1467 days ago
Even before the shocking events of last Tuesday, I was explicitly saying that the antics of President Trump in fighting the election result were unhelpful for both his party and for America. Just like all those superior bien pensants including Lord Adonis, Kier Starmer, Anna Soubry, the entire Guardian editorial team including demented fantasist Carole Cadwalladr, Layla Moran, all BBC staffers and others who screamed at Trump that election results should always be respected - apart from one where they did not like the result – I know that democracy depends on losers accepting defeat. I am more consistent than the metropolitan elite on this one.
1547 days ago
Can Trump win the General Election? I discussed how he could HERE and this morning things look a little better for POTUS. I see the Economist says Joe Biden has a 92% chance of winning. Its writers must be sharing Hunter’s crack pipe. The same publication says the Dems are more than 80% likely to win the Senate. I explain why, as things stand, I am scoring it at 51-49 for the GOP as I look at the eight swing races. Then it is onto two breaking bombshells from last night that is not the Borat sting on Mayor Giuliani which the MainStream Media is focussing on. But Iran exposed by the FBI, not Trump’s friends, as batting for Biden and more damning evidence on the #BidenCrimeFamily – this time fingering Creepy Joe himself. The MSM and twitter/facebook are working hard to supress this and I demonstrate how, but this is seeping out and let’s see how Trump plays the debate tonight. The Donald has the big Mo right now.
2319 days ago
On September 11 (9/11) 17 years ago, Al Qaeda – an organisation we in the West had armed and funded when it was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan - showed its gratitude by slaughtering more than 3,000 of us by sending two planes into the Twin Towers in New York. Those Islamofascists sure know how to say “thanks”. Today we are told we must #NeverForget and that the UK and US must carry on standing shoulder to shoulder fighting terror. This is truly the stuff of 1984.
2543 days ago
PWC has today produced a report on the gender pay gap at the BBC. The state owned broadcaster funded by all of us via our taxes and by the poll tax which is the license fee, is wilfully misinterpreting the results in order to justify pay rises to some already rich and overpaid female staff.
2570 days ago
Guardian columnist and celebrated virtue signaller Owen Jones earns £500,000 a year for writing material which is, far too often, directly contradicted by facts. Here is his take on demonstrations in Iran which have left more than 20 dead.
2574 days ago
It is trending on twitter after the millionaire liberals with a holiday home next to that of Vice President Mike Pence draped a flag with this message over his dustbins.
2796 days ago
If i was living in Saudi Arabia I'd be arrested for writing that. If i was lucky I'd be lashed. Folks have actually been beheaded for making less offensive, but true, statements. The kleptocractic regime of Saudi Arabia has a human rights record which is worse than that of Assad's Syria pre-war, it commits war crimes on an Industrial scale in Yemen and it exports Islamofascist extremism and terror across the globe. Yet President Trump is blowing them off as if the Saudi Royal family were the nicest guys on earth. Why?
3104 days ago
The issue of Britain's nuclear deterrent is a one that shows our political class at their most base and deceitful. For once, Comrade Corbyn is bang on the money in his opposition and, in what is becoming par for the course, Theresa May seems just incapable of telling the truth.
3862 days ago
Tonight’s first World Cup game sees Islamofascists Iran up against the Argies. As a keen supporter of the Falkland Islands but also not a great fan of a country which strings gays up from cranes, treats women like third class citizens and wishes to complete Hitler’s work when it comes to the Jews this is a dilemma.
In an ideal world both would be found guilty of cheating and lose 10 points. Or maybe Argentina could default on its debt at half time (as it does every few years) and like a football league side lose 20 points?
It is too hard to call…on balance I suppose you have to go for the underdogs. Come on Iran!
3867 days ago
We should never have invaded Iraq. As a nation we cannot afford foreign escapades. There was no moral urgency to invade and the consequences have been predictably calamitous – we have suffer almighty blowback, a concept I discuss in my weekend video HERE.
