
1037 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I am contacted by a psychic PR man, I kid you not, it was scary

I start with the tale of the psychic PR man and Edge VCT. Then I look at Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Powerhouse Energy (PHE) and Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD). we live in a world that is truly bonkers. Then I ask if Avon Protection (AVON) shares have fallen too far on today’s, admittedly bad, news


2021 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks Training Walk Number two - part 3 on to Bitton

Refreshed by a cup of warm tea and a slice of banana bread at Lucian's breakfast cafe, the half way point of my 16 mile training walk, as I gear up for the 33 mile rogue bloggers for Woodlarks trek on May 25, I strode on, along the line of the old Bristol Bath railway line towards Bitton.


2278 days ago

I could not put him off, Lucian to join me on 19 mile training walk Saturday

Though he is an on-off smoker and a man not averse to a bottle or three of wine at lunchtime, my friend the bear raider Lucian Miers, the Bard of the Boleyn, is becoming a bit of a health freak these days. “I can’t file Friday as I am on a three day walk across the downs”. That is his catchphrase these days. And to think that it used to be “get another bottle in, I’m just nipping outside for a fag.”
