
148 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bathing in ouzo tonight as Verditek fesses up

I start with a couple of very proud Dad boasts. then it is onto Old Mother Walter’s ruin and Verditek (VDTK). Rejoice! Rejoice!. Then I cover small cap profits warnings, Braveheart (BRH), Tern (TERN), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Eurasia (EUA), Hydrogen Utopia (HUI), Upland Resources (UPL) and Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT). 


163 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Jaya 3 tomorrow, tonight is a cooking night

I start with what I will be doing tonight and looking back on the unusual birth of my daughter then I look at Technology Minerals (TM1) and why it could be a zero c/o the FCA, Eurasia (EUA), Queeld and dodgy Russians in Cyprus, AMTE (AMTE), Atlantic Lithium (ALL), Belluscura (BELL) and Nigel Wray and Nightcap (NGHT) and dates.


368 days ago

Twitter troll Oliver Smith reckons abusing a 22 year old girl will save his investments in Eurasia, Kavango and Avacta

I wonder if Oliver Smith has a wife and kids. Or an employer. What would they think of him abusing a 22 year old girl on twitter as you can see below?


379 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: if Piers Linney is worth £69m I am a banana

I question the net wealth claimed by two former Dragons in the Mail on Sunday. Linney’s claim is a joke following the demise of Outsourcery (OUT) as is that of Sarah Willingham of Nightcap (NGHT) which I look at after its latest crap acquisition and lack of profits warning. Then it is onto Wandisco (WAND) and the proposed bailout at just 50p, to Eurasia (EUA) where nothing at all adds up. Then onto today’s ouzo moment, the suspension of Eight Capital Partners (ECP), the insolvent fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Canadian Overseas (COPL) whose shareholders’  reactions to my latest piece show themselves to be as unpleasant as they are stupid. When Canadian, already 90% down since my first big bear call, heads towards 0p as it will inevitably do I will have no sympathy at all.


392 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I agree with Chris Bailey

I look at the hot sun outside and think of the hot sun we are promised on Saturday as we do the last 34 mile Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks walk. With gift aid we are now at c£17,500. If you can help us get towards £20,000 with even a £10 donation please do so HERE. In a long podcast I discuss base rates in the UK, inflation, recession , Crispin Odey and his collapsing empire, San Leon (SLE), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Eurasia (EUA), Cineworld (CINE), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), and M & C Saatchi (SAA). I also look at Robert Walters (RWA). and its long term threats as a commodity player.


435 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: as Eurasia tells a palpable half truth or outright lie, the 2 shares I bought today

My two share purchases are discussed at the end of the podcast. Before that I discuss Eurasia’s (EUA) latest porky, Guild ESports (GILD), Cellular Goods (CBX), retail inflation especially relating to cat food, and then Asos (ASC) – in detail.


664 days ago

Piss poor interims from Eurasia – cash crisis looms

Back in February 2020 when Eurasia Mining (EUA) was trying its hardest to ramp its shares to the moon to allow its dodgy Russian backers to dump stock and for it to refinance, it paid the scumbags at ACF Research to produce a note which forecast that revenues would rocket to £341 million by 2021 by when profit after tax would be £160 million. Hmmm, today we had half year 2022 numbers and guess what? Have you got a microscope handy?


767 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Am I panicked by Skinbiotherapeutics?

I am more panicked by the IRA man objecting to my bonfire. Heck, it is not as if it were the 12th July, and I were wearing my bowler hat with an orange sash, is it? In today’s podcast, I look at Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX); Eurasia (EUA) and a Kraut moron; Supply@ME Capital (SYME); and Argo Blockchain (ARB). 


796 days ago

Eurasia Mining- if its new director is independent (as claimed) I am a banana

With a hat tip to reader J, here is another red flag. That is to say, Eurasia Mining (EUA) deceiving investors with the first RNS, after its utterly unexplained share suspension.