Tony Blair prompted that invasion. He is endeavouring to suppress papers which will, show that it was almost certainly illegal to invade.
Now the war criminal (someone who starts an illegal war is a war criminal) wants us to invade to stop the ISIS Islamofascists from running riot. I am in no doubt that ISIS are truly awful people. Some of their actions are also war crimes.
But Blair must accept that he has created ISIS. Saddam Hussein
3965 days ago
It did not gain much coverage in the UK press but last week the Israeli Navy intercepted a boat called the Klos C which was on its way from Iran, carrying a very special cargo, ultimately destined for the Hamas regime in Gaza.
This is the regime which receives vast amounts of funding from the EU every year. It is a regime which, according to the EU and other apologists for any crime committed against Israel is peace living and only acts in defence. So what was the Klos C carrying?
It was carrying missiles with the ability to hit any spot within the State of Israel and to kill Jews. For that is what Hamas is committed to. Of course when the Israeli Defence Forces intercepts ships with cargos ultimately bound for Gaza to stop deathly weapons getting through this is viewed as an act of aggression by its apologists in the West.
And so I ask you for suitable captions for this picture, the winner getting a discount voucher to Maribelle's
For what it is worth my entry is: “Fresh from creating harmony to the Ukraine, EU foreign minister Baroness Ashton issues a message of thanks to the people of Iran for their assistance in creating a one-state final solution to the problems in Palestine.”
Last week I asked you for captions to this picture of a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth who has never done a useful day’s work in his life and also of Prince Phillip.
The impartial judge (my cat Tara) reckons that the best entry came from me, viz:
"Okay that is Fergie taken care of now where should we put Boris Johnson?"
I hope that you can do better than me this week – post your entries in the comments section below.
4049 days ago
We still have not seen the Chilcot enquiry into Iraq. It is still being suppressed as the folks in power work out how to spare the blushes of many, principally the man who led us into this war, Tony Blair.
Blair’s excuse for war was that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction which needed to be destroyed. That was, of course, a lie. And Blair knew that it was a lie yet he repeated that lie to the House of Commons and to his people to get away with starting an illegal war. For that he deserves to be put on trial for war crimes. If only to deter future British PMs from making the same cardinal blunder but also because justice demands that Blair stands trial.
Those folks who seek to defend Blair will these days say “The WMD issue is blurred but Blair is justified at least in moral terms because he got rid of an evil regime.”
The WMD issue is not blurred it is clear cut. Blair lied and that makes the war illegal. But was it moral?
The late Saddam Hussein was a wicked man. There is evidence that he tortured and killed his own people but on a relatively minor scale. More seriously he clearly did use chemical weapons against the Kurds. His genocide against the Marsh Arabs in the early 1980s was obscene but the West never mentions that one because Saddam was on our side then (against Iran) and we gave him the weapons and turned a very obvious blind eye.
So Saddam will not be sitting at the right hand of Nelson Mandela, ooops I meant Jesus, as of now. But what have we replaced the Saddamites with?
4215 days ago
Some folk seem upset about Channel 4 running a Daily call to prayer for the 30 days of Ramadan which starts next week. C4 is a private company and can do what it wants. It has indeed been a pioneer in trying to support those perceived as oppressed minorities and in many cases its work has been laudable, although I think that giving the Jew hating Islamofascist nutjob who runs Iran a Christmas slot opposite the Queen was perhaps a step too far.
But as I say it is a private company it can broadcast what it wants. Since I cannot remember the last time I watched anything it aired anyway, I cannot say that I would be the right person to boycott it in protest. That is if I cared. Which I do not.
But always keen to be helpful it strikes me that this is an ideal opportunity to perhaps foster greater understanding between oppressed minority groups and so drive forward the struggle for a more tolerant and understanding society.
