
35 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Be careful what you wish for

I discuss the aftermath of Storm Darragh at the Welsh Hovel, a storm which left us with power cuts last night hence no bearcast. Then Syria, Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX)


288 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Russia, Ukraine and USA and a flashback to Syria and how we were lied to then

No doubt this will be seen as being Assad as well as Putin apologies. It is neither, it is just I dont like being lied to and misled by the politocal and media class GroupThink. I discuss events in Ukraine and the US election campaign and how, as ever, they are linked.


1152 days ago

Are you the sort of Christian who spends all of Ramadan praying at your local mosque?

Me neither. Don’t get me wrong. If someone wants to pray at the Mosque every day during Ramadan or at any time of year that is great. But it is just not the sort of behaviour one normally associates with an apostate, that is to say someone who would, in some Mulsim countries, be killed for converting to Christianity.  Yup it is that Liverpool bomber, you know the devout Christian, Emad Al Swealmeen, once again.


1316 days ago

Cancelled by the Wokerati: Youthful error - odd one out contest

Here they are, four folks who did something a long time ago and which is the odd one out and why? Your delightful quartet in this cancel culture era are: East London pin-up now resident in Syria Shamima Begum, LA Resident Harry Windsor, now ex England cricketer Ollie Robinson, and Kamau Bobb of Google. The common thread is teenage regret.


1901 days ago

Aussie poltroon ambulance chasers Slater & Gordon to take on Hargreaves Lansdowne over Neil Woodford

There are some contests where you want everyone to lose: The FSA vs ISIS vs Hezbollah in Syria, the Democratic primary once Tulsi Gabbard pulls out, a tournament involving the English rugby team and the German and Argie soccer teams. You get my drift. And that brings me to Aussie ambulance chasing lawyers Slater & Gordon (SGH) of Quindell infamy. I have a word of advice for S&G.


1918 days ago

The Syrian Kurds saved after betrayal by the West: Putin and Assad the good guys, told y’all

For almost a decade the Western media and our political leaders have told us all that Syria is simple. ISIS are the really bad guys but Preseident Assad is almost as wicked.  We have been spoon fed tales of the bad things he has done even if the evidence of some of his “chemical attacks” was very dubious indeed.  We have backed the heroic Kurds (clearly good guys and gals) and also those termed “The Moderates” by David Cameron, the Free Syrian Army, the FSA.


2154 days ago

General Knowledge Quiz – which country are most Syrian refugees heading to right now?

The UK? Germany?  Trump’s America – after all the US did lead the fight against that bastard Assad? Think again. The answer is not something you will see reported widely in the Western Media for it is ….


2203 days ago

Christmas in Syria – the story the guilty Western Media cannot bear to broadcast

There are just two countries in the Middle East where Christians can celebrate their faith openly, as part of a supportive community and with no fear of having their head chopped off.  One is Israel, which is also the only country in the region where there are gay pride parades. But suggesting that Israel is a beacon of tolerance in a sea of bigotry is not part of the group think narrative for the liberal media elites here in the West. So what about the other place where Christianity is not a high risk activity?


2209 days ago

Putting the vicar straight after his factually challenged midnight mass sermon

Our normal lefty vicar Ian was at another Parish on Christmas Eve telling another flock about the poor Palestinians and the nasty Israelis, as we celebrated the birth of an Israeli. And thus at St Cuthbert’s we had a stand in vicar, an old man with a white beard who is officially retired and looked rather learned. And so to the sermon, witnessed by a bigger crowd than I can remember in years gone by.



2269 days ago

80 British ISIS brides in Syria want to "come home" - feck off you are not wanted

It seems that there are around 80 British women who went to Syria, married ISIS fighters - most of whom are now thankfully dead - but with the collapse of the Islamofascist state now want to come back to Britain. No doubt wretched Theresa May will allow them back, give them social housing and a full range of benefits but why on earth should we?  One of these ghastly women has poured out her heart to ITV  news as you can see below. It is pathetic, implausible and nauseating.


2317 days ago

We are told we must #NeverForget 9/11 – we have! The West is supporting those who carried it out – madness

On September 11 (9/11) 17 years ago, Al Qaeda – an organisation we in the West had armed and funded when it was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan -  showed its gratitude by slaughtering more than 3,000 of us by sending two planes into the Twin Towers in New York. Those Islamofascists sure know how to say “thanks”.  Today we are told we must #NeverForget and that the UK and US must carry on standing shoulder to shoulder fighting terror. This is truly the stuff of 1984.


2317 days ago

Fake News special on Syria in the Sunday Telegraph

I am quite open about my views on Syria. As explained here, the sooner that President Assad exterminates the last terrorist vermin in their Idlib stronghold the better, so bringing peace and security back to Syria. The Western media is spinning on behalf of the terrorists who our Governments have rashly backed and as such serve up some cracking 100% fake news – meet Mostafa.


2323 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - why I am cheering on Assad and Putin as they rout the last terrorist vipers from Idlib in Syria

The war in Syria is entering its final phase and in this podcast I explain why the defeat of those we in the West have so rashly backed is something we should really be celebrating. The rout of the terrorists in Idlib by President Assad backed by President Putin is a good thing. Watch as millions of Syrians continue to vote with their feet and go home now that the right side has won.


2383 days ago

Syria – what the liberal media is not telling you – get ready for blowback as the West suffers the price of its folly

I have noted time and time again that the West has been backing the wrong side in Syria. And that side is now losing ground at an alarming rate much to the joy of native Syrians.  Now that  mortars belonging to the Free Syrian Army, aka Al Qaeda, the folks Call Me Dave Cameron termed “moderates”, no longer pound Damascus, the Western media begrudgingly and rarely shows footage of a capital that is safe, prospering, free and happy.  Now President Assad helped by Russia is seeking to seize control of the South West of Syria, the area bordering Israel and Jordan.


