
352 days ago

I agree with Gary Lineker: let the revolting Hamas fans march on Remembrance day

Readers of this website can be in no doubt that I stand 100% with Israel and I make no apology for saying that I am hopeful that it kills every single member of Hamas in Gaza. That is a proportionate response to October 7 such was the horror of that day. Regular readers should also know that I think that Gary Lineker is a twit and worse, a man who made £5 million from promoting the Ingenie/Quindell fraud which I exposed. But a broken clock is right twice a day.  The crisp salesman says that the weekly Hamas victory parade should go ahead on November 11 and I agree with him.


1989 days ago

Watchstone ( Quindell as was) writes off all goodwill in the part of the fraud promoted by Gary Lineker

Today sees the publication of quite abysmal results from Watchstone (WTG), the company formerly known as Quindell (QPP). It confirms that the Serious Fraud Office investigation into the former management team led by King fraudster Rob Terry is ongoing but there is also bad news for the jug eared virtue signaller Gary Lineker who trousered £5 million from selling free shares in Quenron as the company he promoted, Ingenie, is going down the pan.


2053 days ago

The Corrupt Deadwood Press (The Mail on Sunday), the Celeb (Lineker) and the members of the Quindell gang ride again

The Mail on Sunday and its freebie loving Personal Finance Editor Jeff Prestridge are promoting a new innovative company in telematics and insurance where the virtue signalling crisp salesman Gary Lineker is a brand ambassador and shareholder. Among Ticker’s named clients is Ingenie.. hang on does that ring a bell?


2175 days ago

Has Jug eared virtue signalling prick Gary Lineker got no shame? Backing the Quindell fraudsters AGAIN

As BBC license fee payers, you will be truly delighted to see how the vast pay cheque given to Gary Lineker is being spent. You may remember that the crisp salesman was appointed as brand ambassador to Ingenie, part of the Quindell (QPP) fraud, now under SFO investigation as the UK’s largest stockmarket swindle for 30 years. Lineker was given millions of pounds of free shares in Quindell which he sold onto poor investors who lost almost everything - having said he'd be a buyer. Well it worked before…


2700 days ago

It is not often that I cheer the taxman but in the case of the virtue signaller Gary Lineker....

I would like to see a low tax small state Britain. Sadly that dream is not shared by any of the money tree worshipping political parties but I can still hope. Instinctively that makes me view HMRC as the pantomime villain, a body to be hissed and booed whenever it comes on stage to try and get more cash out of hard working folks. But in the case of HMRC vs Gary Lineker, the jug eared virtue signalling poseur, I will not be warning Mr Walker's Crisps that "he's behind you", I cheer on the taxman at every turn.


2926 days ago

Gary Lineker recycles some of his dirty Quindell winnings into a new insurance venture - Neos

Old jug ears got free shares in the fraud Quindell (QPP) as a reward for his role as "band ambassador" for the Ingenie outfit. That was the unit run by Richard King at whose lavish wedding in Somerset jug ears was best man. Lineker sold his shares netting at least £3 million so what to do with the cash? Give it all to charity? Naaaaaaaaah.


3016 days ago

Scoop: Ingenie Canada to Wind Down Operations - oh dear another Quindell fraud write-off for Watchstone

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear., if my father had not drunk it all, it would be another ouzo moment for the Sheriff of AIM with news that Ingenie Canada is no more. We have been warning for ages that the Toronto based frauds of Rob Terry were falling apart but Watchstone Group (WTG), the rebranded Quindell has been in denial. There you go.


3301 days ago

The Ingenie Panama Pump fraud at Quindell – killer details emerge: Are you happy Gary Linkeker?

As the Company’s House filings emerge more details of the various Rob Terry frauds at Quindell (QPP) emerge and the latest concerns Ingenie, the insurance company for whom Gary Lineker made £5 million. This is a panama pump. And it is black and white slam dunk, jail meriting, fraud, not for Lineker who is innocent of any wrong doing but for many others.


