
251 days ago

The BBC worship of the late Steve Wright is nauseating given how it sacked him

Like many of you I grew up and grew older listening to Steve Wright on the radio. His death at just 69 yesterday was something I regret and he will be missed. The Mrs. and I still listened to his Sunday morning love songs show. Whether it was right to lead the News last night was Wright’s passing is a matter for debate. My instinct is that the troubles of the Labour Party in Rochdale, events in Gaza and the imminent fall of “fortress” Avdiivka in Ukraine where a couple of thousand Ukrainian troops were cut off yesterday were bigger stories.


2415 days ago

How do you get the BBC to report on the Telford sex scandal? Tell them President Putin is involved?

Over the weekend news broke of the UK's biggest ever sexual abuse scandal. This makes events in Rochdale seem like small bear, horrific though they were. Thanks to the Mirror and the Mail we now know that over 40 years more than 1000, nearly all white, working class girls and young women were raped and abused and in a handful of cases murdered by Asian gangs in Telford.

I use the phrase Asian and wince.It is the phrase we are told we must use. My wife is Asian and so my son is half Asian


2459 days ago

The Presidents Club vs the Rotherham scandal - outrage compared

I used to hate black tie City dinners and would do my utmost to escape them in my days as a crony capitalist. They were utterly boring with some prat like William Hague being paid £20,000 to tell the same tired old jokes as he did the year before, and with a lot of smug men congratulating each other after another high paid year of shuffling paper and creating no value for anyone but themselves. There were some women guests but they were usually just as boring and smug as the men. It is a joy not to have to make excuses about not attending such evenings these days as I enjoy my hermit like existence in Greece and Bristol.


2665 days ago

Is this the most shameful Guardian article & headline in history - virtue signalling as thousands of young girls are raped

 It will be no secret that I shall delight when the falling circulation of the tax dodging Guardian newspaper makes it uneconomic and it closes. Until then it continues to pump out the most odious fake news and spiteful virtue signalling junk on a daily basis. But is the article and headline below a contender for its most appalling effort in history? I think we all now accept that Muslim gangs in places such as Rochdale, Bradford and Oxford have been responsible for the rape and abuse of thousands of young girls. that is a fact. One reason they got away with it for so long was virtue signalling by rich liberals such as the Guardian's Libby Brooks who would, of course, never be affected by what actually goes on in deprived working class communities. Oh no...Guardian writers don't actually mix with the workers but they are very righteous are they not?  Read on and feel angry and disgusted...   