There are some folk out there who have suggested that some elements of the Islamic community are not terribly supportive of the gay rights movement and the campaing for homosexual equality. Notwithstanding pictures of gay men swinging from cranes in Iran, Egypt and Gaza and the wave of gay bashing seen in parts of East London in the name of Islam, I am sure that this is all a big misunderstanding.
And as such, to drive this point home, following his outstanding work in covering the Eurovision Song Contest might I suggest that C4 recruits Mr Graham Norton to lead the call to prayer each day? If he is unavailable Mr Dale Winton used to be a very sympathetic host of Supermarket Sweep and perhaps he is a man to get the backing of the wider Moslem community.
Tolerance, brotherly love, etc…bring it on.
4343 days ago
Having seen a few good films of late (Les Miserables), some poor films aimed for ching ching and little else (The Hobbit), Argo knocked my socks off. That it won best picture at the Oscars last night is not unmerited. I shall not ruin the story but it is a drama based on real events during the US hostage crisis in Iran in 1979 when the Islamofascists of Khomeni took power.
The ugly brutality of that regime (but its huge popular support) comes across explicitly. The film is riveting. I was on the edge of my seat until the last minute. I sort of knew what happened but none the less the film sucked me in with an air of uncertainty. And it drew you back to the late 1970s – an era of office shredders, long hair cuts and facial hairs, smoking in the office and folks drinking neat whisky like there was no tomorrow.
Ben Affleck is superb as the star of the film. Are spies really that cool? Maybe. I cannot see how he was not even nominated as best director. But the film picked up the blue riband. If you have not watched it yet, you should.
4432 days ago
Thanks to my pin up girl Melanie Phillips for the lead on this. This is for those who argue that either Hamas wants peace or that it and Israel are morally equivalent. The truth is that Hamas wants a one state solution, a final solution. It wishes to destroy Israel which is why ship loads of rockets are currently on their way to Gaza from the Islamofascist Republic of Iran.
The last ceasefire started in January 2009, it took three years and thousands of rocket attacks on Israel before she retaliated.
Hamas are Jew haters bent on genocide. Watch top of the pops from the Hamas TV station Aqsa TV and please explain why I am wrong?
First up ( from before the ceasefire) is that little ditty:
‘Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah’.
4538 days ago
Things are hotting up in the Middle East. There are three possible scenarios for military conflict by Christmas plus the usual wild card of a revolution. There are those who wish genocide against Israel and the useful idiots in the West who would allow this. The oil price could rocket. It is all rather grim. Where to begin?
The best bet for military action is a concerted series of air strikes by Israel on Iran. The FT reported yesterday that the Israelis wanted to start before November in order to wipe out the threat of Iran getting a nuclear bomb. The West should not be intervening in this one. That is to say we should not assist Israel but equally we should not, as we are doing now, hold her back. The nutters who run Iran would make Tel Aviv their prime target if they had a nuke (they have said as much) and so Israel has every right to bomb these wicked Islamofascists back into the stone age. Secretly all the other Arab leaders would be delighted by such an outcome although publicly they will, of course, condemn the “wicked Jews”. This has to be an Evens or better bet.
Second up is Syria
4561 days ago
Dr Doom, aka Nouriel Roubini, talked last week of a perfect storm in 2013. One component of that storm is a war between the West and Iran. I am not sure that it has to be Iran but there are stacks of other tinderboxes waiting to go up in that region and that has profound implications for the oil price.
As I am sure you are aware, the Islamofascists who rule Iran are trying to build a nuclear bomb. And, being complete nutters, they have also made some pretty clear comments about how much they would like to see Israel wiped off this planet. Putting two and two together (that is an A bomb + prize grade Jew hating Islamofascists) and there is potentially a problem. I do not believe the West should intervene in this matter. We should neither get involved militarily nor should we complain when the Israeli’s bomb Iran back into the Stone Age with a pre-emptive strike as a matter of self defence. The best way to support Israel and to prevent another holocaust is to let her get on with it.