2461 days ago

Back to the ruins of Douma - this shocking video of a boy "gas victim" is why Mrs May is so desperate and so wrong to try to ban Russia Today

Our leaders, Mrs May, the fag Macron and Donald Trump said they had PROOF that President Assad bombed Douma with gas. On that basis they bombed not jihadists but Assad controlled areas of Syria. The only "proof" we have seen are videos shot by the White Helmets, folks who work only with jihadist Al Qaeda and ISIS forces. But on the other hand we have shown on the ground reports from British journalist Robert Fisk HERE and a US camera crew HERE which give hard evidence that there was no gas attack. Now comes the most shocking evidence yet and it comes from Russia Today as you can see below.


2463 days ago

SHOCK VIDEO - US reporter in Douma - No Evidence of Chemical Attack

This report tallies with that of Robert Fisk who is also in Douma.  It looks more and more as if the claims of wretched Theresa May, the fag Macron and Donald Trump to have had proof that President Assad gassed Douma were lies and that makes the bombing of Syria, that they ordered, a war crime. When will the mainstream media stop behaving like war crazy jingoistic poltroons, spouting the Governmental fake news and start reporting what actually happened? Enjoy the video.


2464 days ago

Theresa May - you are as bad as Blair, Britain is not safer because you bombed Syria - you lie!

The war criminal famously justified his illegal war in Iraq with the claim that British interests could be attacked within 45 minutes by Saddam Hussein's army. That was a lie. Blair claimed attacking Iraq made thee UK safer. Of course in unleashing ISIS and acting as a recruiting sergeant for jihadists everywhere it made Britain far less safe. Blair lied. But over Syria Theresa May has lied in the same way. I quote the most useless Tory PM since Ted Heath on why she ordered the RAF to bomb:


2464 days ago

Syria - just what if there was no gas attack? Fisk is in Douma

Robert Fisk of the Independent does not always get it right, hence the term Fisking, but the Middle East veteran is not a man to generate pure fake news and right now he is on the ground in Douma, the scene of the alleged chemical weapons attack by President Assad and his first report last night begs the question of whether Theresa May, that fag Macron and President Trump are lying war criminals, like Tony Blair.


2467 days ago

Bombing Syria: Tony Blair is delighted but what have you achieved Trump and May?

Perhaps you remember that Tony Blair lied to the House of Commons about Saddam Hussein having WMD which could hurt Britain within 45 minutes and so got us involved in an illegal war. 179 British servicemen are dead as a result, hundreds are maimed for life, thousands of innocent Iraqis are dead, ISIS got its big break. There is so much blood on Blair's hands that any decent society would, at the least, shun him and should really send him to the Hague for trial.


2467 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Recorded at my parents in law so no ffing swearing

This is the most polite i shall ever be. Okay the mother-in-law is out and my father in law has hearing issues but still its  a no swearing podcast in which I discuss FairFx (FFX), Vin Murria, the Uk Investor Show and a new major headache for Purplebricks ( PURP) and the wider issue of revenue visibility. I also note events in Syria which I cover in more detail HEREIf you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH.


2467 days ago

Diane Abbott - I never thought I'd say this..

Please do not get me wrong, the Shadow Home Secretary is very stupid and wrong on almost every issue going. As a type 2 diabetic myself I cannot forgive her for using her diabetes as a reason to dodge the heat of an election campaign, it gives the wider population a bad impression of her fellow sufferers. But this morning on the radio the old bag was being interviewed and I said to myself "spot on Comrade." I never thought I'd find myself saying that.


2468 days ago

Photo: the people of Douma celebrate liberation - can useless Mrs May explain this away?

The narrative of the Western mainstream press and of political leaders like useless PM Theresa May and, sadly these days, Donald Trump is that when an area in Syria is under control of opposition forces, it is being besieged, by evil President Assad.  The truth is that such areas are being liberated from Islamofascist jihadis affiliated to Al Qaeda and when Assad takes control the folks celebrate as they are in Douma today as you can see below.


2469 days ago

13 minutes of Tucker Carlson on Syria - has hopeless Mrs May or Donald Trump any answer to this?

Conservative broadcaster Tucker Carlson may not be to everyone's taste although I think he is superb. But I challenge anywone to watch his thoughts on Syria - which very much echo my own - and say whether the wretchedly useless Mrs May or Donald Trump have any sort of answer. They do not. There is no case for war. Enjoy.


2469 days ago

Have you forgotten that it is #NationalGrilledCheeseDay ?

Really? Maybe it is only a North American thing but it is trending on twitter in the US. My colleague Darren Atwater argues, as a son of the hellish socialist free speech denying rapidly going down the pan under its clownish PM part of North America, that we need to take this day seriously.


2470 days ago

#Syria - #Notinmyname

As I write civilian airlines have been told to get out of Syrian airspace for the next 72 hours. The very real fear is that the USA and possibly Britain and France will launch air strikes against President Assad's regime. The justification -the alleged chemical attack on Douma. If the West blunders in, it does not do so in my name.


2549 days ago

The Madness of the West allows new genocide in Syria - we have blood on our hands

For more than five years the West has been pusuing a policy of madness in Syria. The authors of this madness were crooked Hillary, Obama, Call Me Dave Cameron and Frau Merkel. Only Merkel is still in office but the madness continues.


2740 days ago

Channel 4 News - Fake News from Israel

As the flagship fake news liberal elitist broadcaster in London it is no surprise that Channel 4 hates the State of Israel with a passion. And to that end the channel that just loves its fake news had a field day yesterday as three Palestinians opened fire on security guards at the sacred Islamic site, the old Temple. The terrorists were shot and killed but not before they had killed two Israeli guards.


2775 days ago

It's Gay Pride Tel Aviv today - when are the other events in the region?