850 days ago

TomWinnifrith Bearcast: My SIPP buys more Optibiotix, Bluebird vs Kefi, & much more

This is a very long podcast, covering: Optibiotix (OPTI); Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX); Kefi (KEFI); Bluebird (BMV); Ten Lifestyle (TENG); CakeBox (CBOX); Deepverge (DVRG); Petropavlovsk (POG); Eurasia (EUA); and Amur Minerals (AMC).


868 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I despise Roman Abramovitch but stealing his assets is just wrong & a bad precedent

Obviously I do hope Chelsea goes bust and is docked 500 points and finds itself playing next season in the National League so allowing two clubs to be promoted which might just include Wrexham. But what is happening to the Abramovitch sets a dangerous precedent. I discuss this with reference to Evraz  (EVR). I look at Parsley Box (MEAL) and the role of certain institutional investors and also FinnCrap (FCAP) in some detail. I predict Parsley will go bust by the autumn notwithstanding today’s dishonest bailout.  I look at Oxford Cannibinoid (OTCP) and the growing scandal there  and also comment on Eurasia (EUA), then at Chill Brands (CHLL) and that other Standard Listed fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). I discuss Summerway Capital (SWC) and Argo Blockchain (ARB) but I start with a parents dilemma.


871 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucian's top 4 shorts & my 10 shares to collapse by Christmas reviews and an oil price warning

The gardening photos from the Welsh hovel will appear later on my own site. Before then I review the  4 retail stocks of the Lucian Miers apocalypse: Versarien (VRS), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Eurasia (EUR) and Chill Brands (CHLL) and then my 10 stocks to collapse by Christmas. One has fallen so far it is probably not a short now though I would not buy it while three look set to go to zero, possibly as soon as next week in one case. My 10 are Supply, Chill Brands, Versarien, Avacta (AVCT), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Amigo (AMGO), Cineworld (CINE), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Verditek (VDTK) and Tern (TERN). I also look at the oil price and consider whether those sitting on gains might bank a few profits. 


874 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Happy St David's Day, spread betters pull plug on Eurasia bubble, Avacta can still lose another 50% and more good news

Happy St David’s Day and happy pancake day. I start with the spread betters and Russian stocks notably Petropavlovsk (POG), Eurasia (EUA) and Polymetal (POLY). Then I look in detail at MGC Pharmaceiticals (MXC), how it legged over investors in November and is a massive short even now before turning to Vast Resources (VAST), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Cellular Goods (CBX),Novacyt (NCYT) and Avacta (AVCT) my big sector short which has seen its shares collapse to 46p but could easily halve again within weeks.


874 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sitting on the fence with Lucian Miers

I start with Ukraine, Russia and all that macro shite and say a few things which challenge the Western narrative and which some of you may disagree with violently. I cover Ferrexpo (FXPO), Amur (AMC) and Eurasia (EUA) in this section. I mention Cineworld (CINE) and then discuss today’s news from Optibiotix (OPTI) and, en passant, Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) where I am buying more shares this afternoon. 


875 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: When is FinnCrap's profits warning? And some good news for Julie Meyer

I start with Ms Lingerie on Expenses after the latest bombshell.  Then it is ADVFN (AFN), Union Jack (UJO) with its spoof from the Eurasia (EUA) playbook, Seraphine (BUMP), Peel Hunt (PEEL) and FinnCap (FCAP).


1036 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: can anyone interpret my new nightmare, a Saint (Vin) and a sinner (Lucian) and his toxic 4

I am up early thanks to a new nightmare. Can anyone interpret it? Are you out there Joseph? I then look at saint Vin Murria and Summerway Capital (SWC). Then I discuss Lucian Miers big Joe Retail toxic four (Chill Brands, Supply@ME Capital, Tern and Eurasia), why things are going his way, which will crack first and why and what the fallout will be. A regular bearcast will follow later.


