
283 days ago

SHOCKING: The Holocaust Memorial DayTrust lies about history and genocide

We celebrate HolocaustMemorialDay with a candle in this house. I have written countless articles on the evils of anti-semitism and the persecution of Israel. So it saddens me greatly that the Holocaust Memorial Trust is lying about and rewriting history to gain sympathy for its cause. Re-writing history is one of the countless evils of the Nazis. We are better than them are we not?


1179 days ago

The most shocking statistics of ignorance today as #Weremember

In case you missed it, today is the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and thus it is Holocaust Memorial Day. At 8 PM tonight we will light a candle at the Welsh Hovel as I hope that you all will wherever you are. It is important that we remind the younger generation of the sheer horrors of what went on, so that man’s inhumanity to man cannot be expressed in such a vile way again. The problem is that people are forgetting or perhaps just don’t know at all.
