
793 days ago

Photo Article - Joshua on World Book day

Natch, some folks, like Darren Atwater, leap to the conclusion that Joshua headed to school dressed as Harry Potter. Au contraire. He is, of course, a Welsh wizard who even as a boy performed miraculous feats. That is to say Myrddin ap Emrys or, as thee infidels over the river In England might say, Merlin. And, yes, that is a home made wand made by yours truly.


1470 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: This Avacta valuation is bonkers & when to sell gold

I start with me reporting myself to the FCA as supporters of fraud and or corporate lying act like clowns once again. I discuss quite how scandalous it is that Legoland owner Merlin should get a cent of taxpayer cash. Then it is onto Avacta (AVCT) and gold stocks. Should we be banking gains? On the former I suggest yes on the latter I think not but offer a few notes of caution. Today is a day when I really start recording videos and podcasts for the ShareProphets Shares conference. I have just done a stormer with James Delingpole. It is now just two weeks away so book your seat now HERE.
