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FIFA bans poppies in England Scotland match - why?

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 2 November 2016

Long term readers will know that I have mixed feelings about wearing poppies, I still resent the idea that one is castigated for not wearing one but on the other hand I do respect those who have given their lives for this country and don't respect those who abuse poppies or who lambast those who do wear one. As a libertarian I'd like to be able to either wear a poppy or not without anyone passing judgement.

And thus it seems perfectly acceptable for the Football Associations of England and Scotland to ask that on November 11, when the two sides meet, that the players wear a poppy on their shirts. Yet FIFA has said this cannot happen as it is a commercial endorsement.

FIFA is an organisation which has been shown to be corrupt to the core and which is run by an elite bunch of rich men who are totally removed from the lives of the normal chaps whose enthusiasm for soccer has turned it into such a global money-machine. This is a silly ruling which just shows just how out of touch FIFA is with those whose interests it is meant to be looking after. It also shows FIFA to be lacking in a basic humanity.

These rows have broken out in the past and perhaps now is the time to end them forever.
The two FA's should just tell FIFA where to stick it. Will FIFA really fine both FA's points for defying such a pointless and unpleasant edict? Let us hope that British sporting officials show and spine and stick to their guns.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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