210 days ago
I start with Ukraine and what changes there are are not good for the West and President Zelensky. I look at what is changing in Europe and what happens next. Then to the US election, a legal win for Trump, Biden stumbles again and again but may survive as a lame candidate thanks to the shooting of Trump. It bought old Joe time. Then I look at JD Vance and what he brings to the ticket, locking down the Northern swing states. And Elon Musk’s money enters the game, what does that mean?
316 days ago
On the day Scotland introduces its barking mad new clampdown on free speech, JK Rowling has tweeted a series of images of the type of women born with a penis, including the unhinged India Willoughby stating that they are men. That is a direct challenge to the Scottish Police. Good for JK who is, predictably, being lambasted by a range of loons for stating what, you and I know to be a fact. Meanwhile I also stated and fact and after a barrage of abuse have locked my twitter account. I am not as brave as JK.
406 days ago
I sent the image below to twitter/ X’s safety team this morning. Anyone can see that it is the most offensive antisemitism going. Twitter’s rules against hate suggest it will act on tweets on the grounds of hate if they contain: “Slurs, Racist or sexist stereotypes, Dehumanization, Incitement of fear or discrimination, Hateful references, Hateful symbols & logos”
Well references to baking Jews with a picture of Auschwitz fits the bill.
434 days ago
I flagged up the account below, @B6385405196, to twitter/X which says that it bans all accounts/tweets which show a hate towards a particular race, religion or ethnic grouping. I would have thought an image of Hitler with the words “Jews must be removed” fits that bill but it seems not. Twitter/X has got back to me saying “this account hasn’t broken any rules”. Hell’s teeth Elon, are you employing actial Nazis these days?
468 days ago
I reported the account @Middlesexkid to twitter/ X this afternoon and, within minutes, received an acknowledgement that it was reviewing my suggestion that it contained hateful content relating to a particular group, that is to say Jews, at 2.14 PM. At 2.16 PM I was told that “After reviewing the available information, we determined that there were no violations of the Twitter rules in the content you reported. We appreciate your help, and encourage you to reach out again in the future if you see any potential violations.”
478 days ago
I reported the account to twitter yesterday becuase in using anti-semitic images it clearly broke twitter rules. Have a look at the first of the six images in the top right hand corner. It is a star of David but not on its traditional background but on that of the Nazi flag. If you were in any doubt the small word on that flag is Lebensraum, the German for “living room”, what the Nazis used as its excuse for invading other countries out East, the Germans needed more room to live.
666 days ago
It is hard to know where to start with today’s utterly lie packed email rom the grifters at Avaaz – highly paid individuals who want to soak the rich, that is not them but entrepreneurs like Elon Musk. Now Musk is right now, a bit of a hero, for his utter destruction of a BBC reporter as you can see in the video below.
754 days ago
After all Time Magazine made Hitler man of the year 1938 and – I think – made Great Thunberg, the Doom Goblin, Person of the year as well. As folks in Europe and America freeze to death in coming years they will look back on both awards in an unkind way. So what of The Times making Elon its businessman of the year? As Ouzo man starts shorting Tesla (TSLA) again is this a Hitler moment? I also look at Asiamet (ARS), at whether UK retail had a better Christmas than expected and at Quantum Blockchain (QBT), surely a pre-placing pump is underway.
825 days ago
I have always taken the view that Elon Musk is a crook and that he has committed serial fraud at Tesla (TSLA). It is so 2022 that this has made him the world’s richest man. Notwithstanding that, the way he is dealing with his new toy twitter is a joy to behold, not least in the way that it is causing wailings and howlings from all corners of the liberal world, especially today as Elon has said he will sack half the workforce by the weekend. Pro tem Elon is my hero!
831 days ago
Elon Musk need not worry about snowflakes quitting twitter and so numbers dropping. He seems to be getting new folks joining all the time. The hate preacher Anjem Choudary says that if Elon believes in free speech he wants to rejoin in order to preach his support for ISIS, for killing jews and homosexuals and for turning Buckingham Palace into a mosque, Over to you Elon. And there are new bogus Gary Newman’s appearing, to swell the ranks of Elon’s customers. This one has now disappeared but, as you can see below, a new bogus Gary has appeared.