The BBC and the rest of the liberal media cannot stop telling us what an awful, intolerant place Israel is. Regularly mainstream politicians from the left compare its actions to those of Nazi Germany. And on that note, I am delighted to see that today it is Gay Pride day in Tel Aviv.


2792 days ago

After Manchester the Politicians and Media elites say hope not hate, carry on as normal but it is all hogwash

As I drove across Southern England yesterday the radio news about the awful terror attack in Manchester kept on coming. It was all so sadly predictable as the politicians and media elite commentators prattled on: "our thoughts are with the victims, we must not let this divide us, hope not hate, light a candle, we are stronger and more united, carry on as normal, no to Islamaphobia, lets not make Muslims the real victims, we will not be broken." We have heard it all before.


2794 days ago

Donald Trump sucks Corrupt Saudi cock - truisms you cannot utter in the islamofascist jihad backing hell-hole

If i was living in Saudi Arabia I'd be arrested for writing that. If i was lucky I'd be lashed. Folks have actually been beheaded for making less offensive, but true, statements. The kleptocractic regime of Saudi Arabia has a human rights record which is worse than that of Assad's Syria pre-war, it commits war crimes on an Industrial scale in Yemen and it exports Islamofascist extremism and terror across the globe. Yet President Trump is blowing them off as if the Saudi Royal family were the nicest guys on earth. Why?


2800 days ago

Donald Trump leaks classified data to the Russians ( or did he?): Western liberal press so blinkered it works to save ISIS

The uber liberal fake news outlet the Washington Post broke the story which may or may not actually be true. Given its history or Trump bashing, bogus opinion poll interpretation and all round fake news, many of us would not believe the Washington Post if it declared that the sun was going to rise tomorrow. Notwithstanding that, the BBC and other bastions of liberal Trump hating have been going to town on the "Trump leaks state secrets to the Russians" story. The liberals again demand impeachment as they do every week or so. In doing so they show their ultimate moral bankruptcy.


2830 days ago

The Daily Mail lies as part of the West's war on Truth in Syria

I was delighted to see the loathsome Daily Mail cough up for its disgraceful slurs on the charming Mrs Trump. I suspect many on the left will have had their loyalties divided in that battle, irrespective of the fact that it was the Mail that libelled Melania, but what about the Mail's mega lie today, on Syria. It boasts the headline "At least 100 people dead as a suicide car bomb hits convoy of busses evacuating residents from the clutches of ISIS to safe havens in Syria". This is quite simply a lie. It is fake news. It is a lie born of the insane and confused policy of the West in this godforsaken country.


2862 days ago

Turkey grabs $3 billion of EU cash but now welshes on migrant deal - thank heavens for Brexit

You may remember that the leaders of the EU, backed by that imbecile Dave Cameron, agreed to give President Erdogan's Turkey $6 billion if it promised to stop migrants flooding to Europe. Forget that Erdogan gags and shuts down a free press, fires teachers who do not support his crackpot ideas, discriminates against gays, has offered overt support to Islamofascists in Syria, bombed Kurdish civilians and does all sorts of other things we are not so keen on, the EU thought it had secured a cracking deal.


2903 days ago

Donald Trump and the Doomsday Clock: The liberal media laps up fake news "the man will kill us all"

Since 1947 The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have once a year recalibrated an imaginary Doomsday Clock tracking how close we are to midnight, the point at which man destroys the planet. To mark the election of Donald Trump the clock was pushed forward 30 seconds to two and a half minutes to midnight. How the Guardian, Channel 4 and the BBC loved it "He's going to kill us all". Did any of these screaming hysterical liberals watch the last episode of the current series of Endeavour?


2933 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Assisted by my father, 8 predictions for 2017

Once again I am sitting here in Shipston with a live audience of one, my father. So we have his take on George Michael - mine is HERE. My views on Syria are referred to in the podcast and the article I mention is HERE. Then I go onto my 8 macro calls for 2017 covering Europe and the Euro, interest rates, corporate earnings visibility, fraud & bankruptcies, house prices, shares, gold and oil.


2933 days ago

Turkey bleats about lack of support after Istanbul ISIS outrage -, er I wonder why you fascist hypocrites?

I have just heard another Turkish politician bleating to the BBC about how the West has not been as supportive of his country after the awful terror attack on Istanbul that killed 39, as it was after the terror attacks in, say, Paris. It says this is unfair. No doubt Lily Allan reckons it is racist since she thinks almost everything is racist. But perhaps there are other reasons? Here is an easy multiple choice quiz for you all.


2941 days ago

Midnight mass - I leave feeling good about the world, then I talk to Uncle Chris

On Christmas Day I chatted to Uncle Chris Booker. A wide ranging chat but we cannot help but conclude that at a geo-political level the world is going ever more badly wrong. Price Charles this populism is a real danger and must be fought. Quite right you unelected hereditary multi millionaire, lets pursue policies that favour the 1% and screw the masses. Let's stick with policies that, for a reason that a patrician fool might not grasp, are not popular in any way. As a life long republican I really do hope that the Queen lives forever. 


2941 days ago

Mass on December 25 in Aleppo cathedral after 5 years and yet we are still backing the wrong side in Syria

Here in Bristol we prayed for Christians around the world who were suffering for their faith and we prayed for peace in Syria. And on Christmas day I hope we all rejoiced as the cathedral of St Elijah in Aleppo held its first Christmas service in five years. What joy that must have brought to the 100,000 Christians still left in Aleppo.

The Western media reported this rather sheepishly. Because it exposes the folly and wickedness of the policies of our Government in Syria, policies that the Western media has lapped up and promoted with lies and bias throughout. Here are the facts.


2997 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - The Truth the Western Media will not tell you about what is happening in Aleppo, Syria

We are being lied to at every level by Western politicians and the liberal media establishment about who is doing what to whom in the so called siege of Aleppo. This is dangerous and it is wrong as I explain in this podcast which is dedicated to Nadine and her brave family still stuck in Aleppo facing death every day.


