Leanne Woods

1308 days ago

A masterstroke by Boris to win back my vote and it almost worked

We were all told that if we got the vaccine we’d be safe so could go on our hols. That seemed a bit harsh but I played along and got the jab and promptly booked a flight to go and spend the summer at the luxury eco palace formerly known as the Greek Hovel. Then the Tories said that if I went on hols I would be fined £5,000. Yet another reason to vote Plaid Cymru in May thought I, as I cursed Boris Johnson and the evil Tories. Or maybe not.


2622 days ago

Barcelona: the Cowardice, Double Standard and Virtue Signalling of the liberal elites

Back in 2004 there were horrible bombings in Madrid. The attackers at that point were Al Qaeda who stated that they were attacking Spain because it was involved in the war in Iraq. The Spanish surrendered. A new government pulled out of Iraq at once. Of course these days we give guns and money to Al Qaeda factions in Syria because we have a new enemy. As Orwell might have pout it: We are not at war with Al Qaeda. We were never at war with Al Qaeda, We have always been at war with ISIS. Anyhow the Spanish surrender has done it a fat lot of good as today ISIS has killed a stack of folks in Barcelona. The reaction of the world's leaders is to show cowardice, double standard but we are all to familiar with this are we not. First up was Donald Trump.
