
28 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel olive harvest day 3 – Pride comes before a fall

I show you the photo below not to demonstrate my support for the 47th President of the USA. Not to show how think I am these days although I am now able to wear a rugby short from my London Irish days and it is loose. No, it was to show that while you shiver back in Airstrip One, the sun was shining here in Greece. Day three was uninterrupted and we made good progress. But pride comes before a fall.


30 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel Olive Harvest Day 2, the snake tree

We are in a routine. My assistant Tim is the Albanian grandfather. I am the Albanian grandmother.


328 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a snake correction & the WGEOMM is in touch

I start with the snake yesterday and a clarification, then it is onto Dispensa (DISP), Vast Resources (VAST), BjueJay Mining (JAY) – surely another bailout placing ahoy but at what price? – Microsaic (MSYS), Power Metal Resources (POW), Teather’s Financial and Flip Flop Ben Turney, and in real detail musicMagpie (MMAG) and why today’s statement does not address the real issue, making the shares a slam dunk sell.


328 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The 2 reasons why Avacta is a SELL and a chance meeting with a snake

The snake photo will appear shortly on my other website but I recount the tale at the start of the podcast. Then it is onto Helium One (HE1) and then in more detail Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and, in the greatest of detail, Avacta (AVCT).


426 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel: shocking slithering wildlife diversity as my harvesters make me the laughing stock of Kambos

The highlight of this year’s olive harvest has been seeing the golden eagles soaring overhead. A few years ago there was just one. Then last year I spotted that she had a mate and this year there were three eagles flying high above the house looking for breakfast. Later on one swooped down and flew past the front of the house at no more than fifty feet high.  It is a delight to see these rare birds flourishing. Today, we encountered wildlife diversity of a different sort.


476 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Fraudster Chris Cleverly does have balls of steel

I start with my snake heroics of last night, surely my bravery merits some commendation. then it is Tingo (TIO) and finally the FCA created £100 million plus scandal at Regtech Open (RTOP).


535 days ago

Report from the Greek Hovel: God is a mercurial chap

Yesterday I lamented how my 250 olive trees needed a drink as it had not rained all month . As it happens it almost never rains here in the Mani in August but I am sure that the lack of rain will be attributed to global warming by the BBC’s Verify unit. On Friday, God provided a brief shower and we said thanks. Today… wow.


537 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - a pointer to the Olive harvest this December

Our lunatic lefty friend L was clear: everyone says the olive harvest this year will be terrible, almost not worth doing. L likes bad news as it provides him with an opportunity to blame it on the Tories, Brexit, Global Warming, Donald Trump, the Daily Mail or Russia. In this case it is global warming and the hot weather and lack of rain this summer. But before I panicked as Jeremiah continued his monologue I needed to look for myself. For, this December, four readers of this website have volunteered to join me for a harvest: three returnees and a newbie. 


586 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a snake spotted and a mother-in-law joke

I start with an unlikely bromance as Brokerman Dan and Richard “nobody apart from Dan Levi likes me and I don’t care” Jennings walk for cats - as you can see here. Then the mother-in-law joke. actually my mother-in—law is a top banana so maybe I should not be so rude. Then a go at BBC Radio 4’s Today programme as I comment on events in Russia. Then the woolly thinking on inflation and home owners. Finally Gary’s excellent piece on Contango (CGO) today and why he is bang on the money.


670 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - even Jaya loves "doggy"

Normally little Jaya is rather frightened of dogs but the stray now spending most of her time up at the Greek Hovel has won over even my young daughter and her, normally hard hearted, mother as you can see below. “Drat”, I said as we returned home today after lunch, “I forgot to buy more dog food.” “Fear not” said the Mrs, “give her more ham.” I have.


794 days ago

Photo article: day 4 of the Greek Hovel Olive harvest 2022 - the most poisonous wildlife diversity yet spotted

It looks increasingly grim on the Albanian front so harvester T and I soldier on. It is hard work and by the end of every day my bones ache and I long for bed.