3014 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - The Odious hypocrisy of Boris Johnson over Yemen and why Syria is not worth World War Three

The hypocrisy of Western leaders claiming the moral high ground in Syria, given what is happening in Yemen is truly nauseating. Boris Johnson Je t'accuse. In Syria there is more talk of upping the ante. This might just risk World War Three and that is not desirable. Moreover at a military and moral level what is proposed is quite simply wrong.


3014 days ago

Spending European cash rescuing ISIS fighters to bring them safely home? Why is this not madness?

ITV News had an exclusive report this week on a jail run by one of the nutty Islamofascist groups in Syria that the West backs, which contains 300 captured ISIS fighters. It is a real rainbow sort of place with the captives coming from across Africa, the Middle East and Europe. 


3019 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Collapse of Sterling lie...I blame the Tories & the BBC

Is Sterling collapsing? Well, er... yes and no. It partly depends on where we started? If it is sliding is that down to Brexit? That is far more of a no than a yes. So are the Tories to blame? As of last week, in part yes. Is the BBC telling lies because it still can't handle the Brexit result? Of course it is. Confused? All is explained in this week's podcast. And talking of lies my podcast I mention on Syria is HERE


3019 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: This is 1984 and here in Airstrip One we are being lied to about Syria on a monumental scale

From start to finish we in Britain and the USA have been lied to about what is happening in Syria. The past week's coverage of Aleppo has been the worst example of this. I am not saying President Assad is a saint. far from it. But you are being lied to by our leaders and a pliant media on a monumental scale as the West plays a dangerous and immoral game.


3037 days ago

BBC why can't it tell the truth about either Syria or what is breaking news - Evan Davis you are a liar

A couple of days ago it was Emily Maitlis and Laura Kuenssberg at the BBC caught claiming that news was breaking and that they had scoops when in fact they were hours off the pace on Hinkley Point. On Monday night, as he presented Newsnight, it was Evan Davis who was caught telling what was quite simply a blatant lie. Why on earth is the taxpayer paying £500,000 plus for a man who tells lies? The lie was on Syria and compounded an earlier gross deception by Fiona Bruce (another utterly unjustified half a million) on the 10 O'Clock News. Let's start with little Evan...


3045 days ago

Just doing a Russia Today interview on Hillary Clinton - I am not an ffing blogger!

It went out live on the 7PM Moscow Time show. In a Skype based interview, they asked how I wanted to be described - a blogger? No pal I have been a journalist for 25 years I said to the chappie who was probably soiling his nappy when I started in this trade. They described me as a blogger anyway. 


3057 days ago

Britain and America have Kurdish blood on our hands - yet the BBC covers it up

Last week the Americans held a press conference in Turkey in which the USA warned the brave Kurds (its ally) to stop besieging an ISIS held town of Jarablus and to allow the tanks of the fascist President Erdogan to cross the border to take control. That was bad enough but what followed has been far worse and our media, notably the BBC, has done nothing in the face of Orwellian lies and betrayal.


3072 days ago

Why send Anjem Choudary to prison - he wants and should be given a one way ticket to Syria

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary will next week get a prison sentence of up to ten years for inciting others to support a proscribed organisation, that is to say Islamic State or ISIS. Surely jail is the last place we should be sending him?


3077 days ago

British Forces are in Syria - are we stark raving mad?

There is now clear evidence that British special forces are on the ground in Syria assisting Free Syrian Army (FSA) jihadists. The BBC spins a Government lie and reports this as being in a fight against ISIS.. But the FSA is, of course, also fighting President Assad''s Government and its Russian and Syrian allies. This is madness.


3077 days ago

BBC mourns and lauds ISIS poster girl Kadiza Sultana: Like everyone else I celebrate her death

It appears that Kadiza Sultana, one of the three schoolgirls who left Bethnal Green to join ISIS in Syria has been killed in an air strike. At this point are you weeping? Me neither. I feel sorry when innocent folk in Europe or in Syria and Iraq get butchered by ISIS. I feel sorry for the women rounded up for rape camps by ISIS. I look at the sickening executions and despair of humanity. I view ISIS as repellent. So Kadiza is not someone i mourn. The world is a better place without her and if - like so many victims of ISIS - her death was slow and painful then I really don't care. Well done to the Russians for taking her out.


3078 days ago

So what if Malia Obama smokes weed - what has her father been smoking since 2008?

The elder daughter of the President of the United States appears to have been caught on camera by someone, she thought was a friend, smoking a joint. Hell's teeth the girl is eighteen and, it now appears, normal, what is the fuss? She must be feeling a bit betrayed by her "friend" and why the hell shouldn't she have a bit of dope like every other American teenager? It may be illegal but the law is a patent ass. And even arch conservatives must know that. It is not working and it utterly unenforceable.

I despise


3090 days ago

ISIS & Al Qaeda must be praying that Crooked Hillary Clinton defeats Trump

As Obama's Secretary of State, it was crooked Hillary that did so much to create the mess that is Syria today. Over the past four years President hopey change has slowly backtracked and at last peace is in sight out East. Both ISIS and the, largely Islamofascist and often Al-Qaeda affiliated, Free Syrian Army, FSA, are in retreat. But crooked Hillary has plans to change all of that.

What is it with the Democrats and blood lust?


3097 days ago

Blood on the hands of Hollande, Cameron & May - when will they accept they back the wrong side in Syria

The papers this week carried graphic images of a 12 year old boy being beheaded in Syria. Ghastly, I hear you cry. ISIS must be stopped. Thank God we are doing our bit by backing rebel fighters in the Free Syrian Army. Problemo: it was those rebel fighters that did the beheading.

