Marco Rubio

2315 days ago

Millennial bedwetters froth about #StormyDaniels Day but so what if Donald Trump screwed some porno actresses?

Porn star Stormy Daniels was doing what she does best last night, that is to say baring all and making up a little bit more for the cameras. Back in 2006 she appears to have had sex with Donald Trump. She took cash from The Trumpster to keep her mouth shut, after - no doubt - being lavished with gifts by the same man for doing the opposite. But she has now decided that she must earn more cash by speaking out. Her story seems embellished. Did Trump really say that Stormy (classic white trash) reminded him of his daughter Ivanka ( quite classy) as he screwed her? I doubt it but that sort of "added extra" will rake in the extra dollars for Stormy.


2823 days ago

The North Carolina poll that tells you Trump is winning massively - this is HUGE for The Donald

North Carolina was an uber marginal win for the Republicans in 2012 and for the Dems in 2008. It is a must win state for Trump and last night the Clinton propagandists at BBC Newsnight were still calling it for Clinton. This is despite a new poll out which showed Trump smashing it out of the park. This is massive at a State but also a National level.


2938 days ago

Lying Leadsom walks, the Establishment loves May and the nation gets crosser

Andrea Leadsom was not my favoured candidate to be PM for a variety of reasons. In short she was a liar and socially illiberal and so I wanted her to lose even though Theresa May is, herself, a ghastly piece of work. I guess she now walks into Downing Street. Leadsom has, this morning, after apologising for making vile remarks that 48 hours ago she was smearing jounalists by claiming she had not made, pulled out of the race, May is crowned not elected.


3062 days ago

Inbred welfare junkies from the Hebrides dont like Trump - More BBC Newsnight Donald bashing

Donald Trump's mother comes from the Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides and so the BBC thought it would be a hoot to go Trump bashing by asking the folks up in the far Northern reaches of the welfare safari to say what they thought of The Donald. Well what a surprise ...they don't like him.
