Midsomer Murders

2139 days ago

Malcolm Stacey heads to Russia in search of the Magic Money Tree Part 1

Mrs Stacey says that I have been spending too much time in the Punter’s Return reading dull articles about shares and that we need a break. She says that I need inspiration for my next novel and so has suggested that we head off on one of those holidays advertised during Midsomer Murders for a more mature and sophisticated audience.


2578 days ago

London's useless Mayor Khan gets his economic knickers in a twist virtue signalling about gay bars

Ooooh you are awful said Dick Emery. In the case of London Mayor Khan that is awfully politically correct. And awfully useless. Fresh from supporting the Al Quds day, aka lets blame the Jews for Grenfell Tower, march, hapless Sadiq Khan has a new battle: saving LGBT bars and clubs and he has promised "urgent action." Politicians always promise urgent action never just action but what exactly is little Khan's understanding of why gay bars are shutting?


2683 days ago

Did Joshua just say his first word? Can you guess what it was or was not?

Those of us who are hip trendsetters and thus watch Midsomer Murders (think Graham Norton, Mr & Mrs Adam Reynolds and myself) will remember the battle that the second Inspector Barnaby has with his Mrs as to what will be the first word that their baby says. "Mummy" she repeats often as she states at her daughter."Daddy" says the Inspector again and again. Natch, her first word is Dog, for we all know that - until his retirement - the star of the show was Sykes.


2761 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - can Paul Scott end my confusion and will Rob Terry be arrested in 2017?

I am watching high quality TV like Midsomer Murders as the Mrs is away. I am bombarded with adverts for online fashion and holiday booking and am terribly confused - I need health guru Paul Scott to help explain what is going on as something is just not right. Then I look at when the criminal gangs at Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO) and Worthington (WRN) will face justice. At least one might be in 2017. And I ask why Cloudtag (CTAG) morons want to send cash to a convicted criminal who appears to be living in a £3 million house despite BOTH he and his wife going through bankruptcty. It's all very odd.


2936 days ago

The hospice party, Corbyn vs Eagle pitches me against Sister N and then Midsomer Murders - I "out-Sherlock" my father

It was a reasonably old episode of Midsomer Murders on the rerun Channel 10 last night. Dad and I missed the first three minutes despite me driving back to Shipston at what he terms breakneck speed, that is to say 50 miles per hour. We'd been at an impromptu party at the hospice.

My youngest sister N had pitched up from Oxford. and So Dad and I stayed on far later than planned as my step mother said we should have a party. I had actually brought in a few bottles for my step siblings to cheer them up. And so we all talked a bit of family holidays in days gone by. Was Pelion 1989 or 1991? Heaven only knows but we played along with the game my step mother suggested of matching years and places.

On best behaviour and not drinking


2937 days ago

Things keeping my father and I amused today

You always have to look on the bright side of life. My step siblings are camped out at the hospice with my step mum. My father and I visited earlier and will be back in a while. Does one feel guilty laughing at such times? It is the only thing we can do. And so what brings us happiness?


3115 days ago

Midsomer Murders New Series - Political Correctness gone mad?

My father and I are both great fans of Midsomer Murders. Okay the plots are ludicrous but both Inspector Barnaby's have been interesting characters and the new Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon) has a terribly funny dog. Ok I know it is fairly sad to admit this and so perhaps I should out Adam Reynolds as being another closet Midsomer fan just for the sake of solidarity.

My Mrs and my step mother regard Midsomer as terrible. I am not sure what Mrs Reynolds thinks but the Mrs/Step mum point out that the plots are ludicrous and all too predictable and frankly not very interesting. I suppose they do have a point but there is a comfort in the familiarity of it all.

The Mrs/step mum have also criticised Midsomer


3416 days ago

Off to a party with friends of the Mrs…heaven help me

A younger wife means that I have to attend parties, something a man of my age should be dodging. Cocoa, slippers and a quiet night watching Midsomer Murders with Oakley, that is what I want on a Saturday evening, not a trip up to London for a party.

At least it will be recognised that I am an older man so I will be offered a seat in the corner where I can fall asleep as the young folk stand, chat and do whatever young folk do. Texting? Drugs? I just don’t know.

The hosts are among the least mad of the friends of the Mrs.


4317 days ago

Downton and Midsomer Reflection

I admitted here a week ago my shameful secret: I have watched every episode of Midsomer Murders. Looking back on Tuesday’s episode (a far better call than trekking out to Upton Park to see West Ham get thrashed) the new Barnaby/Jones combo grows on me. But…

The storyline was as implausible as ever. That does not matter, for comedy value, bloody murders and intrigue Midsomer is a winner. My only complaint about this episode was that the murderer was so completely obvious.

There were about eight characters to start with. By three quarters of the way through the show three were dead.


4322 days ago

West Ham vs Wigan or Midsomer Murders

It is the Capital One Cup tonight. Wake up, really it is meant to matter. West Ham is at home to Wigan. Call me a fake hammer but I cannot get excited and am staying at home to watch a Midsomer Murders special instead.

Wigan is a poor team. Come May they will be in the bottom six and so they will rest players and focus on the League. West Ham are not a great team but a good enough one not to be in the bottom six come May but no chances will be taken and players will again be rested. Perhaps that means a start for Yossi instead of Vaz Te or for Tomkins ahead of Collins and Linda (McCartney) ahead of Matt Taylor. In all three cases I hope so and I hope all three have blinders and thus keep a first team place on Saturday.

I have always been a Yossi fan