854 days ago
I refer to this amazing exposé by Snopes HERE into Max Polyakov, Ukraine’s Elon Musk. Why does it matter: I recall Cupid and the great establishment cover up. Thjis is crime plain and simple and the board knew about it and covered it up. KPMG covered it up. The Nomad did nothing and so too did the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation. The SNP has been lobbying hard for Polyakov. They are all beneath contempt. Then I ask if share buying at Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) is legit. It is. Then I discuss why a whistleblower may or may not have a story about another AIM company, look at Made.com (MADE), Sosandar (SOS), Tern (TERN) and Bidstack (BIDS): two placings , one a pea shooter, one possibly (but probably not) a bazooka.
1000 days ago
In today’s podcast, I discuss Elon Musk and Twitter; Vast Resources (VAST) & associated scumbags; Optibiotix (OPTI); Condor Gold (CNR) and why comrade Jim Mellon must pay up soon; and the complete and utter Irish jackanory spouted by Hydrogen Utopia (HUI) and Powerhouse Resources (PHE): those holding shares in either company are certifiable. We are now just £68 away from £10,000 in the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks (plus gift aid) fundraise. On Sunday, I really will do a 20-mile training walk. If you are amongst the 96% of listeners yet to donate, please do so today, HERE.
1020 days ago
I start on the news from Twitter & Elon Musk. Then I look at Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Novacyt (NCYT), Vast Resources (VAST), the stinking RNS from Nightcap (NGHT) and Versarien (VRS) where the TWO death spirals are really starting to bite as the cash crisis intensifies.
1031 days ago
I discuss proposals to replace the FRC; why attempts to stop the crook, Elon Musk, are so misguided; and new wildlife diversity at the Greek Hovel.
1032 days ago
I discuss: Twitter and the bid from Elon Musk; Petropavlovsk (POG); Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL); FinnCap (FCAP); today’s trading statement; and problems with Greek workmen.
1362 days ago
Suddenly we dinosaurs who did not understand why a worthless piece of code, which was inherently vulnerable to substitution by other worthless but cheaper pieces of code, was so valuable don’t look quite so dumb. Bitcoin is down by 18% at sub $35,000 having been $64,870 just four weeks ago. This time it is not the prick Elon Musk to blame, the bubble today is being pricked by China.
1362 days ago
Neill’s hero who he used to retweet was Elon Musk. Boy how Neill worshipped the old fraudster. But perhaps Elon is too respectable for Neill these days. After all he has not yet been convicted of fraud. So Neill has a new hero, a convicted felon, who he can retweet as you can see below.
1364 days ago
After part one of the Musk pump and dump and then volte-face on bitcoin, the great fraudster faced the problem that Tesla (TSLA) was still sitting on around half of the $1.5 billion of bitcoin it had bought to great fanfare in February. But this bitcoin is dirty and environmentally tainted said the great green auto-maker – what to do with it?
1364 days ago
I start with the frustrations of a visit to Tesco (TSCO) Wrexham. Piss poor customer service. Then I look at Manolete (MANO) where I smell more trouble ahead. Then I move onto bull market madness and how it will end in tears for my mother-in-law, Elon Musk, Tesla, Bitcoin, Jonathan Bixby, Mike Edwards, NFT Investments, Clarify Pharma, Argo Blockchain (ARB), Novum Securities and Uncle Tom Cobley and all.
1365 days ago
Some of us have pointed out for a good while that mining cryptocurrencies consumes enormous amounts of electricity and if you are into all of that global warming green shite, which I am not, then you should not be going near bitcoin. It seems that having ramped bitcoin and crypto, Elon Musk has finally noticed this too.
1425 days ago
We have seen this sort of time in history before but it is rare. Elon Musk has just filed with the SEC to change his job title to “Techno-king Tesla”. His FD is now “Master of Coin”. These guys are smoking their own bullshit. And bullshit it is because Musk is an industrial scale liar but, for now, the faithful do not care.
1463 days ago
I start with the Mrs being phoned by a fraudster. Then it is a natural move to Elon Musk and bitcoin before going onto the Million Morons on Reddit and a damp squib with Metro Bank (MTRO). I comment on looking daft for eons before vindication so look at Nightcap (NGHT) and then at Bahamas Petroleum (BPC). Then it is on to Abingdon Health (ABDX) and Yourgene (YGEN).
1476 days ago
I start with a note on why we should spare a few thoughts at 8PM tonight. I then look at Gamestop, Elon Musk, Melvin Capital and sheer insanity writ large. From there I move onto Cineworld (CINE), Verditek (VDTK) where AIM Regulation really must act and then onto events at Sabien (SNT).
