Che Guevara

1138 days ago

Happy Birthday Che say misguided lefties like Union Boss Howard Beckett - don't they know he was a murderous, racist, homophobe?

Che Guevara was the “hero” of the Cuban civil war whose face adorns T shirts of the naive across this globe. He would have been 93 today and folks like Union boss Howard Beckett are rushing to praise him, showing their complete ignorance of history, as you can see below. The left often hates history. Facts can be awkward. So Howard celebrates with the late Che showing solidary with other victims of racism, homophobia, transpobia, etc, etc. Er…


2681 days ago

Uber liberal Jon Snow of Channel 4 fills me with revulsion as he eulogises unrepentant murdering bastard Martin McGuiness

And so Martin McGuinness is dead. I welcome no death - as I explained here with reference to this unrepentant murderer of many - but equally I would agree with Norman Tebbit that old Martin is right now suffering agony in a particular part of hell reserved for the truly wicked. Martin's crime, in the eyes of St Peter and indeed many on this earth, is not so much the killing many innocent folks but a failure to accept that this was a sin, that he had sinned and to show remorse. For that McGuinness can only be viewed as evil and damned to burn in hell for eternity.
