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SHOCKING: The Holocaust Memorial DayTrust lies about history and genocide

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 11 July 2023

We celebrate HolocaustMemorialDay with a candle in this house. I have written countless articles on the evils of anti-semitism and the persecution of Israel. So it saddens me greatly that the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust is lying about and rewriting history to gain sympathy for its cause. Re-writing history is one of the countless evils of the Nazis. We are better than them are we not?

The lie concerns Srebrenica where 8,372 Muslim Bosnians were murdered by Serbs in 1995. It was a horrible crime and it was ethnic cleansing and an act of genocide but not, as so many claim today a holocaust. Teachers ignore the historic context of what happened and big up this appalling and unforgiveable event every January 27 as I discussed HERE.

The reason, I suspect, is that in many Muslim communities there is not that much sympathy for the Jews who died in the real holocaust so well-meaning liberals try to say Muslims suffered in a holocaust too, in order to bring them on side.  But the Holocaust Memorial trust goes one step further with its claim in the tweet below which is just not true


The genocide in Bosnia saw about 21,000 folks killed because of their ethnicity. Most were Muslims. But there were also Croats and Serbs killed by Muslims and Croats as well. It was complicated. But 21,000 is nothing compared to the murder of ethnic non-German resident Germans in 1945 (after the war) to 1950.

We do not tend to talk much about this as the victims were Krauts who were, rightly viewed as having some very dreadful things during the war. But the victims were not combatants but civilians, men, women and children, old folks and babies.  We talk about the horrors of the population swap after partition in India when 32 million folks were forced to swap country. But after the war up to 12 million Germans living across eastern Europe were forced to move to Germany. These folks were ethnic Germans they spoke German but almost none of them, their parents, grandparents or great grandparents had ever visited Germany!

Twelve million Germans were forced to move back to Germany. About 10.5 million made it. Some starved on the way but many were killed in what was also a genocide.  By way of illustration, there were c500,000 ethnic Germans in what was Yugoslavia before World war two. By 1945 most had fled by 200,000 remained. About 7,000 were killed as local populations and partisans took revenge for German wartime atrocities. From 1945-48 the remaining ethnic Germans were held in labour camps where about 50,000 perished with survivors being allowed to flee to Germany in 1948. So in Yugoslavia alone almost three times as many Germans were killed or died in camps than Bosnian Muslims were killed during the Balkan wars.

I understand why nobody felt much sympathy for the hundreds of thousands, possibly more than a million, ethnic Germans killed or starved to death in camps across eastern Europe after the war. As folks looked at the footage from Auschwitz and Belsen they were horrified and, of course, nearly all Germans knew what was happening to the Jews while tens of thousands were involved in the transportation and murder of the Jews. So, we in the West were at the time revolted by the whole German race. We did not care about Germans dying after the war and we could not be bothered to write it into the general history.

But that does not justify the murder of German civilians who were not in any way involved directly in the holocaust. What happened to them really was genocide and it was the largest mass murder in Europe since WW2. It may not do great things for getting Muslim communities in Britain onside to state that, it might in fact win no sympathy at all but it is a fact, albeit one almost never taught in schools and which most Brits are willfully unaware.  

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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