Brian Basham

109 days ago

Comrade Brian Basham: why did you get into bed with a Tory MP? Net Zero Infrastructure the unravel continues

When Net Zero Infrastructure (NZI) listed on the Standard list as a shell looking to make a “green reversal” I warned my old friend the hard left champagne socialist, comrade Brian Basham that it would end in tears as do most companies where a director is a failed Tory MP. Brian thought he knew better but today….


120 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The madness of Brian Basham & its all about the placing spoof with Chill Brands leading the charge

I start with the crackpot socialism of my pal Brian Basham who wants us all to pay more taxes. Indeed he told me today that paying taxes is a privilege. Then a moan about BBC Radio 4. Then Chill Brands (CHLL), Bidstack (BIDS) and Vast Resources (VAST). Finally, it is that time of the year again, the View from Readers Windows at Christmas. If you can take a snap please send it to Darren at [email protected]. I shall miss Steve Holdsworth’s view from a Paddington Dungeon this year. He was a good man.


513 days ago

One last time, Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks Annual 34 mile walk – we are on!

This will be the sixth walk and we have agreed the last. Maybe Lucian and I will do something different next year, maybe not. The old boy did turn 60 last year. The date is now set for June 17 and we will walk the 34 miles from Winchester to the Woodlarks camp. So far those signed up are:


522 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - looking very grim for Kanabo, it is what it does not say today

In today’s podcast I remind you to get something in for the special person or people (it is 2023) in your life. I look at Brian Basham’s green spoof Net Zero Infrastructure (NZI), BlueJay Mining (JAY), Afentra (AET) and free speech on this site, 8000 for the Footsie and our obsession with round numbers, Okyo Pharma (OKYO) – spoofing on vapours – and Kanabo (KNB)


613 days ago

Net Zero Infrastructure: share ramp by spivs + green shite + ex Tory MP on board = disaster

Oh dear, oh dear. My old friend the champagne socialist Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham is a director of Net Zero Infrastructure (NZI) and was so hopeful when it listed on the (sub) Standard list at 3p last September 15th. I warned him… and now a year later almost two thirds of the money has gone….


775 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers and the three bears, as we finally catch Brian Basham

We sped past Jane Austen’s house and into Alton, where I bring you a picture of three bears. No delays for the five rogue bloggers and, at 4.10 pm, with 11 miles to go, we caught up with 78-year-old Fleet Street legend, Brian Basham, and his trainer J, who had left Winchester five hours before us. We are now just nine miles from Woodlarks, and the group is again splitting into fast and slow. Amazingly, I am in the fast group. If you are yet to donate to this fantastic cause, please do so HERE.


775 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks lunchbreak

At 17 miles, we are now halfway. Brian Basham, who started just after midnight, is now a couple of miles ahead of the main group; so, we are stopping for lunch. I wish my friend, Jonathan Price the euro loon, were here joining me, as I am struggling a bit. His Guardianista thoughts are always a reason to march on and end the suffering. The next stop is four miles away, and it is hard to think beyond that. Again, everyone else eats as I nibble at my half-eaten breakfast sandwich. I feel rotten. If you have yet to donate, please do so HERE.


775 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks reach 14 miles

The next target is lunch, which is 3 miles away. We are, I calculate, on track to catch Brian Basham at c. 3 pm. My fellow rogue bloggers, even the hungover Lucian Miers and reader, N, who has an incredibly heavy backpack, are in fine form. I am not. Something isn’t right, and I am just taking on more liquids at this stage. I have confessed to Nick Richards that, for the first time, I may not make it to the finish line this year. Nevertheless, I am focused on the next three miles, which take us just past halfway. Master Miers, a barking-mad commie, is keeping at the back to help me along, entertaining me with his bonkers worldview.  He makes our in-house Euro loon, Jonathan Price, seem rather sane.  Think of my suffering, as Master Miers explains why rich people’s houses should be nationalised, and donate to Woodlarks HERE


775 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks update: Basham located at breakfast time

We marched past the beds of watercress, and are now just 15 minutes behind schedule. At the first rest break – the Cricketers Arms – Lucian is apologising for last night’s excess to his Mrs. Fleet Street legend, Brian Basham has been in contact. Two hours ago, he was 45 minutes ahead of where we are now. The pursuit is on. If you have yet to donate to this great cause, think of the suffering that lies ahead: 25 miles still to go! Please donate HERE.



