
1116 days ago

Video: Hyperinflation is here

Libertarian investor Rafi Farber is an economist of the Austrian school so clearly a sound chap. He outlines the treasury market operations and the massive increase in debt issuance. Much of this debt is now being redeployed under Janet Yellen and will require an enormous amount of additional issuance to finance the infrastructure spending under Biden. This debt will be raised through ten-year and two-year treasuries, and the Fed will have to monetize nearly all of it. And that will have only one result.


1181 days ago

Meet Steiner, he has a severe case of #BrexitDerangementSyndrome, pray for him as he is ill

How will you fill in the census this year when it comes to national identity? If you suffer from #BrexitDerangementSyndrome like Steiner below, the answer you will provide will almost certainly be wrong.
