Queen Anne

1355 days ago

Anne Boleyn was straight and white whatever the TV says

When it comes to historical dramas, the liberal luvvies are determined to out as LGBT as many folks as possible even if those folks are manifestly straight. Ask any school kid today what they know about Queen Anne and the few who have the foggiest will tell you, following the movie, The Favourite, that she was a rampant lesbian. Maybe the odd kid will say that Queen Anne was a racist because she was involved in slavery.


1629 days ago

The False Lesbianisation of our history is just getting boring: from Queen Anne to Mary Anning

My friend and journalistic hero Kelvin Mackenzie once said something along the lines of “you sell newspapers by putting lesbians on the front page.” I asked him today if this was a true quote and he said that he could not remember but it is the sort of thing he would have said on his glory days on the Currant Bun. But perhaps you can have too much of a good thing, especially when the lesbians you are outing are a) dead and b) not lesbians.


1711 days ago

One reason the statues are falling is that we don’t teach our kids our Island history any more

Yesterday my Mrs attended an online union meeting at her University. Natch the statues were on the agenda. She, a person of colour, suggested that they should not all be pulled down but the middle class, white, Guardian reading, classes know what black folks really want to fight racism. Thus the Mrs was in a small minority and the Union at her left wing Madrassa now has a clear policy. Why, I wonder, are folks so angry about so many figures from the past?

There are many reasons but one is, I am afraid, ignorance. I went into some detail HERE yesterday, explaining why Thomas Guy was not really tainted by slavery at all. However, facts do not matter and his statue, at the Hospital founded with nearly all of his cash, is for the melting pot.


1712 days ago

The statue purge continues with those ignorant of history calling the shots – Thomas Guy

Goody Proctor saw Baden Powell watching Gone with the Wind. Quick let’s tear down his statue too.  The hysteria mounts and among the keenest to eradicate history is Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of Stab City the lawless moral cesspit that is the capital of Airstrip One. In his sights right now is Thomas Guy who bequeathed his fortune to found Guy’s Hospital in London. The name stays, for now, but the statue is on its way out. Naturally the charges against him show a profound ignorance of history but when do the mob and half wits like Khan care about the facts?