This is no surprise to readers of this website. Back in 2012


3191 days ago

Lying criminal Chris Oil discusses who owes him cash and his pals in the SAS

There are no photos yet of Chris Oil's imaginary sports cars in Dubai. But his claim to have been the U-18 school boxing champion now looks all the more impressive given how so many of his pals from school are now in the SAS. If ISIS are not backing down when we send in the school boxing also rans into Syria perhaps it is time that Rambo Oil went on a special mission? The Islamofascists would surely shit themselves if they knew that the hardest bloke from the top school for SAS recruiting, Mr Chris Oil, was on his way. 


3208 days ago

President Assad retakes Palmyra and is crushing ISIS - the West squirms, red faces all round

You will remember how for the first two years of the War in Syria folks like Hilary Clinton, President Obama, David Cameron and the entire Western press corp told us that the really bad guy in Syria was President Assad. Okay his human rights record was actually among the least worst in the region but he had to go and so the West started arming and funding a coalition opposed to Assad, many of whom turned out to be Islamofascist supporters of Al-Qeada with a propensity for chopping folks heads off. But that did not matter because Assad was the bad guy. We are not at war with Al Qaeda, we have never been at War with Al Qaeda, pretened our leaders. George Orwell would have been proud of them.

I flagged up the fact that the folks we in the West werebacking were monsters several times - see HERE - but no-one cared and as the country descended into chaos the real Islamofascists of ISIS saw a vacuum and filled it.

The West and its allies such as Saudi Arabia - a Mid East Country which really does have an appalling human rights record - carried on funding and arming our own Islamofascists


3330 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard #134 - Bombing Syria is wrong at all levels - not in my name

I am sure that pretty soon the RAF will start to bomb ISIS in Syria. David cameron has lied to the nation just as Tony Blair did over Iraq. This is wrong at every single level. It is not in my name.


3343 days ago

Send a lefty sociology lecturer to Greece to help the migrants

No it is not my Mrs but a comrade of hers who wishes to go to volunteer to help the migrants landing up in Greece from Syria and other places made hell holes as a result of misguided Western meddling. I know being nice to migrants is not popular in all quarters. I don’t expect Nigel Farage to donate. But we are in this household and if you have some compassion I ask you to consider a small donation. 


3349 days ago

Weekly postcard #131: Thoughts on Paris bombings - our politicians tell us that bombing Syria makes us safer - THEY LIE

Naturally my thoughts are with the victims and their families. What happened in Paris last night was an atrocity and those responsible are evil. However, tying in with yesterday's article on Jihadi John, I suggest that the actions of our leaders in bombing Syria and Iraq have not only destroyed those countries but have made we in Paris or London or even Bristol not safer but less safe. Before you shout "bomb the bastards back into the stone age" consider that this is exactly what we have been doing and it is not either just or doing any good at all. Au contraire.


3354 days ago

Weekly Postcard #130 - Syria our policies are unethical, unaffordable and just don't work

I watched Question Time on Thursday. He may be a fruitcake on some issues but on Syria as we contemplate the mess we have created with Asad, ISIS, the FSA, Saudi Arabia and the rest, Hitchens was on fire. The complacent Justine Greening was like the rest of the political class an incoherent mess. 


3397 days ago

Weekly postcard #124 - despairing at UKIP and backing Putin in Syria

Rather unusually it was in my Bearcast today that I discussed some of the myths pushed by those opposing offering sanctuary to refugees from Syria - that can be listened to HERE. In this postcard I despair at UKIP ahead of the 2016 Referendum on staying in the EU and express support for President Putin's policy - as opposed to that of the West - in Syria.


3412 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9/11 - Looking back & forward & a rip roaring day on AIM

It is 9/11 and I look back 14 years. I also reflect on the Orwellian way we all viewed Syria earlier this week. Looking forward, we have sold 90% of the restaurant in Clerkenwell to the pizza hardman Darren Atwater. we end up slightly ahead on the deal but I have had enough of running businesses and blame my own old age and the Tories for that. This is the start of my wind-down. On AIM its a cracking day with another China fraud kill, China Chaintek (CTEK) and more fun and games at Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Redhall (RHL), Monitise (MONI), Sefton Resources (SER, Cloudbuy (CBUY) and Golden Saint Resources (GSR). And I am getting into bed with Rob Proctor of Audioboom (BOOM). Not literally but...well I explain in full. in the podcast.


3416 days ago

Feeling rather proud of the Labour Party – it was today the conscience Britain seems to lack

Okay my motives for handing over £3 to join Labour might not have been the purest. I have done the decent thing and voted for Comrade Corbyn but today I actually felt a real pride as Labour – notably Harriet Harman – took on this Government on the issue of immigrants and state sponsored executions.

Please do not think that I admire much of what Harman stands for and has stood for in the past. But today she spoke for the conscience that this nation seems to have forgotten it had, as a smug David Cameron announced that a British drone had executed two British born ISIL jihadists in Syria.

The House of Commons voted two years ago not to intervene militarily in Syria. I am sure that the two men killed were plotting bad acts and the world is no worse place for their demise.  But the State cannot go around without any mandate simply executing its own citizens. Harman


3466 days ago

Weekly postcard #120 - the real danger of #Corbyn4Leader

Of course this blog supports  Jeremy #Corbyn4leader - it would make Labour unelectable which is a good thing. The danger is that it would make the Tories feel utterly unchecked and recent news on FOI, Syria and banksters getting an even softer touch from the FCA make me worry that this is already happening to some extent.


3491 days ago

The Russian Transsexual who joined ISIS...this tale will not end well

You could not make it up....Viktor E, or Viktoria as he prefers to be known although he has yet to have the op, is a Russian transsexual who complains that he, sorry she, suffers intolerance in Putin's Russia. And thus she/he and her boyfriend, have converted to radical Islam after watching a few videos and are now on their way to Syria to join the happy band of tolerant fellows you and I know as ISIS.

