
117 days ago

Getting a barrage of hate for stating a fact, meet the #NAFO loons

On the day Scotland introduces its barking mad new clampdown on free speech, JK Rowling has tweeted a series of images of the type of women born with a penis, including the unhinged India Willoughby stating that they are men. That is a direct challenge to the Scottish Police. Good for JK who is, predictably, being lambasted by a range of loons for stating what, you and I know to be a fact. Meanwhile I also stated and fact and after a barrage of abuse have locked my twitter account. I am not as brave as JK.



152 days ago

Boris Johnson really is a deluded chancer telling obvious lies and with Ukrainian blood on his hands

In the spring of 2022 Ukraine and Russia were ready to start Turkey/Israeli brokered peace talks. But, facing the partygate crisis at home, Boris Johnson bullied Ukraine to fight on. Almost two years later the Ukrainians have lost nearly all of the meagre gains they made in the much vaunted 2023 “counter offensive.” And on all fronts Russia is now advancing, taking out the“fortresses” Bakhmut and Avdiivka and village after village across the line.  The gains are measured in hundreds of metres a day in each area where fighting is underway. They are not huge on a daily basis and each day sees body bags shipped home to both Kiev and to Moscow on a horrible scale. But Stevie Wonder can see that it is Russia that is advancing.  However…


162 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Russia & Ukraine: the impending fall of "fortress" Avdiivka, the death of Alexei Navalny & that Tucker Carlson interview

What is happening in Avdiivka is truly horroble but is being eitther ignored or misreported by the Western press. The death of Navalny is very sad and I do blame President Putin. The Tucker Carlson interview raises interesting questions and the response fromthe GroupThink is predictable. At some stage we will have to force Ukraine to negotiate a peace with Russia which, though you would not believe it if you follow the UK media, is making ground on all fronts. 


164 days ago

The BBC worship of the late Steve Wright is nauseating given how it sacked him

Like many of you I grew up and grew older listening to Steve Wright on the radio. His death at just 69 yesterday was something I regret and he will be missed. The Mrs. and I still listened to his Sunday morning love songs show. Whether it was right to lead the News last night was Wright’s passing is a matter for debate. My instinct is that the troubles of the Labour Party in Rochdale, events in Gaza and the imminent fall of “fortress” Avdiivka in Ukraine where a couple of thousand Ukrainian troops were cut off yesterday were bigger stories.
