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Donald Trump sucks Corrupt Saudi cock - truisms you cannot utter in the islamofascist jihad backing hell-hole

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 22 May 2017

If i was living in Saudi Arabia I'd be arrested for writing that. If i was lucky I'd be lashed. Folks have actually been beheaded for making less offensive, but true, statements. The kleptocractic regime of Saudi Arabia has a human rights record which is worse than that of Assad's Syria pre-war, it commits war crimes on an Industrial scale in Yemen and it exports Islamofascist extremism and terror across the globe. Yet President Trump is blowing them off as if the Saudi Royal family were the nicest guys on earth. Why?

I can accept that Trump wants to create jobs in the US by exporting armaments to the Saudis. Personally I find that pretty repugnant as those weapons will be used to oppress, torture and kill dissidents within the Kingdom but also for war crimes in the Yemen. But Trump will argue that since no Americans will be killed that is all okay - Britain makes the same lame argument. Who cares if one camel molester kills another? That does not cut the mustard with me but I guess the Americans who get jobs as a result will not really care.

But the real issue is the Saudi sponsorship of terror and extremism. One branch of Islam which developed in the eighteenth century in Saudi Arabia and is pretty much the most extreme mainstream branch of Islam is Wahhabism. The Saudi Royal family ( when not whoring and gambling in the West) are supporters and billions of dollars of petro-dollars have been spent on promoting this brand of Islamofascism. Most extremist Mosques and hate preachers in the West are Saudi funded. It is no coincidence that most of the 9/11 bombers were from Saudi, that Bin Laden was a Saudi and that most of the Al Qaeda high command are Saudi.

In Syria the "moderates" we back who chop off the heads of 12 year old boys and chuck folks off tall buildings are largely Saudi funded and Al Qaeda affiliated. The division between these Islamofascists and those in ISIS is really not very clear. Both are loathsome extremists who hate the West and everything we stand for. So for Trump to say that Saudi Arabia is our ally in the war on terror is just plain wrong. Americans will be killed by folks Saudi funds and arms.

Trump's big issue is with the Iranian bogeyman. The Iranians are of course Shiite not Sunni and the West seems to wish to side with the Sunnis and noticeably with the Saudis on the basis that they are the "moderates" in the region. Au contraire. In Syria, Iran is backing Assad who is not in the business of chucking gays off tall buildings and beheading 12 year old boys. He is the real "moderate". We are just, once again, backing the wrong side.

Donald Trump had promised to stop meddling in the Middle East. It appears that he is going back on his word and it is a grave error. Sucking Saudi cock is just what Obama, Clinton and Bush all did. It has not brought happiness to ordinary folks in Saudi or Yemen. And it is not made American safer. Quite the reverse.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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