Viktoria claims that ISIS will accept her and her boyfriend as they are because she wears Women's clothes. Hmmmm, I 


3632 days ago

Maaz al-Kassasbeh burned alive by ISIS – the animals want us to sink to their level, we must not

Why does ISIS exist? Because the meddling of the West created it. We ousted Saddam Hussein and created a power vacuum but also the alienation of Sunnis from the power centres in Iraq. Then we meddled to oust President Assad in Syria arming his opponents, including many who now fight for ISIS.

Sixty years of Western meddling to bring about regime change in the Middle East (I go back to Iran in the fifties) has made the West ever more hated in the region. Meanwhile the trail of death we have left in recent years through our illegal wars (Iraq) and tinkering (Syria) has acted as a fantastic recruiting sergeant among disaffected Muslim youth in the West for vile extremists such as ISIS.

Today ISIS has hit a new low by burning Jordanian pilot Maaz al-Kassasbeh alive. It hopes by doing this to get both the Jordanian regime and the West to over-react.

Jordan is an artificial country created by the West, notably Britain. The vast majority of its – mainly very poor – population are Palestinians. It should be part of a Palestinian State. A tiny minority from the Hashemite tribe have ruled since we put them on the throne. They are rich. The biggest one day massacre of Palestinians in history occurred in the early 1970s when the father of the current monarch bloodily butchered many thousand Palestinians who wanted democracy and economic justice.

When Jordan reacts by arranging hasty trials of Islamist prisoners in its jails and executing those folks many in the West will cheer. That they will be cheering the way that an ally of us ignores basic principles of justice in allowing full and fair trials before engaging in State sponsored executions. I fear there is just a lust for revenge blood.

How will ordinary Jordanians react? By showing support for the Western stooges who rule over them in these barbarous acts? I sense many will feel more alienated and more likely to support the Islamists.

Should the West throw in more of a military arsenal and “bomb ISIS back into the Stone age?” 


3762 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #82 – Off to war we go edition

This is my last video postcard from Greece for seven weeks. I’m back in London at the weekend preparing for a presentation on how companies on AIM overstate profits with real examples. That is on Monday but is booked out but if you want to be able to advance book for my next presentation (it’s free & comes with pizza and wine) register HERE

As I prepare for a return to England with very mixed feelings I know that by the time you watcg this we will be at war in Iraq again. Soon we will be in Syria. The media is being played by our leaders who have messed up and continue to mess up.

England is not safer but a more dangerous place as of today.

My financial video postcard explains E ratios, PEGs and why stocks on PEs of 3 or less are always a sell not a buy and it can be viewed HERE


3764 days ago

Syria – whose side are we on today? Our leaders are clueless and do not speak for me

Last summer I argued that the West’s policy towards Syria was madness. I feel more than vindicated but madness has led to greater madness. Back in 2013 President Assad was the bad guy. The Western press, egged on by the vile Clinton woman, President Obama, Call Me Dave, the War Criminal Blair and others argued that he was so wicked we had a duty to arm the rebels, which we duly did. I pointed out here that many of these rebels were Islamofascist nutters who hated us and that this was an error. 

I also noted how both sides in Syria committed atrocities and that I could not play God in saying whose side we should be on. But our leaders knew better and armed the rebels including folks who are now fighting with ISIS. Yes, we assisted ISIS. We gave these nutters our weapons.

Watching TV now it seems that we are bombing the shit out of ISIS, the main force fighting evil President Assad. But we are also still arming and training anti Assad forces who are deemed “moderate”. Whatever.

ISIS will not be destroyed by death raining down from the skies. 


3807 days ago

US Intervention in Iraq – short term respite – long term disaster

Ben Turney today suggested that US intervention in Iraq would see Isis beaten back and is thus an opportunity to buy Gulf Keystone (GKP) and Genel. He cites some curious examples to back this thesis up.

You can read Ben’s piece HERE and my piece over the weekend explaining why Kurd oil stocks are a sell HERE.

Where Ben is mistaken is in thinking that we will see prolonged US involvement. Obama does not want that. Sure the Islamofascists may be driven out of Kurdistan pro tem. But they will simply retreat to Sunni dominated area of Iraq where ISIS is popular and to Syria where the US WILL NOT pursue them. And the Kurds will not advance into hostile territory so ISIS will regroup in safety.


3810 days ago

Sell and Short Gulf Keystone at 68.25p

On a financial level I have always been bearish on Gulf Keystone (GKP) long arguing that the shares were really only worth 30-50p – something that has not endeared me to the Bulletin Board Morons. Well I guess I was right. But what has changed to make this an outright slam dunk short sell? Answer: ISIS.

Incidentally HERE is my first red flag piece on Gulf from April 2013 with me saying sell at 154p and I have consistently argued that fundamental value was 30-50p. I would now target the bottom of that range or less.

Without doubt these Islamofascists are truly the most repellent force on this planet. Opponents or those who are not the right sort of muslim are beheaded, crucified or shot. Even children are beheaded. Although I see that in the Guardian that the ISIS flag is now also flying in Poplar East London alongside the Palestinian flag, it is in Syria and Iraq where the headway is being made.

Peering at my maps today


3816 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #74 – Eco-loos and blowback edition

My weekly video postcard finds me sitting on my newly constructed eco-loo. More on that in a later photo article.

The main theme of this postcard is the folly of Western meddling abroad. It was the great Dr Ron Paul (pictured) who coined the term blowback. The theme runs through Iraq, Afghanistan and is now playing out in Syria, Libya and the Ukraine.

When will our leaders learn and stop lying?