3363 days ago

Wake up Lord Michael Howard of Quindell: Ingenie & Himex are worth jack shit – so say its staff!

In the results last week from Quindell (QPP) Lord Michael Howard and colleagues wrote down the carrying value of its two largest legacy businesses Himex and Ingenie by c£38 million but there is still almost £90 million of goodwill in the balance sheet for these divisions plus Solutions (non UK), i.e. Canada.  Lord Howard you are dreaming. You are 'avin' a bubble.

Of course it is worse,


3538 days ago

The Financial Times claims my scoop as its & then covers it up – scumbags

At 8.47 AM on 12 February I published a bearcast (HERE) with devastating new material on Quindell and Ingenie. As a courtesy I, at once, emailed a link to journalists who had followed this fraud including Paul Murphy and Dan McCrum of the Financial Times.

After noon on 13th February McCrum then ran the same story as his own giving no attribution. It was apparently his scoop - HERE. 

This has been flagged up on the FT’s website with Bryce Elder of the FT weighing in saying that it was an FT scoop, they were working on it for a long time as “proper journalists need tome to check facts etc”.  Fine but who ran the story first????

Mr Elder has form when it comes to lying in print. 


3568 days ago

Quindell – just what is it so desperate to hide at Ingenie?

It is probably the least of the problems of the insider dealing fraudster Laurence Moorse at Quindell (QPP) but he really does seem to be in a spot of bother with Companies House over non-disclosure at Ingenie. What is Larry so desperate to hide? 

You may remember that on October 10 2014 I wrote to Companies House pointing out that Ingenie should – as part of a PLC – supplied full not abbreviated accounts. On December 12 2014 (HERE) CH confirmed it had written to Larry on this matter.


3654 days ago

SHOCKER: Why Ingenie IS a subsidiary of Quindell and so why Quindell DID breach the Companies Act with the abbreviated accounts

Various Bulletin Board Morons have argued that Quindell (QPP) was within its rights to file smaller company accounts for Ingenie so keeping vast amounts of information from you all. And here is why yet again the morons are 100% wrong, I am right and Quindell has broken the law.

I start with the company’s act which states that if a company is a member of a group which includes a PLC MUST file full accounts.  The Companies act defines group as


3654 days ago

Reader Comment of the Week – Once again it is Forty Two on Quindell

Some of our posters really know their onions. I know full well who “Forty Two” is and he knows Quenron (QPP) better than any serving City analyst. His comments after the Friday Ingenie shocker HERE should be read in conjunction with that piece to gain an understanding of how The Quinnovation Group operates. 42 says:


3654 days ago

Quindell – Ingenie (abbreviated) accounts filed: what is Quenron trying to hide now?

Quindell subsidiary Ingenie Ltd (of Gary Lineker fame) has filed its calendar 2013 accounts at Companies House but this is a spectacular own goal as it has hidden the full ghastly truth from investors. In the words of Alan Hansen “shocking defending” by Rob Terry. 

In 2012 Ingenie used the same small firm of auditors as in 2013 to file its accounts HERE. It displayed a company and group P&L and Balance Sheet. For 2013 it has shown only a consolidated balance sheet – nothing else, claiming a small company exemption. 


3672 days ago

18 More Red Flags for Quindell – I stopped counting at noon (there may be more)

Quindell (QPP) has even more subsidiaries than I thought. And now the subsidiaries are starting to have subsidiaries. And more have been started this year. Think of rabbits breeding. You start with just one pregnant female and pretty soon you are swamped. Okay the interbreeding causes a few problems down the line but that is Quenron in a nutshell.

By noon I had counted 18 subsidiaries of Quindell PLC or subsidiaries of subsidiaries which were meant to have filed their annual accounts (for calendar 2013) with Companies House by 30 September 2014 bit had not done so. That will be a small fine for Quenron but at least it stops me poking around for a while. It is particularly the accounts of Ingenie which I expect to be most illuminating.

Bulletin Board Morons