927 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - repairing snake hill at last

Don’t get me wrong but this is a glorious day. The Mrs, the kids, Joshual’s pal T and her parents who are visiting us have all been packed off to the seaside. It is expensive and crowded so they are welcome to it and, better still, they cannot get back until late tonight. So I have a day of solitude, of writing  and of swimming and it is heavenly. It is what this place was built for!


927 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the boy who cried snake!

I refer to 5 year old Joshua and explain. Then it is onto Carnival (CCL), Guild ESports (GILD), MyHealthChecked (MHC), Red Rock Resources (RRR), Predator Oil & Gas (PRD), Parsley Box (MEAL) and S4 Capital (SFOR)


985 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh hovel - what is this monster?

The Mrs is surviving without me and Joshua, and, this morning, encountered the creature below – just a few feet outside the main door. According to her, it was 3-4 inches long. She slid a spade underneath, and flung it away. I might have used the spade to smash it on the head. So, what is it?


1023 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - evidence of my law breaking

My fire lighting at the Greek Hovel ended on 16 April when my business partner, Nicho the Communist, came up for an inspection of our trees and told me that the burning season had ended two days previously. I was an accidental law breaker.


1162 days ago

Photo Article: The Greek Hovel olive harvest 2021 Day 1, a very good result in the rain

It stopped raining by eight and by nine it was dry enough to put the mats down and go into battle. Heroic harvester K from a couple of years ago would have been proud of me. I worked out how to charge the battery and get the twerker working, to lay out the mats and we kicked off on the six trees nearest the house where my special man fertilizer seems to have ensured there is a decent crop. My business partner Nicho the Communist has again warned me that he will kill me if I chop any branches so it was twerking only. Well I say that..


1279 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel, the long view from the back road

There is a back road to the Greek Hovel. It is the one where I killed a snake with a motorbike a few years ago. It starts just behind the church at the highest point in Kambos and goes past one other small church before starting a very steep decline to the bottom of the valley below the abandoned convent at which point you rejoin the normal rote to the hovel climbing snake hill up our side of the valley. It is a narrow road and in terrible condition so I only use it in extremis such as when it is impossible to turn my car around the church as there is some important service going on and there is no turning circle.


1283 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - I am back poisoning the frigana

Long-time readers of this website will be well aware of what is now an eight-year battle with frigana here at the Greek Hovel. In 2014, I cleared more than 2,000 square metres of this awful plant, a bit like holly, which can grow from an inch to become a 20-foot tree. Since then, I have battled it with the strimmer and with poison.


1310 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Buying a hoover in Kalamata

Obviously the big excitement was the snake but Joshua and I also faced down mask fascists as we bought a hoover in Kalamata. Most of today’s bearcast concerns the antics of Justin the Clown, Boston International (BIH), the rash of IPOs and what it means and Argo Blockchain (ARB).


1313 days ago

Wildlife diversity horror at the Greek Hovel Part 2

No photos this time as, unlike with the snake, this time I was called into action to despatch the latest horrors to emerge.


1338 days ago

Snake Report from the Welsh Hovel

I have now had a chance to quiz brick pointer Johnny about the snake he spotted here at the Welsh Hovel. Johnny said he had never seen a snake in real life before so, after it hissed at him then slithered away, he gave pursuit. Only after work on Saturday did he go on the internet to find out what sort of snake it was.


1339 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a big scare on the Greek front

I start with a big but false Greek holiday scare and a triumph on the nettle brewing front here at the Welsh hovel, followed by a snake scare at the same place. Then I look at takeovers and why the rabid right-wing press is so wrong to oppose them with an accompanying trip down memory lane with George Orwell and Jim Slater.


1464 days ago

Photo article: My new toy arrives at the Welsh Hovel & I set to work on the asbestos shed until snow stops play

Within 48 hours of placing an order with Amazon, my new toy had arrived. I have one just like it at the Greek Hovel but it was needed for a specific task, the long term plan to dismantle the hideous shed, made in good part from asbestos, at the edge of the area formerly known as the jungle. I set to work at once.