1503 days ago
On the main BBC news programme the other day, veteran BBC reporter John Simpson, a man who has Guardian reading liberal prejudices in his DNA and whose sense of smug superiority is ever present, served up a report on the Foreign Policy transition from Donald Trump to the man who wants to smell your teenage daughter’s hair.
1510 days ago
‘Twas the night before Christmas and Neill Ricketts levered his corpulent self into a grand four poster bed in his newly built fake Tudor come fake Georgian Gloucestershire mansion. Bloody Hell, he thought to himself, the boy who left school at 16 with one GCSE in woodwork, (grade D) has done good. He stared at the wall at a large picture of his idol. And Elon stared back.
1975 days ago
I reflect on the annoversary of 9/11. I ponder points raised in today’s ShareProphets radio show with Carson Block and Anthony Laiker about bull market complacency to fraud. In that vein I use Tesla (TSLA) and the legal case below as a case study. I look at Neil Woodford’s latest £12.5 million woes answering reader feedback. I look at Catennae (CTAE), Riverfort Global Opportunities (RGO) and my pal Jim Mellon’s Fast Forward (FFWD). I also comment on the latest Burford (BUR) news.
2008 days ago
In this fifth edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss the morality of short selling or writing bearish articles, I interview a saint ( well in stockmarket terms) Malcolm Stacey who though a moral man is highly opininiated and has a tip or two, then I discuss Burford (BUR) then it is part two of the Sam Antar interview in which the king of the fraudsters looks at today’s fraudsters, Elon Musk & Tesla, AliBaba, we cover Burford and useless accountants and so much more. Enjoy. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.
2076 days ago
I like the chap behind Big Dish (DISH) so it pains me to say this but as it announces a placing today can it please not tell me why it has not done an Elon Musk “funding secured” grotesque act of market abuse? Let me explain:
2320 days ago
US fund manager David Einhorn is having a fairly dismal 2018 but his long term record is good and his biggest short, Tesla (TSLA) is paying off. In his latest missive to investors he compared pothead liar Elon Musk's fraud to Lehman Brothers. Can you really argue with a word he says?
2326 days ago
In today's podcast I discuss the latest news from Elon Musk and Tesla (TSLA) and why it is still a short, Theresa May trying to woo the wrong businessmen, gender pay gap bollocks in the Mail on Sunday and the theft Bulletin Board Morons approve of and ADVFN (AFN) cuts its own throat by not tackling, copyright theft.
2327 days ago
I am extending the Premaitha (NIPT) session at the 16th October UK investor event in London to allow an extended Q&A as I want folks to really grill the company. I shall. You can register and please do so HERE but hurry as the event is already 70% booked out! In this podcast I look at what really happened yesterday and why it shows the City in such a dreadful light. I also look at Tesla (TSLA) and Elon Musk where things go from bad to worse and at new US data and UK house prices.
2328 days ago
The Securities and Exchange Commission, the SEC, has announced that it is to sue Elon Musk and Tesla (TSLA) for fraud and wishes to bar the pothead liar Musk from running a public company The news saw the shares tank by $37 to $270 in after hours trading but this is just the beginning of the end for the porky pie merchant and his out of cash and drowning in debt company.
2334 days ago
In this podcast I look at the EU's shameful treatment of the wretched Theresa May, it insults her but also the UK. Do we really want to be part of such a club. I look at warrants handed out by Kefi Minerals (KEFI) as it appointed shamed and disgraced SP Angel as its joint broker and I discuss how proven liar Elon Musk will cook the Tesla (TSLA) Q3 books and how that will play out.
2341 days ago
First I look at m ore evidence of naughtiness at Tesla (TSLA) as the pithead Elon Musk struggles to make good on his pledge to be Q3 cashflow positive. Then I discuss insider dealing. I think I was an insider but am not sure but could have made a killing on one stock over the past fortnight but I sense others have been less scrupulous than I have been. I discuss how this all happens and and why it is not a victimless crime and what should be done.
2346 days ago
Elon Musk might be forgiven for thinking that few in the business community still lve him. But he does have fans. Step forward Costis Papadimitrakopoulos the founder and CEO of Globo (GBO) which raised tens of millions of dollars in debt and bvia issuing shares on AIM and claimed to have net cash but er... did not. It was a fraud and Costis took stacks of that cash and also sold all his shares before the balloon went up after being tipped off by snot gobbler Dan McCrum lof the FT. Anyhow Costis has been busy on facebook updating his profile last month as you can see below.
