Bath Spa University

1641 days ago

Prize Contest – None of you win even a 2-1 from Bath Spa University..but the good news

A few days ago I asked you to write an essay of no more than 150 words to answer a question from the Bath Spa Banking & Finance course. A few of you tried as you can see here but I have good news and bad.


1643 days ago

Prize Contest: Get your 2:1 in Banking & Finance from Bath Spa University - a sample question

This should be easy, I invite you to answer the following question in fewer than 150 words. Bath Spa students need to find a safe space room if their human rights are breached by being asked to pen more than 150 words a term.  The deadline for entries is Sunday at midnight and the best entry wins a bottle of Greek Hovel 2019 olive Oil. This question is sponsored by Ms Alison Rose of RBS.


2115 days ago

After gender pay mania now wretched Theresa May wants a race audit – she must go now!

Forcing companies to disclose the pay of men and women demonstrated two things clearly. Firstly that folks doing different jobs earned different salaries and secondly the willingness of the liberal left and the media to distort data to pursue a virtue signalling agenda, and one that lumbers business with more costs and pressures.  There is a gender pay gap but its narrowing and it cannot simply be put down to sexism as I explained to the free speech loving ,angelic. multi-brained genius students at Bath Spa University here


2306 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Stupid Theresa May jumps on gender pay gap bandwagon, media fails to see how meaningless data really is

As you know I care greatly about the way meaningless data is misinterpreted when it comes to the gender pay gap. That got me into an Orwellian soup thanks to a bedwetting millennial when I gave THIS lecture at Bath Spa University. Today is the day by when all companies must publish gender pay data. But the data offered is utterly meaningless and the fact that Theresa May uses it as she jumps on the bandwagon show what a silly woman she is. The BBC is wilfully misreporting it too as you can see below ref RyanAir (RYA). I explain why today's wall to wall coverage is so misleading.


2374 days ago

Why I empathise with Jordan Peterson - my Bath Spa lecture covering the gender pay gap & other left wing myths

You wonder why I sympathise with Jordan Peterson over the Cathy Newman debacle? Largely because he is 100% right but also because in November I gave a lecture to the sociology students at Bath Spa University normally taught by my wife. I did not take a fee but wished to challenge them in how they looked at data.  Around 70 attended and and I did not hold back. My lecture was recorded as were the slides. 


2442 days ago

Tom Winnifrith lecture to Bath Spa Sociology students: Lies, damned lies - Public sector under pay and other myths

Once a year the Mrs allows me to give a lecture to her sociology students at Bath Spa University. Around 70 attended and and I did not hold back. My lecture was recorded as were the slides. Enjoy!


2496 days ago

Bath Spa University, the transexuals and the sheer cowardice of liberal academia

This is a bit sensitive as the Mrs is a senior lecturer at Bath Spa. This morning I wished her well as she headed off to campus to fill the empty heads of impressionable millennials full of left wing nonsense and told her that I hoped she enjoyed the book burning or whatever else was planned by her cowardly employer today. For Bath Spa is in the news.