1703 days ago

The Morning Dew, the last-minute rain, my amazing neighbours & a snake – final report on the Woodlarks walk

With gift aid we are now just a few hundred quid shy of raising the £48,000 needed to ensure that amazing Woodlarks can survive the Covid lockdown and continue its work next year. So if you have donated I thank you and if not please do so HERE. It would be great to end the weekend with the job done. The Mrs and Darren combined to put up a few photos of yesterday’s 33.3 mile walk so here is the full story.


1814 days ago

Day 7 of the 2019 Greek Hovel Olive Harvest - the day of the snake

Having said goodbye to one harvester on the Monday, T1, we were down to three, we merry band of harvesters. And volunteer T2 ( to whom I still owe a litre of oil which i will send on a quiet day) was set to leave at midday. So the diminished group started work on the top terrace on the mountain side early on. We worked well, so well that mid morning I fet in need of a rest and sat on a rock. SNAKE!!!! I screamed noticing what was sitting besides me, as I leapt into the air.


1891 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: £2.5 billion M&G fund gated, you were warned

Today’s news is shocking but should not shock you as I have warned this would happen. Anyone invested in commercial property shares is insane for reasons I explain again and as for an open-ended fund they are even more insane. I also look at the latest accounting wrongdoing at Ted Baker (TED) and M&C Saatchi (SAA). Do no auditors show professional scepticism these days. Then there is comment on Tomco (TOM) and value destruction. Oh and there is a snake story too.


2016 days ago

Wildlife Diversity Bonanza at the Greek Hovel – yes reader I saw my first snake

Poor Olaf, for whom the swimming pool at the Greek Hovel was built. Tonight we start to add water on the advice of the head of construction. This morning Olaf flew back to Britain. And there is another disappointment of timing. For the whole week she was hear there were frequent conversations “do we want to see a snake?” The conclusion was that we did but from the safety of the car. No snake was seen…


2053 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - real progress at the swimming pool, dear Olaf

As you may remember, daughter Olaf has only agreed to visit the Greek Hovel thus summer if we build a swimming pool. Her wish is my command. George the Architect has been in tough with photographic evidence of progress and questions about what colour and type of tiles we require. The pool will look out on the valley towards the abandoned convent on the other side. This week the concrete will be poured and tiles should start being added from next week as will the wall around it designed as part of the snake defences.


2268 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - shocking wildlife diversity encounter

 Okay so i am a big girl's blouse. But you too would have been shocked by what happened.


2399 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - how we workmen keep going in the 36 degree heat

Okay my labouring in the snake fields is not a fraction as hard as the work the chaps rebuilding the Greek Hovel do but they are used to it and I am not so I reckon our suffering is equal. And here is how we keep going.


2432 days ago

Photo Article - Progress at the Greek Hovel, next up roof

Business partner Darren is still obsessing about the dead snake and rat photo and unable to focus on the real progress made at the Greek Hovel. Okay, he is not the only one. But as you can see below, the pointing of the walls is now almost complete - in one shot you can see a completed wall next to an undone one. Next up are the roof and floorboards and having just whizzed a large sum out to Greece that should start next week. Doors and windows have also been ordered. The last major work will be the floors on the ground floor of the new wing and in the rat room and then it is on to power points, installing a range cooker, a woodburning stove, lighting etc. We are getting there...


2433 days ago

Grotesque large, very poisonous but dead, snake and rat photos from the Greek hovel

The headline really does reflect the photos so if you are squeamish do not look any further. This trio of pictorial horrors arrived this morning in an email from George the Architect. Chief builder Gregori the snake killer has been at work.

Most snakes of this type of adder, the most poisonous of the nine Greek species that are poisonous, are 20-30 centimetres long. This one was forty centimetres in length.  You may wonder what it is hanging out of its mouth…


2445 days ago

Farewell to the Greek Hovel & Kambos - 240 trees and out

I have just enjoyed a cracking lunch of beef in tomato sauce and peas at Miranda's in Kambos. Actually it is not called Miranda's any more as it has a new owner but I stick with the old name. The prices have not changed. That will be 5 Euro. 


