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It's raining, it's pouring – it's not global warming

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 11 June 2012

The “drought” of Spring 2012 is just one of those things that happen. So was the drought of 1976. So were the ultra cold winters of 1947 and 1963. This is nothing whatsoever to do with global climate change let alone global warming. In fact the earth has actually been cooling for the past decade just as our leaders plan to trash our economy with new carbon taxes to tackle global warming. But any evidence of hotter weather is always trotted out by certain parties as evidence of global warming. Hence we turn to the drought of 2012 (remember that?)

The usual suspects were quick to point out that this was further proof of global warming. Read through this hilariously biased document to see one such claim.

Our pathetic coalition Government made similar claims.

Picking through the Guardian’s outpourings on the subject I found a Guardian Teacher guide for 7-11 year olds. Teachers who read the vile rag are encouraged to discuss drought with their pupils thus:

Create a mashed-up and cross cultural dance routine that reveals how water is important to different people across the world. Flash perform your dance somewhere they would least expect it!

Oh please. Heaven help me. My teachers when I was 7-11 may have been a mixed up bunch of closet homosexuals with a keen interest in ensuring we all took cold showers after rugby and ageing WW2 veterans who beat us senseless (as well as some lovely ladies like Mrs Fawcett, Mrs Fogg and Mrs Hobday) but at least we did not have our minds filled with this mumbo jumbo. I just do not know where to start with this piffle.

Perhaps I digress. My point is that we have now had a vast amount of rain. The rivers and reservoits are full to bursting. My garden is green and the plants are loving it. I see nothing unusual in stacks of rain. It happens now and again. This may well be the wettest summer since records began in Britain. That will in itself be wheeled out as evidence of climate change. But the third wettest was in 1789 – not a lot of carbon emitting jumbos and power stations around then. In other words there is no trend – you just sometimes have wet period and sometimes have dry periods.

At some stage this might just sink in, even among global warming fanatics. As the rain pours down again presumably they are amending their claims made just 3 months ago about drought/global warming. Of course they are not. Global warming is a religion not a science and so facts do not matter.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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