2348 days ago
In this podcast, my last from the Greek Hovel for some weeks, I discuss the delusions of David Lenigas, Tesla pot head Elon Musk and our own in-house Bulletin Board Moron Wildes in a tag team combo with the Archbishop of Canterbury. Who is most deluded? I have the answer and explain why.
2349 days ago
It seems that after just a month in situe the chief bean counter for the fraudsters who run Tesla (TSLA) has decided that he’d rather not earn $10 million and has quit. A great American company is in trouble and there is only one man who can save it. Today we launch a campaign to draft in Sam Antar as the new CFO of Tesla and if you are on twitter here’s how you can help.
2351 days ago
I start with a few thoughts on just how wonderful it is up here at the Greek Hovel, truly it is peaceful and heavenly. Then a thank you for your kind emails and comments on poor Oakley. Then this podcast takes an in depth look at Telit (TCM), run by insider dealer Yosi Fait, after its interims yesterday and at Tesla (TSLA) run by nutso market abuser Elon Musk after his latest outburst.
2361 days ago
Natch the news came not via an official statement but via a blog post at 11 PM, no-one is watching o'clock. Musk is a slam dunk for jail, the rest of the Tesla (US:TSLA) board may join him, and Tesla is finished, it could well be a zero. All is explained in my latest podcast.
2365 days ago
A man who slammed Elon Musk of Tesla for making irresponsible statements that he could not validate via twitter has just made the most ramptastic claim in history about the Gatwick Gusher. Step forward David Lenigas. Without extensive drilling which has yet to take place Big Dave Lenigas cannot justify this statement in any way shape or form. But apparently the Russians are quaking that little old UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) is going to transform the metrics of global oil supply... whatever...
2366 days ago
In today's podcast i look at tweets from Big Dave Lenigas which at every level would, in the US, see him heading for the cell next to the one being prepared for Tesla's Elon Musk. He just cannot substantiate what he is saying. I then look at Pantheon Resources (PANR), have a question about May 25 2019 and the Horse Hill Woodlarks walk, at Condor Gold (CNR), one of Jim Mellon's dogs, at Imaginatik (IMTK) at what price would I buy for Vin Murria? Finally there is a detailed look at Marechale Capital (MAC) a true AIM Casino POS. The goat milking video to which I refer is HERE and the latest Hovel photos are HERE
2369 days ago
In today's bearcast I explain a few flaws in today's article HERE by Malcolm Stacey on Brexit and shares. And why, for once, Donald Trump calls it wrong when he says companies should report less often. Then I take on Mr James Bowden of Stockemndation after his latest article HERE -why brokers and newspapers are to be ignored when they say BUY. Finally Tesla and Elon Musk, I look at the latest developments at Musk's clear mental breakdown (I should know about it, but it was six years ago for me) and at why Tesla could be a zero and far faster than folks think.
2370 days ago
As we all know, David Lenigas is the high priest of ethical tweeting, never tweeting anything that could not be fully verified and as such he is the ideal man to call out Elon Musk for his sins. Next up, the Pope tells the BBC to get its house in order over sex abuse scandals...
2375 days ago
In this podcast I look back of the events of the past week at Tesla, what it says about the state of the stockmarket and the wider market cycle and specifically about the state of mind of Elon Musk. is he certifiable or a genius holding a hand of Aces we do not know about? Or just so desperate he will do anything to keep the show on the road for a little bit longer?
2379 days ago
In this podcast I cover Tesla (TSLA) which is curiouser and curiouser, Optibiotix (OPTI) and the parasitic vampire that is ADVFN (AFN), Great Western Mining (GWMO), Toople (TOOP), Angus Energy (ANGS), the Brockham Well, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) anmd its latest despicable smear c/o yellow journalists at The Daily Mail and cheered on by the vermin paid share rampers of LSE Share Talk
2379 days ago
Yesterday started badly for the bears when it emerged c/o the FT that the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund had built up a stake of 3-5% in Tesla (US:TSLA) via market purchases. It then got worse as CEO Elon Musk tweeted, yes tweeted rather than announcing via a formal announcement, that he was considering taking the company private at $420 a share and had funding.
2411 days ago
Ask a high quality fraudster like Sam Antar how to deal with critics in the media or on wall Street? It is easy. Do not give them the oxygen of publicity, ignore them and focus on what really matters: committing fraud. But Elon Musk of Tesla has a problem. To keep his cash guzzling baby Tesla going he needs to raise fresh debt and.or equity so tumbling bond and share prices matter and you can tell Elon is panicking. His latest outbursts show that, as you can see below.