2519 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: not just 1 snake in the Garden of Eden & Toff Tory MP Sir Henry of 3DM infamy here's how I'm coming for you

It is one month exactly to UK Investor Show. Book your seats today! In today's podcast I comment on retail generally but also on any company that says that it is talking to its banks and that they are "supportive." I look in detail at yesterday's results from Eden Research (EDEN).  Would you Adam & Eve it? There's lots of snakes in that garden. I look at the request for an EGM of Pathfinder Minerals (PFP) to out useless Nick Trew and NED Toff Tory Sir Henry Bellingham MP of 3DM infamy. Sir Henry I have a score to settle and I have a warning for you about what I plan. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH


2550 days ago

Photo Article: I take it all back, Greeks hard at work at the Hovel - major progress

I headed back to the Greek Hovel expecting to find an empty building site and no signs of progress. I take it all back. It may be Sunday but three hard working Greeks were on site with a mini bulldozer, hard at work. How could I have ever doubted the work ethic of the citizens of the mighty Hellenic Republic?


2622 days ago

Photo article - real building progress at the Greek Hovel, the Bat room has a floor!

In my final days in Greece there really was progress up at the Greek Hovel as a large concrete mixing lorry somehow found its way up the long and winding track and got to work, as you can see below.


2808 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel: farewell the snake patio, farewell the "smoking" steps

The snake patio is not to be confused with the snake veranda. The latter was the flat surface on the (illegally constructed) concrete roof above the rat room. It was surrounded by (illegally constructed) concrete blocks which have now gone. We did meet a snake there on our second visit to the hovel hence the name. It was where i killed an adder a few weeks ago.


2816 days ago

Sitting in a garden centre in Bristol I dream of the snake repellent shop in Kambos

The plants the Mrs and I have planted in our back garden have almost all suffered death by cat defecation. That is to say my fat, though no longer morbidly obese, three legged cat Oakley hads shat them into oblivion. And so during my brief UK visit I have led a drive to re-plant. To complete that task the Mrs, Joshua and I headed to a garden centre here in Bristol today. Before stopping to pick up a few herbs (me0 and some flowers (the Mrs) we sat enjoying an expensive coffee and watched the masses head by.


2824 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel: At the snake house - pruning THAT tree at last

I have been pruning olive trees at the Greek Hovel for four years now. But there is one tree that has almost entirely escaped my attention until now, the one that lies within the outer ring of stones of the abandoned ruin on our property, a.k.a. the snake house.


2824 days ago

Photo Article: Pulling down the snake house at the Greek Hovel

At the Greek Hovel, about half way along our land on top of the hill, there is an old ruined house. It was almost entirely covered by frigana but over four years I have cut and poisoned that away. As I have have done that I have repeatedly heard rustlings inside. Last year as I ventured in a snake made a clear exit in the other direction. I saw not the snake but the snake shape curving its way through the long grass. In a way that was more frightening. 


2836 days ago

Taking the Mrs to the Greek Hovel - a mass snake encounter

The Mrs, myself, Joshua and my parents in law are staying about 15 miles South of the Greek Hovel in a nice hotel by the sea. As I mention here, I have very mixed feelings about Kardamili and would really rather be back in Kambos. But this break is not about me. Today, we escaped the in-laws and took Joshua to see his inheritance, that is to say the Greek Hovel. The Mrs has not visited for almost a year and was keen to see how the building was going. I was just delighted to be out of Kardamili and able to do some manual labour.


2838 days ago

Photo Article - Work starts on the rebuilding of the Greek Hovel: the snake veranda

As you may remember, work was delayed on the rebuilding of the Greek Hovel after the authorities insisted we needed a permit to demolish bricks put up without a permit by the previous owners. This is Greece after all. that permit has arrived and so the demolition starts, and phase one is the snake veranda.


2845 days ago

Photo Article: Frigana Poisoning at the Greek Hovel - Part 2

You may remember that George the Architect is a little nervous about chopping down non olive trees which the forestry survey may have identified at the Greek Hovel. On the other hand Nicho the Communist regards these snake shelters as an obstruction to the basic human right of every Greek to plant as many olive trees as possible on his land. I am with Nicho.


