November. If the 23 trees I planted by the river survive, I should thus be harvesting from August right the way to the run up to Advent. Sadly, following my visit to the Countess of Chester on Tuesday, I have stitches in my back and hard exercise is forbidden and so they will not be joining my two peach trees, at the top of the area once known as the jungle, which is now the vegetable garden, for a good two weeks.


181 days ago

Back to those underpants from 1943, a hotel in Mold and two books by uncle Christopher Booker

The Mrs keeps saying that buying any more books is what she terms GFD (Grounds For Divorce) as both the Welsh and Greek Hovels are now jam packed with my books, her books, and the books of my late father and Aunty Cly. But I reckon that she is bluffing as I’m a pretty hot catch and so three more books arrived this week as you can see below.


185 days ago

Going through my father’s papers with Daphne du Maurier and the Mincemeat Underpants again

Every now and again the Mrs. suggests that I sort out the boxes and boxes of family papers including those of my late father. If I can throw away even some of them it will make the study and a storage room underneath the stairs that little bit less cluttered. In my heart of hearts I know that she has a point. Will any of my kids be that interested in the letters of my great great grandfather Sir Courtenay Ilbert or far more obscure dead white males?  I suspect not. As a “nudge” the Mrs. sometimes leaves a book called “Swedish Death Clearing” on my pillow.


3328 days ago

Exclusive: The Jim Ellerton Court case vs Sefton - the court filing they don't want you to see

Another day and another exclusive. Today we bring you the court filing made by disgraced Jimmyliar Ellerton as he tries to screw not $250,000 but $400,000 from the company. It will not make pleasant reading for Sefton (SER) shareholders but I am happy to appear as an expert witness for the company as the claims he makes are - as you would expect - packed full of lies.

The worrying point for Sefton is that the claims are being brought not only by Jimmyliar himself (for loans not repaid and expenses not paid - does that include the underpants?) but also by C&J Resources the company owned by his ex Mrs, the foxy Carol. C&J probably stands a better chance than the disgraced Jimmyliar.