The Christopher Booker article I refer to is HERE

My weekly financial video postcard covers the uncertainty of earnings where margins are apparently supra-normal. Yes this means Quindell & ASOS. I also look at why the market mood has changed. It can be viewed HERE

Tom Winnifrith has just published his new e-book, The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from oil, gas and mining shares. You can buy it on Amazon for £6.25 or you can order a FREE copy HERE


4031 days ago

Nigel Farage is not being “nice” on Syrian asylum seekers but even more nasty than usual

When a man spends years telling us all that this Country cannot afford to take in any more people it seems odd when he suddenly announces that we should take in tens of thousands of Syrians fleeing an awful Civil war, starvation and persecution. But surely we are full up are we not? It seems as if we the UKIP leader has done his sums again and we can squeeze a few more folk in. All of a sudden that Nigel Farage is playing the nice guy. Fear not. Nigel is nastier than ever.

Farage claims that the UK has a long tradition of offering refuge to those facing persecution from his own ancestors the Huguenots to the Jews and most recently to the East African Asians when persecuted by Idi Amin. Farage is correct. It is an honourable tradition and all three of those groups have made a massively positive cultural and economic difference to the UK. We have been rewarded for our hospitality.

And so Farage argues that we should continue that tradition. He states we should offer refuge to Syrian Christians.  Er…hang on..

What about the Syrian Muslims? Oh, they can stay there and starve, get killed and persecuted. Farage won’t be letting them in. For fuck’s sake we have got too many Muslims in this country already have we not Nigel?

You see that is Nigel’s coded message to Middle England. What he is saying is “we in UKIP are nice guys in the British tradition but fear not, we do not like the bloody Muslims either.”

The Jews and the East African Asians were not Christians yet we took them in. The British tradition is to offer refuge to all folks facing persecution not just those who follow Jesus rather than Allah or some other faith. The Farage sleight of hand allows him to claim that his offer is a traditional humanitarian British one (so he is a nice guy) while sending a clear message out that he is not keen on the Muslims.

This is not Nigel being nice this is Nigel being nastier than ever.

His suggestion of active religious discrimination is not in any way part of the British tradition of hospitality to those felling persecution.  It is simply a coded and evil wolf whistle dressed up in a pretence of humanity.

Once again on matters of immigration it is shame on UKIP and shame in Nigel Farage a man who, I know, to be better than this but seems seduced by cheap short term electoral opportunism. 


4152 days ago

Syria – War would be wrong

I am proud of our MPs. I never thought I’d write that but in voting not to go to war 285 of them did the right thing. And at so many levels.

At a practical level we do not have definitive evidence that it was the Assad regime rather than the Islamofascist/Al Qaeda inspired opposition that used chemical weapons. If I was a betting man I’d bet heavily that it was Assad but there is no proof. Waging a war without proof, relying on Dodgy dossiers is oh so terribly Tony Blair and it is wrong. That is why Blair is a war criminal and brought shame on the UK. To his credit Cameron did not behave in that fashion.

And at another practical level what will missile strikes achieve? They will kill people but will they knock out the portable carriers of chemical weapons? No. Will they cause regime change? No. Will they suck others into a wider conflict? Possibly yes. Will they kill people innocent & guilty?  Yes. Will they stop massacres? No. What, I ask the appalling John Kerry will missile attacks achieve?

Whose side should we be on in Syria? That of the butcher Assad or Al Qaeda? Bother are appalling and evil. John Kerry and David Cameron might feel up to playing God but I don’t.

As the great Ron Paul has been pointing out for years


4159 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Monday - Sefton's Ellerton going to prison issue

Apologies for the delay. Well there is a lot happening right now. Following the highly successful interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt and Libya it seems as if we are about to intervene in Syria as well. Will we ever learn?  Away from the folly of our leaders my mind this week centred on victory in my battle with AIM POS Sefton Resources and its liar and crook chairman Jim Ellerton. Bully boy lawyers Pinsent Masons has yet to throw in the towel officially (heck why not rack up some more fees while you can?) but it is only a matter of time.

If you missed the victory at Pinsents Video please watch and pass the link onto everyone you know. I gather the bully boys are hating all this bad PR. Given its role in the Sefton dirty tricks campaign against me Pinsents deserves all the shit it gets. So please watch the video and pass on the link to EVERYONE YOU KNOW - it is  HERE
This week’s picture  is below. Please post your captions in the comments box below.


For what it is worth my entry is


4209 days ago

Bon Voyage Abu Qatada – hardly a triumph for Theresa May

Abu Qatada is an Islamofascist hate preacher with clear links to Al Qaeda. Finally, after ten years he is as we speak in a prison van heading off to the airport on a one way ticket to Jordan where he is going to goal for terrorist offences. This is being presented as a triumph for Home Secretary Theresa May and the Conservative Party “Tough on terrorism, tough on the causes of Terrorism (except in Syria where want to give guns to Al Qaeda).” Bollocks.

It has cost £2 million to deport this loathsome man. He and his family have taken the grateful taxpayer for another £3 million plus in benefits and free housing over the past decade. And that is a triumph?

Three questions for Mrs May:


4216 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday - Syria Madness Edition

I was tempted to lead on the news that a Tory MP who I had never heard of was given a standing ovation and embraced warmly at a meeting of his local association this week. For saying that the EU was a joke? That he believed in low taxes, reform of the welfare state or that he took a tough line on law and order? Be serious this is Call Me Dave's new look Tory Party and so it could only be one thing...Daniel Kawczynski outed himself as the UK's first openly bisexual MP. we give a damn who you shag but it would be kind of pleasing if you could cut the deficit/stand up to the EU, etc.

Now if an MP were to out himself as the UK's first MP not to fiddle his expenses that really would be something. Anyhow it has made Dave Cameron happy. Whatever. But instead I turn to red blooded heterosexual MP William Hague, aka the foreign secretary who would like to be a real macho man ( a great song by those other neo-Cons the YMCA) and get us all involved in the war in Syria. Wow after all the success we have had with our interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Egypt (in flames this weekend) lets make it five straight wins and send lots of weapons (paid for by the UK Money Tree) off to the Islamofascist rebels in Syria.