2850 days ago

BREAKING: Big News on the Trouser Front - a happy diabetic writes

Given that my new Greek blood sugar testing machine is all over the shop (I have had readings of both 236 and 125 today) perhaps I should revert to trouser size as I await new strips to arrive for my British blood sugar testing machine. There is dramatic news on the trouser front after my revelation earlier that my 36 inch trousers are falling down


2854 days ago

Report from the Greek Hovel - after three years we have a permit, well sort of

I arranged to meet architects George and Sofia at the Greek Hovel at 11 AM. I arrived twenty minutes late but no-one was there. This is Greece so eleven sharp means any time before twelve and at about twenty to twelve my friends arrived. They brought with them the head builder, an ethnic Greek from Albania, so a man my father will approve of big time. I got down to the main point quickly. I showed them the snake I had killed and asked the builder how he felt about snakes. "I kill them with my bare hands" he said. I like him a lot and said that "you can have the next one."


2856 days ago

Photo article: A no go zone at the Greek Hovel - I blame the Gruffalo

Not withstanding my snake killing heroics of yesterday, I still live in dread of the vipers that slither around the Greek Hovel and across its fields. Irrationally, for I have never seen a snake there, there is one spot that holds particular dread. And it is all the fault of Julia Donaldson, the author of the children's classic, The Gruffalo.


2856 days ago

Photo Article: Grilled Octopus supreme - diary of a diabetic day 16

The excitement of the snake killing left me so excited that I skipped lunch which I know is not the way that a man with type 2 diabetes should behave. There is no need to lecture me. Perhaps i should not admit that i had also more or less skipped breakfast, having just one small piece of rough bread. The oddity is that I am eating far less but am not hungry. Well it is not that odd.


2856 days ago

BREAKING: I met a snake at the Greek Hovel and I killed it!

This day goes down in history. I am terrified of snakes. Everyone in the village of Kambos knows it and laughs at the idea of the weird Englishman from Toumbia living in a hovel in the snake fields at the top of snake hill. But I need to do manual labour and so this afternoon headed to the hovel. Retrieving my pick axe from the rat room, or spare bat room as it is now known, I went onto the illegally constructed level above it, the snake veranda.


2914 days ago

Photo Article: Fertilizing the olive trees at the Greek Hovel

Fear not there are not any pictures of my fertilizing olive trees as only a man can do. Although I have assisted a few of my little darlings in this way over the past few days. This is the formal process with George the Albanian, his Mrs and myself in a team of three.


2988 days ago

The Olive Harvest at the Greek Hovel - day 5: FFS George Vreki!!!!

Arriving at the Greek Hovel this morning it was damp underfoot. There had been overnight rain and the puddles in the dry river are growing and threatening to link up to form a vibrant stream, but the skies looked clear enough. I wandered down to the other side of the ruin, the lair of the snake, to trees that have gone from zeros to heros in the space of a year. George the Albanian was hard at work as was one of his women. But only one. Hell's teeth: what could have gone wrong?


2988 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Staring down the barrel - just one week left for the bailout placings

I am just so tired after day 4 of the olive harvest. You can see today's report - into the lair of the snake - HERE. In this podcast I cover: Cloudtag (CTAG), Strat Aero (AERO), Andalas (ADL), the CFD firms and the FCA, notably Plus 500 (PLUS), African Potash (FRAUD), Corero (CNS), Inspirit (INSP) and Fishing Republic (FISH).


3038 days ago

Don't count your chickens...but some good news on the way from the Greek Hovel

The Mrs and I bought the Greek Hovel about 28 months ago. Naively we rather assumed that by now it would have been renovated and we could both head over to enjoy the forthcoming olive harvest in comfort. Au contraire. If there was an Olympic gold for bureaucracy then the Hellenic Republic would be winning it every year. But there is good news today.


3148 days ago

Plucking up courage and heading back into the fields...sssssnakes!