775 days ago

Photo Article: The Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks set off from Winchester Cathedral

There are two late dropouts: reader Sam and Andrew Bell. Fleet Street legend, Brian Basham, has gone AWOL. So, it is just me, reader N, Steve Moore, and a very hungover Lucian Miers (along with his communist son). Lucian’s hangover has delayed us by 35 minutes, but now, we are off! If you have yet to donate, please do so HERE.



854 days ago

Andrew Bell signs up for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks – will it be 4th time lucky for the great man?

To date, controversial mining boss Bell, has managed 18 miles, 31miles and 3 miles (the last three). But on June 11th he will try to make it 4th time lucky and complete the 34miles Winchester to Woodlarks walk. He joins myself, writers Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, three of our readers Jonathan Price, Nick and Sam plus 80 year old Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham and his long suffering trainer. So that makes nine rogue bloggers so far.


908 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - Damson vodka crumble

As I am on the Lucian Miers diet I cannot drink anything from the two bottles of damson vodka I decanted the other day. But I had a brief break in the diet, as I plan to step up the excercise part of it next week, as you can see below.


1001 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Brian Basham demands a retraction

The Fleet Street Legend is up in arms about what he terms a foul smear on him HERE but, as I explain, the old champagne socialist is trying to pull the wool over our eyes with his mockney dining habits. At least the budget means that the champagne for Brian and his comrades will be cheaper but the Budget really is a shower. I explain why. Then it is onto Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Red Rock Resources (RRR) where it looks ever bleaker for my pal Andrew Bell and finally why the Redcentric (RCN) valuation is bonkers.


1029 days ago

Vast Resources: The Oxymorons at AIM Regulation vs Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham (again)

Clearly Vast Resources (VAST) has misled investors of many years allowing the AIM fat cats who run this company to live the lifestyle at the expense of others. I flagged up one such shocker HERE. Fleet Street legend Brian Basham has tried to get the woke dullards at the FCA and the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation to do something but neither seem to care.  His latest exchange of emails has fallen into my hands.


1074 days ago

Brian Basham again names the bulletin board poster Vast paid to ramp as he lashes out at the failings of AIM Regulation

Brian Basham sent my most recent article on Vast Resources (VAST) to the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation demanding it take action. Its risible response is below followed by another damning missive from the Fleet Street legend.


1075 days ago

Vast Resources should sue Tom Winnifrith for defamation says a Fleet Street legend

So says Fleet Street legend Brian Basham. Given that Brian has accused Vast’s (VAST) board of malfeasance and repeatedly called on the useless regulators to act against the company I doubt he has its best interest at heart. This is one case I would love to fight so bring it on Vast: see you Bitchez in Court! So what is Brian’s point?


1110 days ago

Ex Vast Resources director Brian Basham names paid BB ramper in damning email to FCA

Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham was once a director of Vast Resources (VAST) but resigned in disgust at what he saw as blatant corporate malfeasance. He has been urging the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation and the woke dullards at the FCA to act, so far, without success. His latest missive to the FCA has fallen into the hands of Winnileaks and makes accusations that surely demand a response. It is shocking and it is below.


1149 days ago

BREAKING: Former Vast Resources director Brian Basham accuses AIM and the LSE of obfuscation and deception in not tackling clear abuse

Fleet Street legend Brian Basham is at war with Marcus Stuttard, his team of Oxymorons at AIM Regulation and the London Stock Exchange over its refusal to tackle what he sees as industrial scale abuse of market rules and shareholders’ funds at Vast Resources (VAST) where he was once a director. His correspondence with the hapless Stuttard, the self-styled Sheriff of AIM, began on April 20:


1154 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, only 1.5 miles to go at 9:03pm - 3 more join

It is 9:03pm and the Rogue Bloggers are at Farnham station, with only 1.5 miles to go. Now joined by veteran rogue blogger Brian and Lynn Basham, and Lucian’s brother-in-law rejoins us. 


