1645 days ago

Iconic Labs – why cannot it get straight its story on Gay Star News?

Oh dear, oh dear, Iconic Labs (ICON), run by toxic Dave Sefton of Anglo African Oil & Gas infamy, has issued another statement on its acquisition of the LGBTI website Gay Star News. And it is still misleading its legion of daft followers. Why cannot it get the story straight. I provide, in bold, the ShareProphets translation service below. 


1699 days ago

Iconic Labs goes 50 shades of gay in duff deal of the week/month/year

Iconic Labs (ICON) stinks for numerous reasons including those discussed HERE. No doubt I will be accused of homophobia but its latest deal, to buy the IP of Gay Star News, including the website, a website focused on events related to and concerning the global LGBTI community for just £1 is a joke.


2029 days ago

The BBC goes full on gay #fakenews after Belfast cake bakers verdict goes against its group think agenda

I have noted in an earlier piece why I am delighted, if a bit surprised, that Ashers bakery in Belfast has won its court case, allowing it not to be forced to bake cakes carrying political messages with which it disagrees, in the case in support of gay marriage.  As the great Peter Tatchell showed, backing the Christian bakers does not make you a bigot just someone who believes in key civil liberties.


2033 days ago

This is why Peter Tatchell is such a hero – he backs the bigoted bakers at Ashers on principle and for liberty

As I have noted before, the LGBTI and civil liberties campaigner Peter Tatchell is a national treasure. I don't always agree with him but today he again showed why he is a man of absolute principle. The case is Ashers, a baker in God’s chosen lands of Ulster, which refused to bake a cake for a same sex wedding. A lower court ruled that it was wrong to do so but at the Supreme Court today the bigoted bakers won their case. Step forward Tatch, a man who helped found the Pride march in London and who has been at the forefront of the gay equality movement for decades,  in their defence, Tatch says:


2040 days ago

Peter Tatchell plays Project Fear with the LGBTI Community on Brexit - shameful

I have written numerous times of my tremendous admiration for the pioneering campaigner for gay rights, in the days before it became LGBTI rights, and as one of our greatest living defenders of civil liberties, Peter Tacthell. Overlooking the fact that he is actually Australian, Tatch has become a national treasure. And it is in that context I find his tweeting demanding a second referendum on Brexit so sad. The fact is that he his scaring folks with untruths as you can see below. 


2393 days ago

Oxford Students ban Christian Union from freshers fair - the acid test is would they treat Muslims this way?

To be fair this is not the University wide Freshers Fair but just that of Balliol College which for many decades has been noted for attracting the nastiest sort of poisonous, liberal minded, guilt ridden sons and daughters of privilege . And so the class of 2017 has ewxcelled itself by banning the Christian Union from its Freshers Fair on the grounds that Christianity is associated with homophobia and other undesirable traits.


2417 days ago

Peter Tatchell on gays, Africans and Evil Britisher Imperialists - he is half right

The Guardian newspaper recently produced a list of folks, statues of whom it thought suitable to replace that of Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square. Nelson may have saved the nation, given his life for his country but a speech in favour of slavery in the House of Lords means he is toast. The only question is who is next for the fascist liberal left to erase from history? I suggest George Washington, he may have founded a nation and all that but - like all his peers - he was also a slave owner. That will be his undoing. So who replaces Nelson?