1039 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Stagecoach and National Express, how times change

I start with one big story, the Stagecoach (SGC) & National Express (NEX) bid talks. The other big story is the word “bird” being dubbed sexist at an insane Barclays (BARC) employment tribunal which I cover HERE. I also look at Versarien (VRS) ahead of its AGM, Chill Brands (CHLL) ahead of its AGM and at regulatory issues for Eurasia (EUA) and Deepverge (DVRG) where the wrongdoing is as plain as day.


1054 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - Probing Lucian, as he prepares to do porridge, on the big five UK shorts - what triggers the end game?

Yesterday I was reviewing Lucian’s big 5 small cap shorts with the great bear over breakfast. Breakfast BTW was porridge with home made stewed apples (from the Welsh Hovel) in cinnamon. In the podcast I discuss last night’s culinary fare but then probe Lucian on what he sees as critical mid and end points for each of his 5 UK small cap big shorts: Tern (TERN), Versarien (VRS), Chill Brands (CHLL), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Eurasia Mining (EUA)


1228 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Optibiotix vs Skinbiotherapeutics the valuation gap explained + why it DOES matter if Eurasia and its shareholders break rules

A chap says he has made five hundred grand on Eurasia (EUA) so what does it matter if a few rules have been broken? I explain exactly why it matters and should matter even to him. Then I address why shares in Optibiotix (OPTI) are not reacting to the surging share price of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX). Natch I remain a loyal shareholder in both.


1251 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A long squeeze coming for the morons in Zoetic, Eurasia, Versarien & more c/o IG?

I start with a look at Purplebricks (PURP), my mother-in-law and Uber and a potential bombshell. Then I go onto IG Index changing its terms of trade and how this could create a bull squeeze in stocks including Versarien (VRS), Zoetic (ZOE) and Eurasia (EUA). The article I reference on my own website is HERE. And no-one has yet guessed the horse-riding person who interviewed me yesterday. It was fun.


1338 days ago

Disgraced Guardian star writer Carole Cadwalladr blames the Russians for her exposure and wants more suckers to give her cash

On Wednesday night, shortly before facing heroic Arron Banks in the High Court, fantasist journalist Carole Cadwalladr admitted she had no facts to justify her Orwell award winning fantasies that Bankski’s Russian pals did sordid business deals with him and then funded the Brexit campaign. But if you are a Guardian reading fantasist Carole still wants your money and so continues the charade


1436 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the Week contest: market lunacy and deluded fantasy edition sponsored by Supply@ME Capital

Can you beat this gem from the LSE Asylum Supply@ME Capital (SYME) board. I put it to you, as I return from my Greek eco palace never having held a short position in Eurasia (EUA), as suggested below, that council house dwelling fantasist Andre01 is quite simply bonkers. Anyhow in these fevered times can you spot a better example of lunacy, delusion or just sheer stupidity on a Bulletin Board or on twitter? Entries in the comments section below with a deadline of midnight on Sunday 23rd August. Now over to Andre01 who is bonkers:


1468 days ago

BREAKING: Is Jub Cap the next broker blow up? Is Chris Oil involved or Eurasia Mining?

The rumours are swirling as to why this has happened. But a statement on the London Stock Exchange website is clear. It reads:


1474 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Crazy, crazy, crazy world

Maybe I should just listen to old Malcolm Stacey and buy all the shit on AIM and watch it roof it. What a crazy world we live in. In today’s bearcast, I cover Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Eurasia, EUA, Trafalgar Homes (TRAF) and dodgy Chris Akers and Manolete (MANO). This weekend I shall abandon my gardening and record the first 10 hours of video for MineProphets – remember to book your seat HERE..


1474 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is Kefi about to rip? And which is less believable - Rishi or Eurasia?

I start with why I am so sceptical, even cross about Rishi Sunak’s mini budget yesterday. Some measures are profilgate, others downright counter productive. Then it is onto Eurasia (EUR) and the red flags that make be sceptical although I would be happy, for him at least, if my pal Christian got rich. Then onto Kefi (KEFI) and another gold stockj I own and why they could really rip higher on a three month view. Finally i answer a reader question about Optibiotix (OPTI). No my faith is not waning at all. Au contraire, after a company chat earlier…. 


