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Photo article: My new toy arrives at the Welsh Hovel & I set to work on the asbestos shed until snow stops play

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 8 February 2021

Within 48 hours of placing an order with Amazon, my new toy had arrived. I have one just like it at the Greek Hovel but it was needed for a specific task, the long term plan to dismantle the hideous shed, made in good part from asbestos, at the edge of the area formerly known as the jungle. I set to work at once.

As I noted the other day, when we arrived you could barely see this shed thanks to the jungle around it. And indeed even now it is almost entirely covered in tree. 

The plan is to kill off the tree and hence my new toy, a saw just for this very purpose.

The plan is simply to cut away the tree all around the shed and in due course what is left on top will die and can be pulled away. And that that point, properly kitted out, myself and co-worker Paul, can remove the asbestos and then the rest of the shed.

I made good progress. Before driving snow made it just too unpleasant to carry on, I had cleared three sides of the barn. One more side and the foliage on the top will start to wither and die.

As you can see below, In between the asbestos shed and the Welsh Hovel is an enormous green corrugated iron barn. It is also scheduled to go as it is pretty unattractive – if you look closely you can see a chimney top from the hovel poling out behind it. Right now it acts as a temporary store for bagged asbestos and so is known as the snake barn. Joshua shares his father’s fear of snakes so steers well clear. But its days are also numbered. Once the asbestos shed disappears, the barn is next up.

Tomorrow, I plan to finish off clearing all four sides of the asbestos shed and some foliage around the snake barn and to put what is taken off onto a bonfire. Then we wait for nature to take its course.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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