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Gas attack on Aleppo – where’s the wall to wall outrage from the BBC & liberal media and the political elites?

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 25 November 2018

On the flimsiest of evidence, wretched Theresa May, Donald Trump and President dans Le Closet of France would use wall to wall media coverage to bomb President Assad of Syria whenever the Islamofascist terrorists he is fighting claimed that he had engaged in chemical warfare. Yesterday Aleppo suffered a chemical weapons attack leaving 55, including eight kids, hospitalised. So why aren’t the BBC and Channel 4 Fake News all over this? Why aren't Macron and Trump lining up another air strike? Oh yes…

The small portion of Aleppo under the control of the Al Qaeda supporting terrorists we in the West backed in an act of insanity, was liberated more than a year ago. Not that the western media report this but Christians in Aleppo will soon celebrate Christmas in their rebuit Cathedral without the threat of beheading for a second year. The population of Aleppo is growing rapidly as folks who fled the terrorists flock back to the safety and, relative, tolerance of Assad rule.

So it would not be Assad launching shells filled with poisonous Chlorine gas on the City. It is “our guys” – you know those Al Qaeda loving fanatics who execute 12 year old boys, gays,. Post Office Workers, Christians and others by beheading or chucking them off tall buildings. It is the terrorists who we in the West have backed with arms and money since 2012 so creating the Civil war that has made Syria what it is today. It is “our guys” in the Nusra Front who are gassing civilians.

Yet the Western media seems slow to report this and our leaders say nothing. I can’t think why…

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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