818 days ago

Anyone can get HIV so we should all be tested says Tory MP, how very 2022

In one sense Tory MP Maria Caulfield is right. Anyone can get HIV but in encouraging us all to head off to the NHS, the envy of the world, with its record waiting lists to get a test is Ms Caulfield really being totally fair and balanced? Or just adding to the NHS waiting lists in order to appease certain vociferous minorities?


920 days ago

Smokers, the virtue signallers and the NHS – some inconvenient truths

As Angela Rayner has discovered, being a smoker in 2021 marks you out as something of a pariah among the liberal elites.  It is a sin. I write as a man who used to chuff my way through 20 a day so I am an ex sinner. But the facts are often forgotten as our betters try to stamp out this evil habit.  There was, this week, a suggestion that Nanny state should charge wicked smokers a levy to deal with the inevitable healthcare issues that their habit will cause.


1350 days ago

Back to Church in Wales but is it really?

As I wander down to the bridge to go and pick up my car from the garage in England where it is failing its MOT, I am accosted by a stalwart of our local Church here in the last village in Wales. “We’re going back,” he says. I stare blankly. “Back to Church, services start in a few weeks.” The devil is in the detail.


1411 days ago

So the NHS is short of cash - so please explain to me Olivia Butterworth, Head of Public Participation

Those poor nurses. Hospitals with not enough PPE and underpaid doctors on 100 grand a year. The poor NHS and those wicked fucking Tories starving it of cash… Meet Olivia Butterworth.


2469 days ago

The Bisexuals take over BBC Radio 4's Women's Hour and sheer comedy ensues

As part of its month long LGBT-fest to celebrate the most important event since 1066, that is to say the 1967 decriminalisation of homosexuality - BBC's Radio 4's Women's Hour invited two bisexuals onto the show.What followed was sheer comedy in an utterly pathetic sort of way.


2835 days ago

The false maths of the PreP pill - mad gay liberals will kill gay men & the NHS

If men want to have sex with each other I have no problem with it. If they want to get married to each other I support their right to do so. After all why should hetrosexuals be the only ones to suffer. But a High Court ruling yesterday means that you and I and all the other taxpayers are going to be forking out vast amounts to subsidise the lifestyle choices of a vocal, and well supported, minority. And that minority will suffer disastrous health consequences as a result.


3321 days ago

Weekly postcard #107 - Nigel Farage, UKIP, immigrants with HIV - the libertarian take on it all

In the leaders debate Nigel Farage raised a legitimate question about immigrants with HIV and AIDS. But he did not think through the logical implications of what he said, nor did he care. He raises wider issues about how we treat and fund the treatment of those with HIV which I explore and ask as a libertarian does he have a point? I think he does. But I think he does not care about that point he is just a ghastly man what wanted to prop up his core support. The way he said what he did was dreadful
