2239 days ago

ITN Gender pay gap - Natch Channel 4 "fake" News gets it all wrong despite being on the inside

There is a 19.6% gender pay gap at ITN announced Cathy Newman of Channel 4 News ( part of ITN). She was clearly enjoying rubbing her employer's nose in it. She then handed over to a colleague who grilled the head of ITN demanding repeatedly that he apologise for the way women were being treated unfairly. But of course, data on the gender pay gap can be misleading as I explained to students at Bath Spa, to my cost, just before Christmas.


2671 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: ITV News talking bollocks - the consumer meltdown is up & running

I start with a section on the African Potash (AFPO) fraud and how and why I need those who have lost cash to contact me to see if we can seek legal redress. I am proposing to fund two small claims cases to establish a precedent. If we win either or both its ramifications for AIM are massive. Then I look at woeful lies from fake newscasters at ITN but in a macro-economic session inspired by Next (NXT), Bovis (BVS) and Cambria Auto (CAMB) I look at now clear macro headwinds which are hitting the UK partly as a result of very bad calls by the twit Carney and the poltroon Osborne and his pea brained successor as Chancellor, Phil Hammond. How can you assemble a short portfolio on the back of that? I answer reader Tony, but also suggest another short portfolio. En passant I mention Infrastrata (INFA) as well as covering CIC Gold (CICG).


2785 days ago

The Dishonesty of the BBC & Newsnight as it lies about how it breaks news - Hinkley Point shambles

Perhaps it is the impending revelation that people like Emily Maitlis and Luara Kuenssberg (the political reporter who does not understand the difference between Government debt and deficit) are paid telephone numbers salaries that is prompting BBC News to lie about getting scoops. Or perhaps it is just shame that with its enormous overhead it is scooped again and again. Or maybe it is just an innate culture of dishonesty? Whatever the reason with Emily in the hotseat Newsnight was a visible disgrace last night as news emerged that Hinkley Point was to get the go ahead.


3774 days ago

Man who once drive cars very fast has serious ski accident – stop the world?

Naturally I hope that Michael Schumacher, the seven times F1 world champion pulls through. His ski accident sounds awful and I hope the chap recovers fully and feel sorry for his family. But…

Lots of folks are critically ill. Thousands are being butchered in conflicts across the globe, in terror attacks or are dying from starvation or diseases which are utterly treatable. The world economy is drowning in debt. 

Yet the lead story on ITN News was again the ex-racing driver. A reporter and crew has been sent to Grenoble (I expect the BBC has sent dozens of staff) and we get hour by hour commentary saying nothing much new.

Is a rich man who once drove very fast cars but has lived as a playboy retiree for several years, having a potentially fatal accident really that important?
