Lord Howard

2744 days ago

Photo Article Wildlife Diversity encounter No 1 & floral wonders at the Greek Hovel

Arriving back at the Greek Hovel I am always terrified as to what forms of wildlife diversity have camped out there while I have been away. I turn up whatever crap music I can pick up on a car radio here in the lower levels of the mountains, open the car windows and try to warn all of God's creations that I am back and they should flee. Of course they know that I am not a hard Greek or Albanian who will kill them all but a total wuss so nothing flees.


3154 days ago

I am now warming to Lord Michael Howard of Quindell too

First it was Donald Trump who I started warming too. Now it is Lord Howard, the ex Tory leader now a NED at Watchstone, the company once known as Quindell or Quenron. It is true I really am starting to rather like the man.

With Trump it was very much your enemy's enemy is your friend. If the Guardian, C4 News and BBC loathe someone he really can't be all that bad can he?

With Lord Howard, we may have crossed swords over Quenron, but he is just so amiable. Feeling bored the other day


3170 days ago

Lord Howard so what do you value Watchstone's 5% stake in the Quob Park Ponzi at?

And there was I thinking that the good Lord Howard and his colleagues on the board at Watchstone (WTG) formerly Quindell (QPP) wanted nothing to do with fraudster Rob Terry. How wrong was I?


3177 days ago

Quindell Financial Services back from the Dead..Praise be to the Lord (Howard)

Quindell Financial Services is alive again! Yes the vehicle ex CEO Rob Fielding used to trouser a £2 million hidden bung is back from the dead. After having been struck off by Companies House on 17 November 2015 it has been restored back on the register of companies on 3 February 2016. Would this have occurred without Shareprophets persistent questioning of Lord Michael Howard on 21 November 2015 (HERE). Perhaps not as you shall see. 


3401 days ago

Lord Michael Howard – will you force Quindell to come clean on its biggest fraud, the 2011 accounts, I ask again

In an infamous Jeremy Paxman grilling (see below) Lord Michael Howard had to be asked twelve times to answer a very simple question. Yesterday I asked the former Tory leader a very simple question. A grubby ex politician seeking well paid post career sinecures might not answer but I hoped for better from the good Lord. So far I have not had a response. And so I have penned a second letter as you can see below.
