
1238 days ago

Julie "Lingerie on Expenses" Meyer MBE Vs Henry Gewanter: that court order in full and has she paid as ordered?

Well here it is folks, the court order in the case of Julie Meyer MBE vs heroic PR man Henry Gewanter. As tends to be the way in matters of money, Ms Lingerie on Expenses is the defendant. You will note what the court says about the behaviour of Ms Meyer, the quantum of costs, interests and damages awarded against her and also that the deadline was paying was 8 December. Has she paid? Oddly no. Leopards do not change their spots and there is more chance of Jeremy Corbyn converting to Judaism and asking to join the Israeli Army than there is of Julie actually obeying the court. Enjoy.


4290 days ago

Albania and Islam – not downtown Tehran or the Whitechapel Road: The short skirt test

This is nominally a Muslim country – 80% of the population are believers in Islam with the rest split between Orthodox Christianity and Catholicism. But most surveys show that the vast majority of Albanians, including Miss Albania pictured above, do not really care. But you cannot avoid the symbols of Islam, even if its effect is hard to see. As I arrived at Sarandra the building that stood out among the 6-8 story blocks that make up the City was the minaret of the Mosque. And, however many times a day it is, the Imam calls the faithful to prayer over loudspeakers. Not with much effect.

The behaviour of the folk here would shock any resident of Tehran or Whitechapel. In three days I have seen one woman wearing a Hajib. But I have also seen one shop selling the sort of ladies underwear that leaves very little to the imagination and which, I imagine, will not be opening up a second outlet in Cairo, Bagdhad or Gaza City any time soon.

On the beach women go topless although that tends to be when lying face down on a sun lounger, in the sea modesty is preserved. But the young ladies wander around in the sort of short skirts you associate with Geordie lasses on a night on the town