1276 days ago

Fleet Street Legend and serial NED Brian Basham writes to AIM boss Marcus Stuttard re Vast Resources & the AIM sewer in general with a novel suggestion

Brian Basham has been a legend of journalism and PR for more than fifty years. He moves in the highest circles of the Labour Party, is a serial AIM NED and exposer of corruption, notably the HBOS Reading scandal, and is a man not to be ignored. He has written a letter to AIM Regulation boss, the fake Sheriff of AIM, Mr Marcus Stuttard which I publish in full below as it makes very strong allegations.


1640 days ago

Winnileaks special: Vast Resources: Ex Director Brian Basham accuses Fatty Cornish of signing off on untrue statements

Oh dear, oh dear, London’s worst Nomad, Roland “Fatty” Cornish really does have a lot on his plate this morning. I refer not to his third portion of finest Manx Kippers dripping in butter, followed by a quartet of hot crumpets with lashings of strawberry jam. No, he is already in hot water over his advice to ADVFN (AFN) that it should break AIM Rules but now Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham has written to Fatty about another of his cash guzzling and worthless clients, Vast Resources (VAST) and, thanks to Winnileaks, I have that letter.


1641 days ago

The Biggest Clown on AIM: Roland Fatty Cornish warns Brian Basham who quit last week that ADVFN might now have to sack him

It may well be that London’s worst Nomad, the Cambridge educated gourmand, Roland “Fatty” Cornish has, in between meals, invented a time machine. Or perhaps he is just not very bright but that the tutors at Pembroke College thought he was a jolly good fellow who had been to the right school and that the College VIII needed a bit of ballast in the middle? I shall leave you to decide.


1649 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Brian Basham quits ADVFN but why is the company not telling you why?

Shareholders have a right to know exactly why the Fleet Street legend Brian Basham quite as a Non Executive director of ADVFN (AFN) on Friday but despite Basham ensuring that Nomad Roland “fatty” Cornish was kept in the loop, ADVFN has refused to come clean. Luckily, thanks to Winnileaks, I have BOTH resignation letter sent by Basham and what they say is utterly shocking.


1692 days ago

ShareProphets Election coverage: Vote Liberal Democrat says Woodlarks walker Jonathan Price

We are running articles by supporters of the three main parties in Britain urging you to vote for their party. If you are some SNP supporting sheep molester or cottage burning Taffy and want to bleat about not having your say, tough. This is about parties that are serious across the UK ….and also the Lib Dems. Our first contributor was lifelong Labour supporter Brian Basham, next was writer here and recently elected Conservative Councillor Chris ‘three brains’ Bailey and now it is Woodlarks walker Jonathan Price for the Lib Dems:


1696 days ago

ShareProphets Election coverage: Vote Conservative says Councillor Chris Bailey

Over the next week or so we will run articles by supporters of the three main parties in Britain urging you to vote for their party. If you are some SNP supporting sheep molester or cottage burning Taffy and want to bleat about not having your say, tough. This is about parties that are serious across the UK ….and also the Lib Dems. Our first contributor was lifelong Labour supporter Brian Basham, now writer here and recently elected Conservative Councillor Chris ‘three brains’ Bailey writes:


1696 days ago

ShareProphets Election coverage: Vote Labour says Woodlarks walker & Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham

Over the next week or so we will run articles by supporters of the three main parties in Britain urging you to vote for their party. If you are some SNP supporting sheep molester or cottage burning Taffy and want to bleat about not having your say, tough. This is about parties that are serious across the UK ….and also the Lib Dems. Our first contributor is my old pal Brian Basham, a lifelong Labour supporter who writes:


1943 days ago

Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham writes to Amber Rudd MP demanding her local and national party repays stolen cash

76 year old Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham is one of the rogue bloggers walking for Woodlarks this year. At his age that is impressive and is something you should sponsor here. Basham was also an ace spin doctor in his time (notably for Mo Al Fayed) and is enraged at the way Simon Hume Kendall has stolen cash from the victims of the LCF ponzi, mostly pensioners like Brian, and has donated £65,000 to Amber Rudd’s local party and to Tory central office. Basham has written to Ms Rudd and his letter follows:


2118 days ago

Fitness Regime derailed by Coach Brian Basham but basically on track

You may remember that my coach for my Woodlarks walk was 75 year old Fleet Street legend Brian Basham who himself completed the London marathon last year. My coach was in town yesterday and we met up for lunch. Uh Oh!