Please post your captions to this picture in the comments section below by 9 AM on Friday.

For what it is worth my entry is:


4228 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard Number 37 - Syria special

My 37th weekly video postcard on this site is now live. Over on my fifth financial video postcard is now also live and looks at mining stocks. You can view it HERE

En passant I mention poor Nigella Lawson. However the political postcard focusses on Syria. I regard the desire by the liberal political elite of the West to intervene as irresponsible and the manner in which they have attempted to manipulate public opinion is criminal. I explain more in the video below.


4245 days ago

Arming the Islamofascists in Syria – are we mad?

I see that the EU is lifting its embargo on arms sales to Syria at the insistence of Britain and France. Why UK trade policy should be dictated by the Evil Empire escapes me but that is not the issue here – the concern is that the UK is set to give weapons to the FSA ( the coalition fighting President Assad). This is sheer insanity.

For the past few months the Western powers have tried to show that Assad is a truly evil man committing war crimes on a daily basis. It is surely only a matter of Time before Tony Blair pops up to suggest that he has Weapons of Mass Destruction capable of hitting Britain in 45 minutes. The agenda all along has been to supply arms to the rebels.

Of course evidence on the ground shows that both sides in Syria are committing atrocities on a daily basis. William Hague may feel able to play God and decide that one side is better than the other but I cannot. Both seem utterly loathsome.
One thing that is clear


4308 days ago

Does Gulfsands Petroleum plan a cash call?

On 15th February I suggested selling shares in AIM listed oil producer and explorer Gulfsands Petroleum (LSE:GPX) at111.5p. The shares are now 96p. One reason NOT to sell is that Gulfsands is debt free and has net cash but I wonder how much it actually has. A buzz of IR activity of late makes me wonder if there might be a placing ahead.


4351 days ago

Gulfsands Petroleum – Even Commissioned researcher Edison sees limited upside: Sell

A report lands on my desk today from Edison Research on AIM Listed Gulfsands Petroleum (GPX) entitled “The road out of Damascus.” This report was commissioned by Gulfsands ( i.e. paid for) and so one would not expect a bearish conclusion. ‘tis always the way with research reports from commissioned firms ( like Edison or Hardman) or from a house broker – they want to say buy but sometimes just cannot do so. And so you get what is known as a “corporate hold” . i.e. sell. There is no recommendation on the report but with the shares at 111.75p it sets a risked valuation of the stock at 119p. I cannot see why anyone would buy a share for just 6% upside. Any sane investor would sell and switch into a stock with more upside.


4479 days ago

Mitt Romney (Syria) : will you never learn?

Thirty years ago the Mujahidin were fighting against an evil Russian installed regime in Afghanistan. I think we all knew that the Mujahidin were not very nice people either but your enemy’s enemy and all that and so we in the West, gave them stacks of guns and money. Among the lucky recipients was that fellow Osama Bin Laden who sure showed his gratitude to the West and the USA (the largest donor of guns and money) at a later point.

And so we turn to Syria where Mitt Romney, after consulting with his dressage horse for the tax implications, says that the US should provide weapons to the Syrian rebels – the FSA: not the UK financial regulator or the body trying to stamp out the evil that is home made jam, the other FSA.


4535 days ago

4 Potential Mid East Wars by Christmas, what should the West and you do?

Things are hotting up in the Middle East. There are three possible scenarios for military conflict by Christmas plus the usual wild card of a revolution. There are those who wish genocide against Israel and the useful idiots in the West who would allow this. The oil price could rocket. It is all rather grim. Where to begin?

The best bet for military action is a concerted series of air strikes by Israel on Iran. The FT reported yesterday that the Israelis wanted to start before November in order to wipe out the threat of Iran getting a nuclear bomb. The West should not be intervening in this one. That is to say we should not assist Israel but equally we should not, as we are doing now, hold her back. The nutters who run Iran would make Tel Aviv their prime target if they had a nuke (they have said as much) and so Israel has every right to bomb these wicked Islamofascists back into the stone age. Secretly all the other Arab leaders would be delighted by such an outcome although publicly they will, of course, condemn the “wicked Jews”. This has to be an Evens or better bet.

Second up is Syria


4537 days ago

Syria – Which Side are we on and why?

I have pointed out before that both sides in Syria are vile and that is one good reason not to intervene in this conflict. As I write the loathsome Clinton woman is in Turkey for talks which she says are aimed to bring an end to the Assad regime as quickly as possible. Now, prepare for your stomach to churn as you watch this video. The Syrian rebels captured a Post Office. The workers were not soldiers for Assad but just Post Office Workers. But they were working for the state and so had to be punished. By being thrown off the roof of what was a seven or eight storey building. What a pleasant way to die for the heinous offence of sorting letters. Please Mrs Clinton can you explain in just a few sentences why it is morally right to intervene on either side in this conflict? Why is one side better than the other, pray tell?


4548 days ago

Syria – Both Sides are Vile – who wants to intervene now?

The Daily Mail yesterday carried graphic and, I am convinced genuine, images of events in Syria showing men held semi naked quivering with fear as they are led off and machine gunned to death in an act which can only be described as mass murder. The crowd cheers. These men were soldiers of the Assad regime captured by rebel fighters. I am sure that the Assad regime acts equally as badly. But that is not really the point.

Assorted loons who learn nothing from history have been suggesting for a while that the West should intervene in Syria. The frightful Mrs Clinton has offered up her suggestions on how we can help while David Owen (Dr Death, remember him?) and John McCain actually think we should engage militarily. Heaven help us. There are two reasons why we should just stay out of this and let natural events take their course.

The first is that both sides appear to be equally loathsome.