1510 days ago

Is Zak Mir still a Good German - the Powerhouse Energy ramp

I noted that in terms of the Eurasia Mining (EUA) scandal, my old friend, the Sith Lord Zak Mir played his part in the promote only becuase he was obeying orders. Now I see that he is pushing shares in almost insolvent Powerhouse Energy (PHE) ahead of its merger with almost insolvent Wastte2tricity. Peter Brailey exposed the ludicrous nature of Zak’s ramping HERE yesterday.


1525 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So it will be 50 laps of the fields as I struggle with the share dealing timeline at AJ Bell

Myself and some friends from here, the last village in Wales, walked the track around the 3 farthest fields at the Welsh Hovel and it is 1.1 kilometres long. That means that on June 13 I shall walk the circuit 50 times exactly raising the money Woodlarks needs just to survive into 2021. Today I did three laps as I faced a busy day. Tomorrow it will be ten. Please donate a few quid today HERE. In the podcast I consider in long detail the timeline of major share dealings at AJ Bell (AJB) which just does not look right to me. There are a stack of questions going begging. Then it is onto Eurasa (EUA) and what will happen on Friday. Will SP Angel again show that it will act for anyone or will AIM Regulation wade in to ensure Eurasa is booted off the AIM Casino? I discuss that matter in detail.


1616 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Eurasia owning morons lay into poor Gary Newman for speaking the truth with hard analysis

In today’s bearcast I discuss how little shorting actually takes place on the AIM Casino, I look at Eurasia (EUA) where the slience is deafening, Versarien (VRS) and at Hammerson (HMSO) where Andrew Monk should thank me for warning him off but should NOT be tempted to bottom fish after the dividend is cut this week. And 8% yield, post cut, is still illusory. Finally, I again ask you to sponsor the , now 5, Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE


1634 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Playing the Chris Akers game & another Versarien question for Bobbie Hilliam of Quindell infamy

In today’s podcast, interrupted by the pest Lucian, I look at Chris Akers and what he knows about Dev Clever (DEV), at Versarien (VRS) and an RNS from February 2017 which I urge its hapless Nomad Bobbie Hilliam at Canaccord to consider carefully as his client runs out of money again, at Andalas (ADL), Eurasia (EUA) and Tesla (TSLA). I consider the woes of Bidstack (BIDS) and a company with even less money, the curious trading statement from Zoetic (ZOE) and then do the maths, again, on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG).


3007 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2nd May - why I like gold & why we own what we own

is this is a bullcast? We have 15% of our portfolio in gold becuase we are bearish about shares. Does that make sense? I discuss why you should own some physical gold and then why we own the shares we do, notably Petropavlovsk (POG), Ariana (AAU) and Wishbone (WSBN) but also much smaller amounts of Eurasia (EUA), Bluebird (BMV) and Armadale Capital (ACP)


3593 days ago

Syria – whose side are we on today? Our leaders are clueless and do not speak for me

Last summer I argued that the West’s policy towards Syria was madness. I feel more than vindicated but madness has led to greater madness. Back in 2013 President Assad was the bad guy. The Western press, egged on by the vile Clinton woman, President Obama, Call Me Dave, the War Criminal Blair and others argued that he was so wicked we had a duty to arm the rebels, which we duly did. I pointed out here that many of these rebels were Islamofascist nutters who hated us and that this was an error. 

I also noted how both sides in Syria committed atrocities and that I could not play God in saying whose side we should be on. But our leaders knew better and armed the rebels including folks who are now fighting with ISIS. Yes, we assisted ISIS. We gave these nutters our weapons.

Watching TV now it seems that we are bombing the shit out of ISIS, the main force fighting evil President Assad. But we are also still arming and training anti Assad forces who are deemed “moderate”. Whatever.

ISIS will not be destroyed by death raining down from the skies. 