After yesterday's encounter with an adder I was not exactly gagging to go frigana cutting today. The only real patches left are thick bushes whrere the shoots can be up to six foot tall and where, one imagines, snakes regard it as an ideal place to sit around waiting for prey. Or me. So I procastinated, swapping emails with David Lenigas, and writing a long piece on Tony Baldry, a loathsome scumbag former Tory MP who makes your avereage adder seem like a nice piece of work.

But I was conscious that I had enjoyed a few ouzos the night before and so needed to spend some time toiling in the heat to burn off those calories and so, in the end, plucked up courage and headed off to the fields.

Full of petrol 


3149 days ago

Fuck Fuck Fuck I shouted - poisonous snake encounter

I decided that it was time to tackle the frigana bushes that sit just outside the fence on the mountain side of the land at the Greek Hovel. Access is easy as the fence runs alongside a paved road used by the shepherd and, as far as I can see, nobody else at all.

I approached the first bush which sat on a rock and slashed away the grass in front of it so that nothing mide jump out at me. So far so good. I then started hacking away at what was a ha5rdy old bush with every sprout intertwined with grass and other green things. Fuck!


3174 days ago

An Evening with a snake and a hooker c/o Inspirit

It is good to see that Inspirit Energy (INSP) is spending the £750,000 from the bailout financing of last month wisely. Canapes and stockmarket hookers all round.

I refer to an RNS out today saying that there is a canapes and nibbles evening on June 14. So here is how it goes. Back in the autumn of last year Inspirit paid to appear on t1ps TV to get a soft interview from Zak "Judas" Mir.  t1psTV did not disclose the payment and CEO John Gunn assured the world that no placings were needed even though that was patent bollocks. Ramp, ramp and ramp again.


3185 days ago

One noise of the night explained - bats have taken over the rat room at the Greek Hovel

I can hear a loud chirping noise from outside as I prepare to go to sleep at night. Surely it cannot be a bird? I hear nothing in the day. Tonight all has been explained. Beneath the one room that is habitable at the Greek Hovel is the bat room, named after the dominant species of inhabitant when I arrived. Behind me but a level down, underneath the snake veranda, is the rat room, the veranda and the room both named for similar reasons. The latter has been cleansed of rats and it is where I store wood for the winter.


3194 days ago

That is not a snake that is the best shower in the whole wide world

After three days of manual labour at the Greek hovel I was conscious that I did not exactly smell like a male model doused in perfume and thus it was time to rig up the shower as you can see below.


3195 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I saw a snake & have a photo and this is a cracking bearcast BTW

I shall put the photo up later on but this is the first snake of the current greek trip - day 6 and one down!. I am a modest man, as you know, but feel that I have little to be modest about in saying that this really is a most excellent podcast covering Nostra Terra (NTOG), Avanti Communications (AVN) and a new lawyers letter,, Outsourcery (OUT) and LGO Energy (LGO) all in some detail. 


3250 days ago

The Mrs has got her Nashville ticket and this makes her week

Sadly in late June I shall not be in Bristol but will instead be working hard to rebuild the Greek Hovel. Even if planning consent is not quite in by then, I am free to start preparatory work such as digging out the stone floor of the bat room and demolishing the illegal construct on top of the rat room, the area known as the snake veranda.

The Mrs was set to join me but is now altering her travel plans. Tom Winnifrith just cannot compete with Deacon Claybourne, Gunner, Scarlett and Will Lexington. Nashville fans will know exactly what I mean. If you are not a fan of this must-watch TV series you do not know what you are missing.

We caught Gunner in action at a Country show last year in London. Rather suprisingly the actor who plays Texan born Gunner is in fact a Brit and is an accomplished singer songwriter as well as an actor. Gunner used to date Scarlett who is the neice of recovering alcoholic Deacon, now back with his sweetheart the star of the show Rayna. Deacon may or may not be dead, that is the cliffhanger at the end of series three. Well actually there was no way that Deacon who is the star of the show could be killed off, and as American viewers who are already well into Series 4 know, Deacon is alive but his ghastly sister Beverley is not doing so well.

