
457 days ago

The global warming myth from Lake Vyrnwy – will the MSM GroupThink apologise now?

You may remember that last August the Mainstream Media flocked to Lake Vyrnwy, here in North Wales, to show an old village (Llanwyddyn) appearing as the waters fell and, as one, warned that this was a portent of things to come thanks to man made global warming. With data and a site visit I have shown several times on this site what total tosh that was! Now we have the latest data from United Utilities and, well, guess what?


1209 days ago

Photo Article: training walk number two for Woodlarks, 13 miles with only five in rain

I have just finished my third training walk for Woodlarks, which was 16 miles. This is the photo record of walk two, 13 miles along the same route. I start walking along our fields by the Dee here in Wales. This is the view up across the second, smaller, field up to the Church whose doors I am no longer darkening. This field has a bog in the centre for about eight or nine months a year and is thus a bit of a wildlife haven.
