Islamic State

2610 days ago

London Bridge: They DON'T Hate our way of life, they DON'T hate democracy and we CAN'T carry on as normal

I do not know why the pathetic liberal media, led by the taxpayer funded BBC, are bothering to interview London's useless Mayor Sadiq Khan, his hapless Mancunian counterpart Andy Burnham, stockmarket spiv turned home secretary Amber Rudd or any of the other members of the political elite after the London Bridge attack. They are all saying the same as they did after Manchester. They were lying then. They lie today. Just re-run the old tapes. There are three big lies.


2901 days ago

Why send Anjem Choudary to prison - he wants and should be given a one way ticket to Syria

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary will next week get a prison sentence of up to ten years for inciting others to support a proscribed organisation, that is to say Islamic State or ISIS. Surely jail is the last place we should be sending him?