At least for British viewers, Will is back as Gunner's housemate following the collapse of his faux marriage because he is in fact a closet homosexual. It


3551 days ago

Snake killer foiled - but I did it the Greek way

A morning at the Greek Hovel working on frigana poisoning, lunch by the sea at Kitries and then a leisurely drive over the mountain roads back to Kardamili. That was the order of the day for the Mrs and myself. I write from the bar of the wonderful Meletsina Village hotel - my top tip for staying in Karadmili - with a Gin & Tonic looking out over the sea in the late afternoon sun. But I am frustrated.

As we drove over the mountains, the Mrs cried "there's a snake". Sure enough there was indeed a snake slithering towards safety on the other side of the road. These days I think Greek so without hesitating I swerved sharply, not thinking of what might be heading the other way around the next bend, and drove over the middle of the snake. Kill! Thought I.

But much to my dismay


3557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 18 May

Naturally I start this podcast with my big news - last night's encounter with a snake: did I kill it. You can read about that HERE. Next up is a detailed look at today's news from Environmental Recycling (ENRT), formerly 3DM, then onto Tomco, Rose Petroleum, Tungsten, Blinkx, Sefton and Solgold. And then for some folks out there - including Chris Oil - I explain what constitutes market abuse and/or insider dealing and what the FCA should do about what is NOT a victimless crime.


3566 days ago

Suffering Head On Bike Crash in Greece – Feeling Bruised and stupid

In the end I could not get my head around a 200 cc bike with gears and so chickened out and hired another 150 cc automatic. But it felt great being on two wheels again as I whizzed up the mountain road from Kalamata to my home village of Kambos. It was warm but the wind was in my hair and as I swept down towards Kambos with the ruined castle looming in the background I just felt content and happy.

After dealing with the rat at the Greek hovel I headed into Kambos to do some work at my office, aka the Kourounis tavern. But for some reason they key in the bike was jammed and then broke. I could start the machine but not turn it off so I knew it had to be fixed or I’d have a dead battery by morning. Feeling really pissed off I headed back to Kalamata. I was so pissed off that I drove on the left hand side of the road.

Prang! At


3837 days ago

Yikes..Snake seen at The Greek Hovel

After almost one month I had yet to see a snake at the Greek Hovel…until yesterday. I arrived back at the Hovel at 9 AM feeling rather tired after a night at Athens Airport and as we got out of the car my guest says “so where are the snakes then?”

As I entered the garden I was about to reply “not seen one yet” when I heard a whoosh and something shot through the grass, starting about three yards from where I stood rooted to the spot. I peered closely at where it was now resting, five yards away. Er….”over there” I said.

In defence of the snake


3922 days ago

The Mrs Buys a hovel in Greece and I head off to the Building Site in July

I gather that on twitter there are a few folks who thing that I am writing a bit too much and should take up gardening or tai-chi and “chill” Hmmmm. Have I got news for you…

As it happens the Mrs is away for the weekend so I am catching up on a few things. One of which is the paperwork on a new house the Mrs is purchasing in Greece. The deposit is paid tomorrow. It is not a lot as it is a total train wreck.

When we visited it last the only sign of life there was a snake we met sitting on a terrace. The house is not really fit for human habitation but comes with vast amounts of olive groves so can be expanded and renovated over time.  The nearest neighbour is a ten minute walk away and is the one old monk left in a vast monastery. Ten minutes drive along a very rough track gets you to a village.

And so I shall be working like a dervish in the UK until June 30th when, all being well I head off to Greece to start work renovating the place. I do not mind that the shower (pro tem) is a hosepipe or that the outside lavatory does not work. I shall install an eco-loo (more on that later) in my first week. I will work alongside the Greek builders as their Albanian (i.e. unskilled labourer) for three months so that by the time the Mrs arrives in August to inspect her new property it is just about habitable and by the end of September, phase one will be complete.

I am ensuring that the fridge contains antidote in case I meet any other snakes and that I can somehow connect to the Internet so that I can write when not building. If three months on a building site in 39 degree heat does not knock me into shape nothing will.

So twitter friends, how’s that for relaxing?