2137 days ago

Back on a fitness kick – Joshua and I head to the gym again: does my effort impress?

I am conscious that I have put on a few pounds during the summer, that my blood sugar is too high – though not off the scale as it once was – and that action is needed to lose weight and to get/keep my type 2 diabetes in check. Thus it is time to visit Perry, the stalwart of the local Tory party, who runs a gym half way between Joshua’s nursery, aka the borstal, and our house here in Bristol.


2217 days ago

27 miles in up to 31 degree heat – yesterday’s practice trek for Woodlarks.

It is now less than four weeks until myself and Brokerman Dan try to walk from Horse Hill to Woodlarks to raise money for this charity which I have backed for 16 years and which does amazing work as you can see HERE.  Dan is far fitter than I am and sent late night texts on Friday saying that he had  managed a 21 mile walk but was a wreck and needed a lighter rucksack. I know it is hot up in Manchester what with all those fires on the Moors but I think he is kidding me. It is all psychology. My plan was to do 26 miles on Sunday.


2238 days ago

Tom Winnifith Bearcast - Will the Lombard crew be prosecuted for fraud & I'd rather not write in ignorance like Cynical Bear

It is a day off from training, after yesterday's ten mile walk. My 75 year old coach, Brian Basham, says I must rest my muscles. I restart again tomorrow but how about you donate a tenner to a great cause and sponsor me HERE? Meanwhile i discuss Cynical Bear's latest piece written in ignorance on Big Sofa (BST). He might be right and I may be wrong. So far he has called it right. But what we do know is that he is guessing and writing in ignorance, I'd rather not do that. Then I look at fund managers making pathetic excuses for their own failure over Persimmon (PSN). Finally after today's shocking Lombard (LRM) expose HERE I ask will the authorities finally hold individuals to account to show they really want to stamp out fraud.


2243 days ago

My first training walk for Woodlarks completed - don't laugh 5 miles is okay says Brian

In just under two months I shall be doing a 30 mile walk for the excellent Woodlarks Charity with my friend the blogger and former bank robber Brokerman Dan. Dan is rather fitter than I am and keeps tweeting messages about how he is just popping out for a quick 10 mile training yomp. I do not know if he is just trying to spook me or if he is serious but I have a horrible feeling that it is the latter.


2283 days ago

Photo Article: 75 year old Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham finishes Marathon in less than 8 hours

Well done to my friend the legendary hack, evil PR spinner and raconteur Brian Basham who managed to finish the London Marathon in 7 hours, 59 minutes and 33 seconds - I doubt I could do that today, let alone at 75.


2331 days ago

Sponsor PR and journalism legend Brian Basham as, aged 75, he runs the London Marathon to fight prostate cancer

Prostate cancer lies twentieth in the ‘league table’ of annual cancer research spend. It kills slightly more men than breast cancer kills women but it gets half the funding. That’s why treatment lags ten years behind breast cancer and many years behind some other forms of cancer. Brian Basham is a legend among journalists


3716 days ago

Adam Reynolds, the Company Rescuer, Speaker No. 28 at UK Investor Show 2015

Following the mammoth success of UK Investor Show 2014 we are moving into overdrive for the 2015 show on April 18 and one new feature will be a series of 14 one hour masterclasses with an audience limited to 80 – we are taking on an additional floor in Westminster.

In these rooms Amanda Van Dyke will be doing a session on how to value mining stocks. Brian Basham will be doing a session on making money from Crowd Funding. And new for this year, Adam Reynolds, the Company Rescuer, will be doing a masterclass on how to make money from shell companies.

Adam is the brains behind two companies currently suspended pending RTOs. Real Man is invested in both Ducat Ventures (DUC) and Vialogy (VIY) and I am an insider on both so all I can say is that I am incredibly excited and they will pay for Christmas - see HERE

We profiled Adam here.

To ensure that you get a seat
